I am wondering if it me or if my motor is just to fast for my boat? I have a 95 Stratos 278 with 96 150 Johnson Faststike on the back of it. The boat max HP is 150. I have a 4 blade Renegade prop on it too. The motor was just rebuilt last April and it was bored out a little when it was rebuilt. When I get to WOT I am not able to trim it all the way out for the fact that it starts "walkin" so bad that I have to back off. Other people have told me that I just have to learn how to drive out of it, but I dont think that it is possible. Its runnin close to 70 right now anyway, turning between 5300-5500 RPM. I really dont care if it goes any faster, cause its fast enough already for the gas bill, lol. I think that the motor just has more power than the boat can handle, but I have seen another 278 with a 200 on the back of it? So is it me or what......