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Everything posted by A-Jay

  1. Good Morning - Does anyone have any experiance (good or bad) with this bait. The flexible arm looks like it might come through the cabbage fairly well but I don't know if I like that wire weed guard . . . . . I've not found them locally so I would really appreciate any and all input . . . . Thanks in advance A-Jay http://www.yakimabait.com/catalog/product.php?detalied=Y&productid=16209&page=1
  2. Yes Sir - that's the Idea -
  3. OK ~ I get it . . . . So it's like a Secret Code . . . . I'm not a very good flycaster so in the interest of safety and self-preservation I was thinking about the one pictured below - btw - that's not me A-Jay
  4. Good one ! I thought a silly hat was Required . . . . A-Jay
  5. paragon - Thanks for sharing in my misery - I have not yet been able to fish the way I want and need to actually say I gave it a good effort. . . . . . I'm always Blow'in all over the place ! Today (Sunday) looks a little better - I might get out for a bit this afternoon - - For a change in scenery, I have an uncle who is a Flyfishing guide (for like 50 years) on the Au Sable and Manistee rivers - I might have to go over to the dark side next week Stay Safe A-Jay
  6. So are we gonna have mini-hurricanes every weekend or WHAT ? ? ? > A-Jay
  7. Yes - I am going throught the same thing - not getting the magizines - -This is the exact reason I cancelled my subscription several years ago. But last year I broke down and figured I'd give it another try - and AGAIN they boned me. Despite calls And Letters - last time and this time - They just can't seem to get me the magizine - and truth be told - the attitude of every BASS staff member I deal with is completly apathetic - like they really couldn't be bothered. So - shame on me for not learning my lesson the first time - and Congradulatrions to B.A.S.S. for 40 years of what ever it is you do ???? :-/ A-Jay
  8. I put a 55 lb thrust Minnkota on a 15 ft Old Town Predator square back Canoe - I love it ! Paddling is nice but slipping quietly from spot to spot it pretty good to - and with a 115 amp / hr battery, it lasts all day or night as the case may be . . . . A-Jay
  9. Yes - I am not a fan of a big blow - I do all my fishing from a canoe - and I HATE It when I'm getting blown all over the lake ! It's been like that here seems like every time out - I'm ready for DEAD CALM ! A-Jay
  10. Fairly stiff breeze and water temp between 46-49. Managed 1 dink smb on a jerk bait at noon today. Found 3 pairs of smb on beds. I was worried it was happening too fast - well that's just not the case in this area - still plenty of time - I'll be out every few days - A-Jay
  11. I'll be on Otsego Lk This afternoon - and perhaps Wednesday morning as well - hope to see a few smb up shallow . . . . . A-Jay
  12. It was Blowing a Gale here this weekend so I chose to work on the "honey-do" list instead of trying to deal with that wind - it was crazy ! But I'm planning on a couple of mid-week sessions next week . A quick check of the water temps at a few local spots looked Real promising . . I got a "Huddlebug" order I'm really hoping to feed to any and all willing participants ! A-Jay
  13. What would we Do - if it weren't for them Crappie ? So starting this Saturday - will we still be fishing for the elusive Crappie ? A-Jay
  14. Jerkbaits Tubes Grub Craws A-Jay
  15. Great Fish . . . . A-Jay
  16. Check out the Castlecraft web site - their sut-250-s model might be just what you're looking for. . . . . sorry but I can't post the whole link - YET ! I have been using a similar model to tow around a 16 ft OLD Town Canoe and I really love it. You assemble it yourself and this trailer is very light weight - you could use it as a boat cart for short distances and fairly smooth terrain. Good Luck A-Jay
  17. YES ! ! ! After an extended cruise through the area, several lakes are completely melted off - and I am "going Fishing". . . . . I would expect some company out there tomorrow, but who could blame us ! ! ! ! 8-) So For now - I'm a Crappie fisherman too ! A-Jay
  18. Hey logger I'm in Gaylord - 2 minutes from the Lake . . . I'm headed out right now to check the "Ice Status". I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Over the winter I picked up an Old Town Predator Canoe (square back) and hung a minn kota on the stern. I am just dying to launch it and wet a line . . . . A-Jay
  19. Ballistik Man - sounds lik a really tough day - I've heard those Crappie can be quite elusive this time of year - well, keep at it - your luck is bound to change sooner or later . . . A-Jay
  20. logger I'm up in Otsego County - The lakes are just starting to open up this week. To say I'm ready - would be accurate ~ A-Jay
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