Well it sounds to me like you are fishing the same kind of areas I fish. Shenandoah River can get very muddy, then you move on to a very clear lake... Two seperate types of fishing.
Muddy water = large and loud
Clear water you need something subtle yet something that will catch their eye.
This time of year for muddy water I will throw a chartruese jerkbait (smithwick, or SK bleeding bait), chatterbait (3/8 oz or lighter in white to be able to "slow roll best"), SK red eye shad, Spinnerbait (slow rolled), Jig (PB&J 3/8oz or larger, with a good trailer) Depending on the amount of grass you have also try a baby 1-.
Just remember water temps under 58-62 big fish are not yet on the flats, bucks may be but the bigs ones are just shy from being there. Fish everything SLOW, You may only get 5 bites a day and that would be considered a good day.
Clear water, I will throw a senko (smoke/red flake only when watermelon red doesnt work), jerkbait, jig, deep diving suspending jerkbait, Do yourself a favor go grab a luckycraft pointer 78 or Spro little john.... Those will be good producers for you.
Any other questions like if you can be more specific as to where you are fishing, the way the points are and so on PM me and I will do my very best to help you get on some fish.