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    <p>northern cali</p>

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  1. ok so i went to that slough again today...burned a kreature for about 45 mins and caught three bass....as soon as hit the water near the weedline, the bass hit it hard..just thoughyt id post that
  2. yesterday i was fishing a slough..about 50 yards wide...i was fishing from shore and i saw one across the way slurp something up...so i cast what i had on my line (a 4" glittery/hologram colored senko) right past where she slurped...burned acrossthe top while twitching and WHAM hit it hard...too bad i lost her halfway...but later on i caught two by burning them right next to some weedbeds..i just never thought burning a senko across the top would produce..but it did for me that day...i was fishing for like 2 hours. my post was probably useless...but whatever haha
  3. i appreciate those of you that posted info and actually read my thread! i will take all options into consideration. im going to return my books from this semester so i should have some money to play around with. I have a pflueger for my panfish/trout setup and i love that reel. Im going to consider the shimano symetre, sedona, and the pflueger president (6740? i think is the model #?) as for rods should i go with a 6'6? or like what someone said..should i just go to a store and feel them and see which one i like? thanks again for all your responses!
  4. hey guys. i wanted to ask you what you would suggest for a spinning reel and rod? ive searched and noticed the shimano symetre came up a lot, but im a broke college student and im looking for something a little less pricey, but im keeping that option open in case i splurge a little more. as far as rods...a 6' or 6'6"? or what would you suggest? also for line, flouro or mono? 6# or 8#? any brands you suggest? keep in mind i usually throw soft plastics thanks in advance everyone, this site is very helpful!
  5. ^^ wow thanks a lot....when i clicked it i didnt know it was gonna be a step by step! awesome. thanks!
  6. thanks for the fast replies! but ya i think i need to go out and find some new places to fish this summer...rather than same stretch of water.
  7. hey all. I'm pretty new here. My question is this: what lures are good for throwing in/near weedbeds? im a shore fisherman and i have been fishing this slough a lot lately. there are weeds scattered about 5-10 feet from the shore. I had a lot of success 2 weeks ago tossing a 4" black/green flake senko alonmg the shoreline and now i cant even buy a bite. i mean i saw bass jumping out past the weedbeds today and later i saw minnows jumping...so i am assuming that is what they're eating. the senko is t-rigged weightless btw. so heres the list of questions: 1. do you guys still get weeds on your t-rigged weightless senkos? if so, i know you can feel the weight of the weeds, so do you conitinue your normal retrieve? or reel in and pull the weeds off and cast again? 2. what lures are shad/minnow/baitfish and are weedless? I'm sorry if i dont make any sense but im getting pretty frustrated when i go out and have a great day fishing then i go again 3-4 times without a single bite. any help is appreciated!
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