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Everything posted by Hookemdown.

  1. I'll decide for you guys... just need a few samples...
  2. Problem solved. That'll teach em.
  3. Pooooooor kid ;D ;D ;D ;D
  4. = = = = ==================== ==================== = = = = yep.
  5. Thanks everyone. As of to day, he's doing about the same as yesterday. Keep him in your prayers. Hookemdown
  6. A friend of mine, Gary Henry, was involved in a horrible accident a few days ago. He and two of my other friends were messing around a river in northern Arkansas. He fell in to the water somehow and was taken under by the current. Miraculously, one of his buddies was able to dive in and pull him out. They called for an ambulance and started CPR. Right now he's in critical condition in Little Rock. He's doing very poorly right now. All Prayers are greatly appreciated. Hookemdown
  7. Ouch... I guess it really is bad down there. Best of luck.
  8. What is going on down there? It seems like every time the news is on, they're talking about the drought in florida, all the wildfires, etc. I even saw that Lake Okeechobee's water level was down 7 feet on the news a few days ago. Any feedback from our guys down south?
  9. Very close fight. I too thought that Oscar had it at the end....*sigh*
  10. Wow. I like taking a scientific approach to my fishing, but I've never gotten into it this deep. Kudos to all of you guys that are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me.
  11. I third that. Even with all of the complications, a loss of life is a loss of life. Also, since no one's posted in a while.....SOX IN 07. I can almost taste it.
  12. Just getting away from everything.
  13. Yep. Confidence is definatly the key. You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. -MJ said that. We all know how that turned out.
  14. This man should be president. ROCK ON!
  15. De La Hoya....duh.
  16. Well here's what MAKES ME MAD! > Yes, it does bother me that he kept several trophy fish, but it's the way some people actually "kill" them. If your going to harvest the fish, take him out of the water..then Bop, hit him on the head with a rock or something, don't just let him flop around in a bag and "drown" to death. Our serial killers get better deaths than that.
  17. Well, some people do it, some people don't. Personally, I really didn't think that much about fishing for bedded bass. But one day I pulled in a solid 3 lber. Unhooked her, set her back in the water...everything going fine. Then I looked down and noticed she had dropped eggs in the boat. I just don't like the idea of it now. Less eggs = less bass. JMHO
  18. Thanks for the reply 4bizz, I'm getting ready to go back and check this place out....once the rain moves out. Next dry day looks to be next monday.
  19. Agreed. But about the topic, I'll come out and say that I'm not Gordon's biggest fan. BUT THERE IS NO REASON TO ACT IN SUCH A MANNER. Make em' clean it up, like Glenn said, with a toothbrush!
  20. I know how to catch pond bass muddy, but i'm just wondering about if this was just a freak thing and theres only a few more 4 inchers in there or if there might be some actual good fish in there. This thing has potential. I guess time will tell.
  21. Wow, I've just been threading the line through one of the holes an then winding up. Is this a problem?
  22. There's a decent sized pond near my house, about 15 acres, which is FULL of rice slicks. Since these things are so easy to catch, I took my 5 year old niece out there one day so she could fish a little. After catching about 20 or so slicks, she pulls in a 6 in. bass on her little Barbie rod. I've never seen a bass in this pond before, but I know if there's one, there's bound to be another. So, with the abundant food supply, do you guys think that the pond, which has absolutely no cover, can support a decent bass population? Danke
  23. Like any other bait, such as a jig, the extra weight near the eye of the hook makes it easier for the fish to throw. But I don't know why it would worse on a SR than on a jig. I've never tried the magnums, but I'd give the regulars a solid...-3. I just don't like the things
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