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  1. 21farms's post in Shimano Scorpion Xt1501 + Avail Microcast Spool was marked as the answer   
    i have yumeya shallow spools on my scorpion 1001XT and my 13metaniumXG. let me tell ya, the shallow spools transform the reels, allowing me to cast light lures and pitch regular lures with new-found ease.

    the reason i chose the yumeya spools over avails is because the yumeyas come with brakes whereas you have to either pull the brakes off of your old spool and put them on the new spool or buy the brake assembly separately. besides, yumeya is in-house with shimano so i know they're not reverse-engineered to fit.
    now, all that being said, you shouldn't need a finesse spool to cast weightless plastics like 5" dingers or 4" super flukes...those should cast fine with the scorpion 1500/1501 stock. as others have mentioned, you're probably much better off putting your money toward a longer, medium to medium-heavy powered rod with a fast action.
  2. 21farms's post in After Market Bearings was marked as the answer   
    welcome, john. yes, there are many aftermarket parts available and lots of options in terms of bearing upgrades. you can replace your stock bearings with ceramic hybrid bearings which utilize lighter ceramic balls instead of stainless steel and don't need to be lubed although they will be noisier. you also have your choice between metal shielded and rubber shielded...with the rubber seals (usually orange-colored), it's easy to remove the shield and run them open...this makes it easier to clean and freer operation. the metal-shielded ones are probably a little quieter and resist getting grime in them so there are advantages to both.
    you will need one 3x10x4 bearing for the sideplate and one 5x11x4 for the spool shaft. you *may* need a special tool to remove/reinstall the retaining pin for the bearing on the spool shaft (i say "may" but i really mean 'will'...i've seen videos of people doing this with a pair of pliers and it makes me cringe thinking of the potential damage they're doing to the spool shaft). i use a pair of boca spool pin pliers but they cost $40 but it is worth it to me because i have so many reels...if you're only going to do one or two, it's probably much more cost-effective to send it in and have a professional do it.
    good luck.
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