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Everything posted by DewittBassmaster

  1. haha yeah. but i have a tournament there...
  2. Does anybody have any background information on Lake Cadillac and Mitchell in Michigan? Has anybody fished there please explain what you have found to work best for large mouth and small mouth bass.
  3. i can start 3
  4. which of these rb's should i start steven jackson ryan grant thomas jones sammy morris warrick dunn jamal lewis jonathon stewart
  5. haha I live in Lansing and can't even watch the lions when they are playing in Detroit because they get blacked out every week.
  6. In my league I get to start 3 running backs. I have 5 good running backs and I don't know which to start. What three would you start between Darren McFadden (Oak), Ryan Grant (GB), Jamal Lewis (CLE), Thomas Jones (NYJ), or Warrick Dunn (TB). I just don't know who to start they all are supposed to do good. Help me out please!
  7. Hey I was just wondering if anybody else out there runs 5k's. What are you personal best times? I ran cross country for my high school as a junior for the first time this year and now I'm addicted to running. I dropped my 5k time from 20:50 to 17:52 in 3 months.
  8. I am looking to buy a baitcasting reel for less than 200 dollars. What do you think would be the best quality reel I could buy for under that price? Thanks.
  9. I have a tournament on a clear water lake in Northern Michigan. I have pre-fished and everything, but I got news today that the lake has turned over and is now extremely muddy. I live 3 hours away from the lake and am planning to get up there the day before the tourney. I have to completely change my plan and was wondering what other anglers would do in this situation.
  10. I bought a Quantam Xenon baitcasting reel in March. While fishing today I realized that it wasn't reeling the way it should. I had to pull the bottom away from the rod in order for it to reel. If I didn't do that the reel would click everytime I took a crank. I don't know what to do about this or even what is wrong with it. Will somebody please help me figure what the problem is. Thanks.
  11. I have a tournament this Sunday on a lake that I've never fished. This is my first bass tournament ever. I've done half of my homework by talking to lot of locals that live and fish on the lake. The tournament is on Portage Lake in Michigan. I need some advice on what to do when I get to the lake. I have a basic strategy planned out, but I was just wondering if anybody could give me some ideas that I may have left out or not known. Thanks.
  12. Being from Michigan, I am so glad to see Bay De Noc on that list. Great small mouth bay. I am already booking a hotel for that whole week!
  13. Does anybody on this site fly fish? I want to start and was wondering how much other bass fisherman do it.
  14. Dang, I'm 16 and I still wish my dad would take me fishing. Never has.
  15. haha I introduced my friend to fishing this spring. Every time i go with him he gets a kick out of watching me talk to my lures as I tie them on . And when I do something wrong I start talking to myself telling me how bad I am. He just laughs.
  16. What is your go to lure when nothing else is working?
  17. Me and my friends have created our own bass club. Theres only 3 teams with 2 anglers on each team. We don't have alot of money but we put a friendly wager and made a tournament schedule. Does anybody else do this with some of their friends?
  18. Tents are good, but nothing gets better than folding the seats down in my blazer with the sun-roof open and windows open.
  19. I babysit a 10 year old kid, he lives on a lake and never really fished that often. I went fishing with him one day and since then thats all he wants to do is fish. I think it is important to get the younger kids involved with something other than video games. He caught his first 2 bass yesterday.
  20. I am new to night fishing. What kind of lures work best during the night? Thanks
  21. Hey, I am 16 years old and just got my license. For my 16th birthday my parents bought me a small 150 dollar inflatable boat. I have a 30 lb thrust trolling motor on it, but I know i can not use that boat in any type of tournament. So this summer i got a job and will be saving up for any type of bass boat with an outboard motor and live well so I can get into some tournaments. I want to save up to 2000 dollars between the beginning of this summer and halfway through next summer. I don't know if that will be enough for a bass boat of any type. Just wondering if anybody knows if there is boats out there in that price range that I could fish tournaments. Thanks
  22. Thanks for all the help. Just got done fishing it an hour ago and caught the first 3 1/2 pounder since April!
  23. Jeep Willys CJ are the best cars ever made
  24. I fish at my decent sized neighborhood pond. During the pre-spawn right after the ice freezes, I caught five 4lb largemouth this year. Once the water warmed up it seems like those bass are nowhere to be found. I keep catching little dinks. It's frustrating because I know there is some pigs in there. Just wondering if anybody has any advice to give me about staying away from the dinks and catchin the pigs. I fish off shore and in a canoe. Thanks.
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