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Everything posted by bigbill

  1. The best tool to use from shore is a hummingbird cast out fish finder. I use it to learn the bottom layout of what's in front of you. Knowing the depth is one clue to know how to fish it. The other good tool is between your shoulders. Funny when I was fishing in the evenings at a crowded place they see me catching bass after bass but there's more to the approach than a CRANKBAIT sprayed with a scent.. if the man who talked to me would slow up his spinnerbait and let if fall below the sight line he'd be catching fish too. It's which bait. Size, color, depth, presentation.
  2. What skills we learn at one body of water applies to every other new place we fish at. We must never get caught up with one bait. Put that one bait we mastered in the Arsenal then continue to learn new baits and different presentations. Actually presentations is the key to success. Don't get hung up one one color. A certain color may catch a few fish another color may load the boat. i don't have all the answers but get into the zone when fishing. Don't think of things at home or work, don't talk, it's you and the fish. It's skill that catches fish not luck. Luck is for the casino.
  3. I'm not better, I'm a decent fisherman. It's all about staying focused and motivated.
  4. Fishing from a boat you maybe better than me but I mainly fish from shore. I can gun and run to different areas or different places to fish in a few minutes no boat to move. Shore fishing is a lot tougher than using a boat. I'll never make a pro status fishing from shore. I leave my ego at home and just fish against myself. I challenge myself to do better on every outing. Four months to the start date. Three months to grease the reels and add new line. im the only fishing nut out there at 4am. Watching the sun come up everyday is priceless.
  5. My old '55 jeep n plow is screaming put me in coach. But there's no snow. i read somewhere that el'neno could switch to el'nena. That spells lots of cold n snow? They said it could switch soon. better buy bottled water, can goods. Gas for the genny. years ago they had hatches on the roofs for a reason.
  6. I'd fish it with a combination of natural color and brighter color baits. It's borderline stained to me. Slightly stained?
  7. Color on the first day? What was the water conditions on the first day? Second day water conditions muddy, right? muddy conditions brighter colors. I use the double rattles on my jigs. Ring that dinner bell. i purchased the rattles frm Seiberts Outdoors.
  8. Bomber shallow A I like besides bomber square bills.
  9. Tell him to Ship it USPS it's cheaper. Been there before. Or file a complaint to ebay been there before too. Future thought.
  10. Depression? Rock bottom? Then the only way is up, see your doctor, get help. Get a dog or cat. you will be ok. my misses battled cancer three times. I battled it once. My point is we all hit bumps in the road of life. We are here for each other.
  11. In '84, in '85, in '86 I worked only three months per year. I never gave up I grew stronger that there was a better long lasting job out there for me. you guys who lost your gals should move on and start looking. There's a better woman out there for you. Go get her.
  12. This is me during that first cup of high test coffee.
  13. How's that song go "if you go fishing I'm leaving ya, I'm sure gonna miss her I got another bite?. better to find out early than in fourty years.
  14. Panther Martin Spin Fly gold or silver blade, dressed yellow fly red teaser/ orange fly red teaser. joes flys 1/4 oz bass size, fire tiger Apache, black gnat, white Miller, mellow yellow a guy here entered a contest for the biggest bass to win a new corvette. He had the boat at the landing with a rod with a snap bean in the water. He won the vette. snap beans
  15. Lose 50lbs, no work I'm retired, fish everyday, maybe twice a day. Fish the lakes near me too besides the little places. Plant corn for the deer. Plant a big garden this year time to can again. Maybe get some egg laying chickens. Fresh eggs is good.
  16. Read up on it we only have a few days till 1/07/2016.
  17. It's all that chemtrails / nano stuff there dropping on us. Haven't you noticed all the cloud cover were having? has anyone done any research into CERN lately? There biggest most powerful experiment/test yet is suppose to happen on 1/07/2016. Godbless everyone.
  18. Search this, at scientificamerica.com they say the axis is shifting due to global warming. Now I don't believe in global warming it's a catch phrase for I don't know what's going on. I believe it's just the earth going through its cycles it's done for millions of years. Some predict a pole shift. It makes me wonder if our weather will change too? Maybe we can get those bigger giant bass that California and Florida have up north or maybe we become the south. More research is needed.
  19. Has anyone noticed the earths axis is changing its position to the sun? To me the sun is setting in a different spot than before? Weird?
  20. Keep us posted. I have a bad feeling about all this warm weather we been having. The blizzard of '78 comes to mind. We could get hammered again. The old '55 jeep could get a workout.
  21. Kill them all, toast them. My dog goes crazy at night sometimes. I look outside but see nothing. I got a trail cam for Christmas. The misses set it up near the bird feeders for three days and nothing showed up on it. Next it's going up in the back where there is a heavily used trail. I'm thinking the 400lb bear may show up on it. No turkeys, no deer yet that's odd. Im stuck in the house yet.
  22. "DDB" Meaning double digit bass
  23. If I was looking again. I'd look for a tomboy. Who's a knockout in camo and boots. Money I'd supply. Looks means nothing she has to have a good heart and strong willed to put up with me. Lol a I life long partner means we put up with each other. Where there for each other in time of need and support. Love means she will always be arm candy no matter how old we get. Go to church or town gatherings she's there my friend.
  24. The last time that happened to me I decided it wasn't going to drag me down. I purchased a new 4x4 truck, two new fishing rods and reels and went fishing. I put 20k miles on the truck just fishing. It's a time ill never forget. Now trust me another woman will come along. They will come and go till the right one comes along. Better to find out early she's not into you the way your into her. Suck it up and move on. After that summer of fishing that November I met another gal she's my wife of 41 years now. Trust me the right one will come along. Forget it and start fresh. Remember the new babes don't want to hear about old relationships. Start fresh, start looking, stay sober, no woman is worth that. Get out there and meet the babes there waiting for you. Look for a gal who likes everything you do. If she can cook, bait a hook, clean fish, fish, hunt, shoot, ride quads, dirtbikes, plus is a knockout in a gown. Looks sexy in camo. But has to have a good heart. she's a keeper. My point is write down the perfect woman for you.
  25. I received a trail cam for Christmas. On certain nights the dog barks for a while. Since I need to take it easy the misses put it out near the bird feeders. After three days nothing but my dog, birds and the misses. We constantly find the bird feeders knocked down and empty. Next we will put it where the cracked corn and tsc deer berry blocks will be.
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