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About tennwalkinghorse

  • Birthday 08/01/1953

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    New Jersey

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  1. Thanks for the info I will have to check it out Mike
  2. Kistler Rods are not received to well on this forum. I have two Kistler rods and love them. I would have to say in my opinion they are the most sensitive of all the rods I own. I think that most of the people take offense to Trey the owner of Kistler and his believes. I for one see nothing wrong with him or his rods. Great customer service I have called and spoke to Trey himself try that with other brand name company . JMHO
  3. All gave some,some gave all!!!! Please remember those who gave the last full measure for our freedom we enjoy today,Thank a Vet
  4. Reel Scrubber great stuff ;)
  5. Palomar and the fishing fool knot. Google it
  6. I have had the best luck using the oil and grease that Dave (Reel Mechanic ) sells. Holds up really well,I have used reel butter bearing oil all so, but going apples to apples I get more distance from Dave's oil and don,t have to lube as much. As for grease in my opinion reel butter grease breaks down. Hot Sauce just makes to much of a mess ,but the oil is very good I believe it was made to us in the PT bearings,very thin need to re lube more often. Just my two cents.
  7. THANKS guys for all your help. Went with a 9.' 9wt. two piece will practice,and practice some more before fishing with this rig. Thanks again you guys were a great help. :)
  8. I was thinking of getting started with fly fishing for bass. I am new to this so I have some questions. Were I fish the fish are about up to say 5lb. would be big most about 2-31/2 lbs. ,would a 9' 7wt. using a 8wt. fly line work well for this or should I go to a 8 or 9wt. 9' rod? I have read that you should not use tapered leader with big bass bugs? Would it be better to just use a regular fluor line as a leader and if so what pound test for # 8wt. fly line? Any help to a new bee starting out would be appreciated. I am looking at a combo rod and reel set up to start looking to spend in the $150.00 to $175.00 area any recommendations. L.L Bean,Bass Pro, Cabela's, Orvis,so on . Thanks
  9. Thanks that makes sense to why the nail knot would not hold,but it sure a nice knot.
  10. I'm not a fly fisherman so I don't really know about fly line. I saw the nail knot was used to add tippet and leader to fly line. So I was thinking of using it to add leader to braided line . I bought a nail knot tool to try it out. I used braid, flouro and mono all had the same result,when pulling on the line the lines would separate . So I will go back to the uni to uni knot. So here is my question is fly line softer so the leader can bite in to it or am I missing some thing?
  11. If you want to use Bearing Buddy's great ,but at least once a year you should pull the hubs to clean and inspect then re-lube the bearings. Going in and out of water when the bearings are heated up is hard on the steel. Think about it, a long trip then dunking them in to cold water its a peace of mind thing for me.JMHO
  12. 3X I have used a nail knot, but I have had them slip so I want back to the uni - to- uni knot
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