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"Lunker Hunter"

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Everything posted by "Lunker Hunter"

  1. 1) I want to put a 10lb plus trophy on the wall. By pics and measurements of course would not kill the lunker if at all possible. 2) Fishing with a friend either someone who knows how to fish or someone I can teach. 3) Nature all around me 4) I like being on or near water And the best reason 5) To get away from the wife..... lol
  2. Really cool to see what the screen is telling you, now if I could only afford one for my jon boat, wait if I could afford one I guess I would'nt have a jon boat.
  3. Looks like you are bank fishing, when I do this I bring a small retractable tape measure and put it in my pocket til needed. Looks about 18 to 19 inches.
  4. Just be extra careful at night, I would try a black buzz bait.
  5. Ok I have had two fishing injuries. First one involved me and my son taking out the jon boat, we launched in our cove and as usual I jump in a push off with the oar. Well this time as I am turning to sit down we hit the stump that sticks out of the lake and over I go hitting my back on the stump. This story of course is told to whoever will listen. The second was bank fishing and hung up on a log in the water of course a pulled and pulled turned and pulled some more then the crank bait released and smacked me in the upper thigh. I did not realize at first that it stuck but it did. Everything I tried to get the hook out did not work. I eventually had to walk up to the house and enlist the help of the wife still not luck had to go to the hospital the have it removed. So now the family tells everyone I got a hook stuck in my A**.
  6. Great topic thanks for bringing it up, I never really knew why I got a smartphone but maybe now it will have a purpose. I just loaded Bill Dance's app and will check it out tomorrow at work...
  7. Maybe I am doing it wrong but I take the hook out of the gill point first, then rotate and bring the rest though the throat/gill and out. Of course I cut the line first. Does anyone else do it this way?
  8. One thing I have learned is that when I hit a snag instead of trying to pull it free I will gently lift my rod tip a jiggle the line sometimes the bait just rolls over the obstruction.
  9. It looks like two islands one large to the left and a tiny one to the right. This time of year I would set up off the islands towards deeper water and just outside the weed line, use deep diving cranks and Carolina rig to comb the bottom.
  10. I have found that a Carolina rig, deep diving cranks, and jigs work best for me in deeper water. I have also read a lot of the articles on this site which have helped me alot. Good luck.
  11. Clint Monee was where I fished, caught about a 4lb next to the walking bridge to the island.
  12. I used to fish in the suburbs of Chicago where you had to crawl over the other fishermen, the pressure was so bad you could not buy a nibble. But since moving to Georgia, going on 7 years now, knock wood I can count on one hand the number of times I have gone more than 8 hours with out a bite. Man I just love Georgia
  13. I have both right hand and left hand baitcasters, and do switch when using a right handed one. I bought the left hand retreive in order to make my transition from spinning reels which I have set up as left hand retrieves. I feel that I have better touch or feel with my right hand on the rod and or line when fishing. I also think someone new should do what feels right for them as well.
  14. I would like to read Topwater Puppets (different retrieves) or Fishing Mini-Lakes
  15. Congrats on the win
  16. I wish I had this problem good luck on the tips given so far.
  17. Ok so I am going to be fishing with a new partner next week and started to think what characteristics makes for a good fishing partner? What do you guys look for when fishing with a friend, what makes some fishing partners better than others? Do you want to fish with someone that is better than you so you may learn a thing or two? Any way let me know what you think.
  18. My lake has a lot of 3/4 to 1lb fish, can catch them all day if you want. So I go out catch a few to feel good and then look for bigger fish. I'd say anything over 3lbs gets my heart pumpin and 7lbs plus I'm ecstatic.
  19. Now I am still learning and open to trying just about anything to see if it works. The lake I fish is stained to murky (can see a white bait about 2 to 2 1/2 feet deep) and have had success with a range of colors and lure types. When the water gets cloudier I go with white - chartruese, or black - blue spinners and darker natural looking crankbaits that have rattles. It seems the muddier the lake the shallower my plastics work
  20. Deaknh03 I agree with you being a slob has nothing to do with your station in life. In our subdivision we have a 45 acre lake and it drives me crazy that the tennis players never go after there tennis balls that get away and they end up of course in our lake. This is on top of the fishermen who stop by and throw there Stuf on the ground, every time I see this it reminds me of the American Indian commercial where he is crying over the trash on the highway. But all this will not matter as the world will come to an end today.....
  21. I think this is a great idea and one that comes from the heart. I thank you for bringing me back to the reality of our neighbors lives, so often I move along the day and forget of others in times on need. Personally when tragedy like this hits I give to the Red Cross, $50, $100 what ever I can afford at the time. This is one of those times, the Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/ has on its home page a link to give directly to the flood and tornado victims.
  22. When ever I can I will pull the hook out through the gill opening tip first. Never gut hooked with a jig though (not real good with them yet) so I think I will put a wire cutter in the tackle bag this weekend. Then I can pull the hook out through the gills as usual.
  23. Ok I am guessing the fish is about 24 to 28 inches long and a girth about 18 to 20 inches. Using the (length x length x girth ÷ 1,200) to calculate I will use 26*26*19 = 10.70lbs.
  24. I've got to say that I look at those astro tables in Bassmasters magazine and try and fish the best days of the month. Not sure if it is really a better time to fish or not but it does give me an excuse not to paint the house...
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