My biggest bass so far is 10lbs she was caught in the shallows about 2ft from shore at first light(dusk) the sky was just starting to light up. At first It kind of scared me to see a bass this big, I have only seen fish this big in saltwater. I never expected to ever catch a fish this big. I was constantly on many 3's, 4's and 5lbers in this spot. At first when i seen it i said holly cow i got a hog on. I fish about 5 places constantly and in 2 of them i hold the record between a few guys for the biggest bass caught. One of them old timers who has fished all of his life(a lot more than me) told me to this day it was the biggest bass he has ever seen.(10lber) I mainly fish from shore in small places you would normally drive by even small swamps that hold plenty of bass and most of them are still unfished. And don't pass up those little manmade condo ponds too even a 1/8 acre one can hold bass like 3lbers too. They are really made for drainage but the fishing can be awesome. My 10lber hit a Rebel BIG CLAW Crawfish Crankbait #D74 in Chartruese its hard to find and the biggest one Rebel makes too. I like to use the smaller ones in rivers the bass kill this lure. Its one of the hottest lures I have ever used so far in bass fishing. My other hot lure is the BassProShops topnocker in color #25 it has caught some big bass too and the largest pickerel i have ever seen too. I have seen pickerel do out of the water back flips to hit this lure. BigBill
Its kind of odd too i have only caught small bass up to 6lbers and then a 10lber with nothing inbetween no 7's, no 8's, no 9's at all. I went right to "10"??? But i have lost larger fish in the same spot too, one grabbed my 7 1/4" BPS Stick O Worm but it was the first time i have ever used it and i only had 3/0 hooks and i seen her swim up and take it and i missed her on the hookset. Another one took my topnocker like a torpedo at 100mph then on the hookset she went down in the weeds I fought her for about 15 to 20 minutes, everytime i got 2ft of line she took back 3ft. I finally lost the fight fishing from shore. From what i saw of her she was quite a bit larger than my 10lber was. At another place in November just when you think the pond is asleep I got an itch to go fishing so i grabbed my rod with some large flukes and went out and on my very first cast something took it, i set the hook and the fight was on again but she bent my rod in half like no other fish has done in the past too. But again it wasn't mean't to be I lost her too. My big bass curse was on for quite sometime I just kept on losing them. I believe i finally broke it this year by landing a 6.1lber finally!!! I hope. ??? My motto now is always expect the unexpected!!!! Be ready on the first cast all the time, have your drag set on the loose side mainly because i have lost lures on violent strikes from big smallies no matter were my drag was set so now i leave it just tight enough to get a hookset you can always tighten it during the battle but most of the time i don't i just play her slow now mainly because you never know how big they are till they get close. I had a 4.9lber once give me a tour of the body of water i was fishing and i never seen her till she was at my feet. She just never quit. The strangest most exceiting strike i have ever had was from a 30" pickerel it was on a man made dam a drop off and as i just tuned and got my very first spinnerbait working(with Glenn's help here) I changed blades/trailers till i got it catching fish a big pickerel swam up parallel to the shore and inches from the shore as i was taking it out of the water and just ripped it off my line, as my heart sunk as i just witnessed losing my hot new tuned fish catching spinnerbait. I caught a lot of fish on this spinnerbait. I have caught many big pickerel like 26", 27" and 28" and all i can say is what a fight it makes wonder how the northern pike and muskie are to catch.