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Everything posted by A-Jay

  1. AAAARRRRRR! ! ! ! ! ! ! If it doesn't stop SNOWING soon - - - I'm going to SNAP ! ! ! ! ! ! It IS APRIL, Right ? > What the heck ! A-Jay
  2. Same here - I did see the BR Ad - very cool - But no weigh in video is @#$%^&&* Bogus ! A-Jay
  3. I fish entirely out of my canoe - should you get one - Well Yes - especially if you have access to good "canoe" waters and you will definately like it better than casting from the bank All of the info provided here already is excellent and should not be taken lightly. As for aluminum or fiberglass - there are pros and cons for each - like anything - aluminum is lighter but may blow around a bit more - fiberglass is pretty durable but usually a bit more $$. I fish from an old Town Predator (square back canoe) it is over 40 inches wide and very stable. It's heavy as canoe's go but it works very well for my needs. I have it rigged out with a trolling motor and I also have a cart which enables me to get into places not readily accessible to the vessels that need a ramp of some type to launch. This is The single best attribute of this kind of set up - if I chose I can go where there are usually only Bank fisherman or hardly no one I have found a few little places where the general consensus it "that place is fish out" - sometimes that is not the case . . . . I don't think this has been mentioned yet - but small boats like canoes allow you to be fairly quiet ( if you try that is) you can really snuggle up to fish even in shallow water. By adding a section of indoor/outdoor carpet to the floor/deck of your canoe you can make it even quieter - especially aluminum which is very unforgiving as far as amplifying all sounds made in the canoe - Hope that helps - you might want to go to the Bass Boating, Canoeing, Tubing and more section and do a search for the same topic-You will find all kinds of info many of us have learned - some of it the hard way A-Jay
  4. Great Tip ! and I've got plenty of time on my hands . . . . I also recently switched from a 2" tall storage box to this plano 3771 Size: 14"L x 9.13"W x 1.38"H The thinner profile is great for placing only one bait per compartment and yet the box is so thin I can also get in a couple more boxes adding to almost the same number of baits in the tackle bag. And it is definitely less of a hassle - especially during night operations . . . A-Jay
  5. Yea, I think it sounds very tempting . . . .but I bet eventually I'll get a reel that I might "Forget" to send back - darn bait monkey strikes again . . . . . TW might be smart to hide a tiny little monkey in the packing - sure wouldn't hurt sales any 8-) A-Jay
  6. Logger - I believe that this lake does not provide any public access which may be why there is little mention of it. Check your PMs A-Jay
  7. Hey Shawn, Welcome. There is a pretty good chance you too will become an addict to this site - there is just so much great information here . . . . . Come on SPRING ! ! ! ! A-Jay
  8. No question - My Dad gave me his "favorite topwater bait" some where around 1970ish (I'll let you do the math - I'm in denial The cool thing is, it Glows in the dark - a few minutes in front of my headlamp and I have some crazy exciting night bass action. I am also a big fan of the black model as well, and I think the black one is the more consistant producer, but there is something seriously wild about watching that eary green glow crawl it's way along. On those very calm dark nights you can see it for most of the entire retrieve. It just kills me with anticipation all the way back to the boat. Every bass on this vintage bait always reminds be of my Dad. He started it all. Thanks Dad. A-Jay
  9. You mean like this? I'll tell ya one thing, a malamute will really test your drag. . . The northern Michigan snow belt is in rare form this year. A-Jay
  10. I have purchased a couple of baits from this vendor and there is No doubt he does awesome work - but is $150 plus for one bait getting a little mental ? I guess if you're willing to pay it . . . . . . . If it means the difference between winning and losing the Classic maybe but for a regular Joe - seems excessive. That's all - I won't keep going but I want to - - - - come on spring . . . . . http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Custom-Painted-Spro-BBZ-1-Shad-Swimbait-Crankbait_W0QQitemZ350150998085QQihZ022QQcategoryZ7300QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 A-Jay
  11. And don't forget your discount coupons available at the link below - "weekdays only" http://www.showspan.com/Coupon.aspx?showcode=UFD Drive safe A-Jay
  12. I lived in NJ (Cape May County) for the last 15 yrs or so - retired to God's Country The striper fishing around me was really under rated by many. I DO NOT consider myself any kind of expert - I just know that when I figured a few things out - there were more fish around. If you are were willing to put in the time and go at the right time you can catch some very respectable fish. This means that you are usually not out there when every one else is . . .meaning it's almost always better at night. Saying that, you have to be smart about it - you have to know the area, have the right equipment, and don't take unsafe risks to catch a fish - going with a buddy is smart but I found out there are only a few hardy souls who are willing to stand on the end of a jetty or in the surf, with a stiff northest wind in your face on a cold November