Lynn's been mostly 'stable' for a bit, which is always a welcome deal.
However, there's been some minor complications with her Mediport,
so it needs to be removed and replaced with a new one.
A mediport is a small medical appliance that is surgically installed beneath the skin.
A plastic tube (catheter) connects the port to a vein to deliver medicine, blood products, nutrients, or fluids into the bloodstream. The catheter can also remove blood for testing.
Chemotherapy is typically given using a mediport.
A doctor surgically inserts the device under the skin in the upper chest.
The port appears as a bump or raised area under the skin, and is roughly the diameter of a quarter.
It is completely internal. The surgeon also surgically inserts the catheter from the port into a nearby vein. The position enables medicine or other fluids to be spread throughout the body quickly and efficiently.
Lynn's veins are totally shot from years of use & abuse, so this device is literally a life saver.
Procedure is scheduled for tomorrow and is expected to be out patient / same day deal.
We'll see.