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About TLBassin

  • Birthday 08/25/1986

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  • Location
    Asheboro, NC

TLBassin's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. IM with State Farm (NC) Stratos 278 w/trailer and 150 Faststrike Value=9100 Liability: 1/2 million Deductable: 500 Personal Property: 2000 Deductable: 250 I pay $219 a month I know Im leavin something out, but this is the general basis
  2. I run 87 in mine. I will put a can of Seafoam in 1 or 2 times a season. It helps keep everything clean and prevents build up. The savings on using 87 over 93 will easily pay the $8 for the can of Seafoam.
  3. Rob G. that sounds about right. They were talking about jerk baits and Peter T was using one on a fluke and it made it fall horizontal in the water column instead of nose diving down. The weight is able to move on the hook shaft so that the weight is at the lowest point on the shaft causing it to fall horizontal. It almost looked like a senko falling with the side to side wobble. Could be a more cost effective way to fish soft plastic horizontal with out shelling out the bucks for senkos, watch out senkos!!!! ;D
  4. Maybe these ? http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/readonly-item.jsp?id=114403&... This is probably the closest to what they had. Since it was KVD and Peter T, they were swarmed with people and I never had the chance to ask the name. I herd them say that you could pick up a pack at BPS, so I left and figured I would find them there..... Thanks for help guys, I believe that Ill just take yalls advice and make my own!
  5. I went to a fishing show with Peter T and VanDam doing seminars 3 weeks ago. Both of them, Peter T esp., were talking about this weight that you can clip onto a EWG worm hook (looks like a bell/ball with a little clip that attaches it to your hook) and it is susposed to make you lure fall horizontal in the water like a senko. Went to BPS and asked about them and they had no clue? Anybody else know what I am talking about or the name of these new weights?
  6. The last time that I herd that noise (and I better never hear it again) I got to purchase a new motor........ If you have a compression gauge, check your compression. When mine did that it cracked the block.........Hate to hear the news
  7. The one thing that I HATE most about bass boats is that they are built to run and you have to hold them back to save some gas. Its like holdin a big muscle car back to the speed limit when you know that double the speed on the sign. Runnin 30 around a fairly large lake to save gas and know that you are capable of much more is just SO HARD to do. I just love that rush of runnin WOT down the lake early in the mornin as the sun is commin up and it is like glass out there!!! ;D ;D
  8. Thanks for all the help guys!!! ;D ;D One more question, is there anyway I can find out more about tuning my boat or is it just a trial and error thing that you have to tinker with and learn yourself?
  9. Thanks for the input guys. I have tightened my steering, but there is still a little play in it i think. Also another thing that I was thinking about, does the piece that hangs down behind the prop ( I was told that it was like a steering alignment piece) make a difference as to the tracking of the motor? The mechanic set it up set off the the right side/ drivers side of the boat. And now that I think of it the boat always moves to that side first when it starts the chine walk. Also I think that the motor is at the right height because I was questioned that through 2 different mechanics and both said that it was fine. Thanks again.
  10. I am wondering if it me or if my motor is just to fast for my boat? I have a 95 Stratos 278 with 96 150 Johnson Faststike on the back of it. The boat max HP is 150. I have a 4 blade Renegade prop on it too. The motor was just rebuilt last April and it was bored out a little when it was rebuilt. When I get to WOT I am not able to trim it all the way out for the fact that it starts "walkin" so bad that I have to back off. Other people have told me that I just have to learn how to drive out of it, but I dont think that it is possible. Its runnin close to 70 right now anyway, turning between 5300-5500 RPM. I really dont care if it goes any faster, cause its fast enough already for the gas bill, lol. I think that the motor just has more power than the boat can handle, but I have seen another 278 with a 200 on the back of it? So is it me or what......
  11. When your boat motor blows up on the way back in and theres nobody out there to help you and you have to troll all the way home > > > >
  12. For those of you that have transducers on your boat, are they internal (inside your hull) or are they exturnal (mounted on the out side of the hull). The transducers that I have now are internal and I got a new fish finder the other day and was wondering which way that you all had them and liked the best. The guy as Bass Pro said that he thought that I could call Eagle and I could send them my exturnal transducer and they would send me an internal/through hole transducer. I also herd that the ones mounted externally picked up better and typically did a better job. Whats your opinion? Thanks!
  13. Ive got a 150 Johnson Fast Strike, and I have disconnected the oil injection and mix it myself. Trust me, on the blown motor, 5 extra minutes of mixing is def worth it over paying 5000 dollars fix the problem. Also do not oil it too heavy because you can fowl out your plugs if they get to much oil.
  14. I am from Asheboro, which is just south of Greensboro and I have several buddies that fish the federation, which I think that there is a chapter in Asheboro. Also I have a friend that fishes in the Fishers of Men club as well. Also there are a bunch of small clubs that fish weekly on the Yadkin chain of lakes.
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