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About Deerkiller

  • Birthday 09/26/1985

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  • Location
    <p>camas, wa</p>

Deerkiller's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. I see there are only 2 seats so whats the max amount of people for these boats?
  2. Sad to hear. I always enjoyed his shows. Hope for the best recovery possible.
  3. Had a bass for about a year. changed the water once a month or so, takes 20 minutes. put a new charcoal filter in the aerator at the same time. no need to feed them daily. not that tough. try raising a puppy, haha
  4. looks like a good time. 7.98 is a toad around here, at least for me anyway.
  5. Yea i saw this and chuckled a little. whatever works i guess. kinda funny
  6. Burley, what problems have you had with the powerdrive? what model would you suggest then?
  7. I have a 91 V17 tracker i want to get a foot controlled bow mount trolling motor for. I have been looking at the Powerdrive V2 55lb. I saw on the Minn Kota website that it has "electric steering", how is the speed when it comes to turning on these models? Also do you think 55lb will be enough thrust for this boat? I will be fising the columbia river so i am thinking i may need to go with a 24V but i dont know im new to this?
  8. Every fall at a local lake they open the dam up and let the lake drain to where it is 15-20 feet low. Does anyone know what the reasoning for doing this may be? This is a lake that has a lot of algea and weeds in the Summer months due to the surrounding farms and the amount of fertilizers that run into it. I was thinking that they may be trying to kill of the weeds but to me it seems like most of them die off in the winter anyway. Also how would you approach a lake that is that low? I tried using some faster moving baits and didn't have any luck.
  9. Yea i have only been up to Silver once but i think i will try it again this weekend. Anyone fished Silver Lake latety, what worked for you what didn't?
  10. I live in Camas, and have been fishing Lacamas-Round Lake, Vancouiver Lake, and Horshoe lake in Woodland. I have mostly been using spinnerbaits and soft plastics. I have been catching a few but i still get skunked a lot. My biggest for the year was out of lacamas lake and was 4.6. anyone else on here fishing these lakes for bass or lakes in the area?
  11. Anyone doing any good in southwets WA? I have been fishing petty hard this year with limited success, im just looking for any tips, good baits to try and what not.
  12. fishfordollars, Yea i tried all of that on the water but nothing worked >. The only time i could get any kind of reading was when i got out of the main lake which was very muddy and went up a small creek that was clear. In the clear water it was about 5 feet deep and the depth finder seemed like it was working properly. I know the depthfinder should work in the muddy water but there was clearly some kind of relationship between the depthfinder not working in the muddy water (can't see your hand in the water) and it working in the clear water. I don't know but hopefully someone has had a similar experience and knows what the cause may be. Any help is appreciated.
  13. Hellow everyone, i have been lurking around here for a while now soaking up all of the great info. Thanks for the info. My question is this, I bought a Humminbird 565 depfinder and am having problems with it. When i am in clearer water it seems to work fine but if i get in muddy water it will only work in very shallow water under 2 feet deep. Anything deeper and it just reads .6 feet and shows all black. Do you think this is a Transducer problem or a problem with the unit itself?
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