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Everything posted by A-Jay

  1. " Nothing better then catching them from canoe or shore!" Nice Smallmouth ! And I'm right there with ya on the Canoe catches A-Jay
  2. Log in Thanks A-Jay
  3. My first Fall in God's country has been everything I'd hoped for and more ! Just like clock work - as the leaves started to turn and the nights got cool (more like cold - the SMB fishing has really heated up, and the fish have all been Really FAT ! This hard-pulling 20 inch, 4.5 lb. beauty gave a very good account of herself especially on ultralight tackle. Hope the weather holds up through Thanksgiving . . . . . . A-Jay
  4. Congrats ! Nice Brownie . . . . A-Jay
  5. I hear Ya ! ~ Looks Like this is not a very popular spot But Good News - ~ - I found your Pants and I will be bringing them to your house tomorrow - See ya @ noon A-Jay
  6. Just wondering if anyone has been out on this little lake, what did you think ? Thanks in advance A-Jay
  7. How do you "glue the rattles" I've never heard of this and fish a lot of very clear lakes ~ Please share . . . A-Jay
  8. What do you charge for Big Dogs ? Kodi has been my son Ryan's (pictured below) best bud for years and will always be just a Puppy at heart . . . . . . A-Jay
  9. It was a truely gorgeous warm, flat calm, moon light night and the bugs must have been snoozing- which was nice . . . . . . . Around 3-ish an extremely dense fog rolled in. The moon went bye-bye and so did ALL visibility - I thought it was very cool but my fishing partner called it "Very Spooky" The talley for the night was not quite what we had hoped for but not a wash out either. Before day break we had netted 3 fish with one in the 4 lb. class - all on a black spinnerbait - after daybreak and with sunrise the fog burned off we had a slow steady pick of 1-2 pounders until we split @ 1000. This outing will be repeated again soon after a brief recovery period A-Jay
  10. Heading out for some Night Operations - calm clear night - Big MOON ! Looks Very Promising - A-Jay
  11. Dissappointing . . . . . This weekend was a total Blow-Out ! The wind was Crank'in all day and night - which is a bummer - sometimes I'll get out if it lays out at night - but it seems that it's been windy quite a bit this month - at least on the days I plan to get out - - - - I really hope it lays down at least a little - I REALLY NEED A FIX - And what makes it worse is that on Friday (my last day on the water ) I think I came across a little something that produced some surprise fish - And I haven't been able to get back to it since ! ! ! It's killing me - - - - - Help . . . . . me . . . . . I'm . . . . getting . . . .weaker . . . .need . . . . to . . . . go . . . .fishing . . . . . sorry - I'm a little better now - looks like I'll be able to get out later this afternoon ~ I'm sure I'll be casting into Coffee colored water at best - but sometimes - that's not a bad thing . . Rant over. A-Jay
  12. Something about this just rubs me the wrong way. If this is "The Future of fishing" - I'm thinking we are heading off course. This website presents a list of 10 different "Professors" who came together to "invent" this very "advanced" lure. . . . . Call me old school, but I bet the below list of men and their contributions to the sport of fishing will prove to be a bit better . . . . time will tell. I probably will not pony up the $$ for this one. Lauri Rapala The Finnish inventor of the hand-carved balsa wood minnow that serves as the archetype for all jerkbaits to come. Nick Creme The Texan who invented the plastic worm and revolutionized bass fishing for all time. It is fair to say that all of the radical innovations in modern soft plastic baits ultimately owe their lineage to Creme. Andre Meulnart The French engineer who invented the Mepps Aglia spinner. There are all kinds of great in-line spinners including Blue Fox, Roostertails and the Panther Martin Fred Arbogast The Akron, Ohio inventor of the ubiquitous Jitterbug, as well as the Hula Popper and numerous other classic plugs manufactured under the Arbogast banner. James Heddon Along with sons James and William, this Michigan entrepreneur was likely America's first tackle tycoon. The Zara Spook and Torpedo remain must-have lures for modern fishermen. Fred Young This Tennessee whittler created a bass fishing secret weapon with his hand-carved Big O the grand daddy of all bass crankbaits. Scarce and expensive, early bass pros protected their investment by transporting their Big O's in egg cartons. Stan Sloan There seems to be a lot of uncertainty as to who invented the first safety pin spinnerbait. All of the sudden, spinnerbaits were everywhere. But this Tennessee tackle maker gets credit for his Zorro Aggravator ~ The lure that launched a thousand imitators. A-Jay
  13. You know I have a couple of Rattlin Rapala's - and I haven't give them a fair chance to produce - probably because during the limited time they are wet - there're not taken many fish - but it sounds like the xr-50 might be a bait I'll check out. Thanks A-Jay
  14. I picked up some of these a few of weeks ago. I've been a Rat-L Trap fan for many years. But I've been fishing several baits from XCaliber this season and I'm liking the quality and the catches. And the One Knocker has really surprised me. It's been producing some very decent fish. A couple of times I fished it behind a Rat-L-Trap and it took fish. Is anyone else having success with it ? A-Jay
  15. Thanks - a Strikeking Spinnerbait that is now Very close to retirement ! A-Jay
  16. Check this out - Some of the waters named here should be a good place to start ~ and the fall is always Prime time A-Jay http://www.michigansportsmanmag.com/fishing/bass-fishing/mi_aa072503a/ http://www.michigansportsmanmag.com/fishing/bass-fishing/mi_aa062504a/ http://www.michigansportsmanmag.com/fishing/bass-fishing/MI_0605_01/
  17. OK, I'll see your two pike and raise you two more nice pike We caught several nice bass but these were two bonus fish that somehow didn't cut me off. You know where we went ~ but we'll keep that to ourselves. . . . A-Jay
  18. misfit1III8 "Thats all I threw out there last night" I hear ya- -what did you end up putting on the back of that buzzbait to replace the twintail grub ? A-Jay
  19. Has anyone happened to see my pants??????? Anyone???? Wow - this is weird - looks like this missing pants thing is a real problem in several places . . . . . A-Jay
  20. Cool - you got out on a Monday night - nice. . . . . . Bummer you lost a possible PB - I know the feeling too well. We'll be getting out the next two mornings - thinking about switchoing it up a bit and fishing a buzzbait all day - A-Jay
  21. Just got back. Lack of rain didn't help the fishing. The bite was totally shut off from yesterday. Managed a handful of dinks and a nice pike. Tomorrow is another day. Retirement is pretty good. A-Jay
  22. Heading out again today - got out yesterday - wind and rain - pretty crappy day as far as the weather goes - but the fish were in a chewing mood and my better half and I put a hurting on them ! ! ! Including her personal best LMB . . . . . Headed out again this morning - looks like it might not be as windy but the same raw rainy deal as yesterday - ah - summer in Northern Michigan - it's so lovely and 43 degrees . . .nice . . . . .. . . . . . A-Jay
  23. Check your e-mail . . . I been throwing the Deps Frog (see Link) it's by far the BEST frog bait I've ever seen - - It has a great action that is very different than everything else out there !!! It's a little high $$$$ for a stupid little hunk of plastic but it's a really sweet bait - I was throwing it in both vegatation and open water and bass were hammering it - I think the pike might like it too which might not be too good . . . . . . . http://www.***.com/descpageDEPBAIT-DBF.html# A-Jay
  24. Got out today for the mid-day bite - The frog was see'in some action - A-Jay
  25. SSSSSShhhhhhh . . . . . . . . . A-Jay
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