The more time you spend in the woods, forests, the wilds you will be able to answer this question. The last time I seen something me and my son were coming off my mountain road below my camp. The road straightens out for quite a distance. There’s a stonewall on the right side of the road it’s the farmers field. We’re up on the ridge above the field. On top of the stone wall is a pair of red eyes at about 140 yards away. It was night time and we only seen the eyes and by the time we got closer it was gone. This road isn’t perfectly straight it zig zags. There’s two straights with the zig zag inbetween. We seen the eyes from the upper straight away. By the time we used the zig zag on to the lower straight away it was gone. I’ve had a few encounters, let’s say there’s something that’s unexplained. It’s unknown. Trust me if you ever heard one scream or roar you’d beat feet to the flatlands.
the BFRO (finding Bigfoot researchers) must read the emails I send them. I was one of the first to mention the girberish language they speak. They woke me up, I was in my bunk frozen listening to them talk out side my window, I am a light sleeper, plus I sleep with the window open to let fresh air in when the woodstove is going. By the time I got my old body out of the bunk to look they were gone. My camp has the only running freshwater spring for miles. I have a watering hole.
Next when I make my famous bacon cheeseburgers they come close by and scream at me. Bacon seems to attract them but you need to be in a bf hot spot to attract them.
The BFRO tried cooking bacon but got nothing. Everytime I cook my bacon cheeseburgers for supper they are there.
my camp is almost at the top of the mountain. I have my woodstove going when we went out one day. We walked the old logging access road up and over my mountain and continued on. I could smell my woodstove smoke for quite a distance. This tells me how far my cheeseburger/ bacon smell is going.
my son who hunts is a skeptic. I let him decide on his own. His deer stand is on my land. Now my land borders on the us national forest land. We went out early deer hunting. Right away I heard a tree knock above us on the ridge. A few seconds later another tree knock came from farther in the forest. When we exited the stands I said did you hear the knock above us? The kid says did you hear the knock in the forest?
early one morning we went up the ridge above my camp and sat on a blow down tree. The clouds were so low they covered the mountain with a mist and the trees had little icicles on the branches that looked like steel on a magnet. I sat and looked to the north. I rattled a few times then had something running straight at me from the north. I could hear it clearly. All of a sudden it stopped dead. I could feel it looking at me but couldn’t see it because of the mist from the low clouds. I never heard it walk away.
Now the Town of Hancock borders my town near my camp. There was a gathering in Hancock. There was campers hiking. Something screaming at them ran them out of the forest. It’s documented on the BFRO site in the state of vt section. The towns border is a stones throw from my camp.
we were riding dirtbikes on the access road. My son was in the lead going fast. As he turned a bend he caught a glimpse of something big, red colored running in the forest from the road.
i contacted BFRO and gave them direction and they sent a rep up there to check it out. He found two bf beds above my camp up on the mountain. Then that bad hurricane hit vt and the investigation ended.