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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I've asked my self that question many times.....
  2. Now THAT's mooknificent. Make sure it's a cheesy, thin white T-shirt and by all means, have the shirt ON, use permanent black marker, look down and write "Mook". It will be upside down, backwards, and duplicated on your chest. If that doesn't self christen you as a mook, you don't wanna be one! Well, now that LBH mentioned that, Here's a story Speakin of the shirt, when we was in about 5th or 6th grade everybody would wear our class shirt to school and let everybody sign it. I learned not to let people use a sharpie after over half of my class's names were tatooed all over my body. People still make fun of me for that :'( But with that said, i've always took a "tactical" and scientific approach to fishing. Sorry guys
  3. Got me..... > Until I opened the link, all I could think was. "dummy kid, releases a state record." Funny, first thing I thought was FishChris saying: Good job, kid, C and R'n that monster. Good to see young fellers preserving our sport....(BLA BLA BLA)
  4. I like Cabelas for online ordering. But there is an Academy in Little Rock that I would occasinally stop by when my mom went down there for chemo treatments. You talkin about sale bins.....
  5. Zoom Ol' Monster, T-rigged. Pulled very slow over humps in about 20' of water.
  6. I guess there will never be a clear answer on this one. It just seems like i've always done better on the senko. But a real senko or a knock-off, they all catch a ton of fish. I think we all can agree on that. Right?
  7. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.
  8. Thanks for the replys. I tried a 3in shad out on a drop shot rig yesterday. Caught 3 on the shad, then caught 4 more on artificial lures. There wasn't a real difference in size between the fish caught on live and artificial, but from what I've heard, I need to stick with it to land the big ones. I'll keep you updated. Danke
  9. Some people will argue that any other stickbait will work just as well as a senko, and it might just do that for them. But in my experience, like many others, a senko will just flat out outfish tiki stiks, dingers, etc. I notice that the senko is softer than others. Is that what makes it better? Why doesn't other companies try to replicate it more precisely? Is the formula a secret, or does GYCB have a patent? Danke
  10. I saw it on a fishing show (can't remember which one) What they showed, made me want to go rob a bank and buy about 50 of them. Very SWEET piece of equipment. I better stop dreaming now, drool is getting on my keyboard.
  11. I've really wanted to try out some live bait (shiners, shad) at a local lake. But the only way i've ever fished it is in moving water. Do you rig them different for non-moving water? Also, has anyone fished the Packaged "dead bait" that you can find in stores like Walmart?
  12. Avid, the last time that happened I was five. I think
  13. Sorry, but I am going to have to disagree there ;D ;D I'm going to go with KU on this one.
  14. Actually the 7.62x39 round (AK's and SKS's) is in the hands of many hunters today. It's sometimes called the "poor man's deer rifle". My Uncle gave me an SKS that was used in Vietnam. It is a VERY reliable, fairly accurate rifle, and the 7.62 round is heavy enough to drop anything within 100 yrds. I do however, get sick at my stomach sometimes when I think that that rifle might have killed some of our own servicemen though.
  15. Call me and tell me where you are fishing if that happens.
  16. Are there certain lures that you prefer when using this technique? Like a manns -1 or something similar?
  17. Thanks, i pretty much did what you said, continuing to turn it for about 4 hrs. I'm pleased with the results so far, it being my first one. Probably post pics in the next few days. Tight Wraps ( I've always wanted to say that )
  18. I've done it by missing a fish on a buzzbait, then tossing in a worm or a jig in the area. Do you think it increases you chances of catching the same fish if you switch lures?
  19. I'm building my first rod, as some of you already know. I've done everything exept apply the rod finish over the wraps. Instructions say to rotate the blank 90 degrees every 15 minutes after you apply. but it doesn't say how long it will take for the finish to dry. Can a newb get a little help? thanks
  20. well, I live in Arkansas, home of the biggest fish in the world (I wish). I'll show you the pics..... wait...my dog just ate them. Sorry. Anyway, the only triline I hardly ever use is the Big game and the XL. Both good lines in my opinion.
  21. Don't worry, the cat will leave a little surprise for you in the morning.
  22. Most of them, if not all of them, are free. There's one called Bass Edge that I really like. Look around, they got thousands of them.
  23. Well, i'm no racing expert. But Kyle Bush said after he won the race. "These cars are terrible, they suck"
  24. Well, I really don't have anything else to do on spring break. (Noting that I have to get braces on monday :'( I guess it's a small price to pay) Anyway, ordered a kit from Cabelas yesterday Just one of their cheaper, plain, graphite kits. Specs: SP 601B 6' 1 Moderate to Fast L 2-8 1/16 - 3/8 .328 5.5 We'll see how it turns out. I'll probably be posting a "Tell me what I did wrong" thread next week
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