Early season, I'm taking pre-spawn, (water temps in the 40's) same places & times I'd throw a jerkbait, I also throw a Vibrating jig. I fish it low and slow - like a regular jig or even a blade bait. So these very little if any constant retrieve - ALL stop and go.
I fish the bait with short rod pulls, let it glide back to the bottom on a tight line, pick up the slack with the reel and repeat all the way back to the boat. 95 % of the bites come on the glide or the pause. The cooler the water, the short (distance) the pulls. Many a 6 lb brown bass have choked this deal. Admittedly it's usually around a little emergent weed / soft cover areas. It's a slow way to fish but the pay off is most decent.
As the water warms and gets past post spawn I'll fish the vibrating vjig in a more traditional manner.
As the season gets around to August, I'll fish a Spinnerbait and a Vibrating jig in the same places but in different fashions. Large grass flats in 4 - 10 ft are where I find the plus size fish and that runs right into late Sept.
Spinnerbaits I'll burn just under the surface and vibrating jigs I'll fish just fast enough to keep some what constant or at least occasional contact with the soft cover (weeds).
IMO, a Vibrating jig is NOT a replacement for a spinnerbait, especially the way I fish them and when... But it is a very viable option.