The last time that happened to me I decided it wasn't going to drag me down. I purchased a new 4x4 truck, two new fishing rods and reels and went fishing. I put 20k miles on the truck just fishing. It's a time ill never forget.
Now trust me another woman will come along. They will come and go till the right one comes along. Better to find out early she's not into you the way your into her. Suck it up and move on.
After that summer of fishing that November I met another gal she's my wife of 41 years now. Trust me the right one will come along. Forget it and start fresh. Remember the new babes don't want to hear about old relationships. Start fresh, start looking, stay sober, no woman is worth that. Get out there and meet the babes there waiting for you.
Look for a gal who likes everything you do. If she can cook, bait a hook, clean fish, fish, hunt, shoot, ride quads, dirtbikes, plus is a knockout in a gown. Looks sexy in camo. But has to have a good heart. she's a keeper. My point is write down the perfect woman for you.