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About hydrasport175

  • Birthday 06/02/1987

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Fry (1/9)



  1. just got back from a fishing trip on dale hollow the water temp started at 59 degrees and at the end of the day was about 63 64 lake very clear i mostly fished lay down logs and trees from 8 feet to 25 feet of water did not catch anything was wondering the best lure to use in these trees and what other techniqes might have worked for this time of year in Tn thanks
  2. thanks for the great tips your allowed to use whatever you can carry so i am thinking three rods and my tackle bag the golf course has about 4 small ponds and one large ponds and no boats but my co-angler/partner has fished this tourney before and had some luck on a zoom 7 inch worm but the rule in this tournement is they award points by length and no limit so i need numbers i do appreciate all the great info thanks again
  3. preparing for a tournament next week at a golf course pond i am used to a big lake and my boat so i am not sure how to approach thi tourney thanks
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