night. For me, when I was there - was almost more important than - what I was throwing. I see you're in NJ - I sent you a PM with the link to two great striper sites. Both have an INFINITE amount of knowledge being shared by some REAL experts - guys who have been on the sand half a century or more. I learned so much there - I encourage you to register/join the forum/message board and do a search for Whatever - you'll find TOO MUCH of just about everything there is on the subject. If you're already registered - then I would say you have the most valuable resource you could find already. I'll add this regarding your question on lures - If you are not fishing moving water - Find some - If it's moving - and there is bait around - that's a decent place to start - my Go To bait was a Bucktail - they are very versatile and a great hooking bait. Just as important and often overlooked until you're bleeding, it's a Very safe bait- meaning that when you are perched on a slippery rock jetty or being thrown around by powerful waves that you can't see, and then reach down to land a thrashing 25 lb fish at night, with a face full of treble hooks - this is a recipe for a trip to the emergency room - been there :-[ - with a bucktail, the one hook is in the fish - making it less likely that it will end up in your hand - which is a good thing . Colors and size and trailers are mostly predicated on the location you're fishing and the current conditions and are often times just a matter of personal preference. Good Luck and Stay Safe A-Jay
  13. "Nothing quite like wading out to a rock, and standing up to your behind in the Atlantic. 8-)" Man - you are making me long for days gone by . . . . . A-Jay
  14. This girl is painted up nicely A-Jay
  15. Congrats on the PB ! And a "Honorable Mention" on all the extra efforts to ensure her survival with a successful release - Way to ensure you have a healthy fishery in the future ! A-Jay
  16. well shux... Maybe I'll find my pants north of Crawford County one of these fine days? Nice Smallie!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT ~ I repeat ~ DO NOT come up here without yer pants ! A-Jay
  17. misfit1III8 - I would really like to get down your way and get it to a wide open fall bass blitz - However - I am not quite as excited to look fer yer pants - I'm mean - what if we Actually find them I'll keep an eye on the weather ~ let me know when might be good - It will have to be soon I think. A-Jay
  18. Check it out- apparently there are Smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, were first introduced into California in the Napa River in 1874 from Lake Champlain , New York . Historical records indicate that anglers "fished out" the first plant and the introduction was considered unsuccessful. An introduction a few years later into Crystal Springs Reservoir, a water supply reservoir south of the city of San Francisco , was successful and provided an abundant source of smallmouth bass for additional stockings throughout the state. Most trophy-sized smallmouth bass from California have been caught in northern California waters. The California state record smallmouth bass is 9 lbs 13 oz and was caught from Pardee Reservoir in 2007. here a couple of links too ~ http://www.dfg.ca.gov/fish/Resources/BlackBass/history.asp http://www.californiagameandfish.com/fishing/bass-fishing/CA_0506_02/index.html A-Jay
  19. FYI - Just remember - There are NO SMB in any of the lakes north of Crawford County See - What'd I tell Ya A-Jay
  20. I think I could go either way on the relocation - As an ex- New Englander - I had some fantastic SMB days and nights on more than a few NH lakes ~ Winnipesaukee and Winnisquam to name just two. It's been more years than I'm willing to cop to since I've been over that way but I bet it's still excellent ! A-Jay
  21. It is fun - almost more fun than a man should be allowed to have - legally But No - not Otsego Lake - Most of my better fish are coming from another little local hole I have been floating around this season . . . . . A-Jay
  22. Day time Air temp here in Otsego County (very northern lower penninsula) have been in the mid 50's and the nights are in the lower to mid 30's. But on the sunny less blustery days the SMB have been up on the bars "sunning themselvs" 8-) Water temps on the lakes that turn over are 55-59 and the lakes that don't are already down to the low 50's almost high 40's. Yesterday I nailed this hawg . .more like she nailed me.... Almost 22" and a full 5 pounds - my biggest SMB yet. This has been a great fall. And I love hunting season - even though I do not hunt - but the lakes are DESERTED ! My new favorite Go To Bait has been a 5 inch paddle tail plastic bait on a swimming jig head - weight depends on the water depth. It has been KILLER - on everything - LMB - SMB - Walleye and both of the long Toothy Critters as well . . . . . . This weekend is forecast to be unseasonably warm - Looks like I'll be living in the canoe for a few days . . . . . Sorry the photo isn't the best . . . but you know what it's like trying to get a good shot when you're on a solo trip. It's hard to tell from this shot but this fish (as well as most of the SMB this fall) was a TOAD - really fat and thick and just plain well fed ! A-Jay
  23. Nice fish with even nicer camera work. It's like the best kind of reality show there is ! A-Jay
  24. Thanks ! and BTW, I'm a relocated Masshole myself. So this is good ! A-Jay
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