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Everything posted by A-Jay

  1. I learned how to fish a lipless rattle bait like a blade bait by watching a Doug Stange episode many years ago. And it's still a big time producer for smallies up in here. He was fishing a Ripping Rap I think. I use something else. A-Jay
  2. I use the 'small' model on my rig. I think that would also work for yours as well. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000AXND7?ref_=ppx_hzod_title_dt_b_fed_asin_title_0_0 A-Jay
  3. Giant Set Workout Day 3 and it went well. Unfortunately, my GoPro only recorded the last half of this training. Totally ticked me off but I'm showing that here. #borninfiftynine A-Jay
  4. Hello @Darren71 and Welcome to Bass Resource. You've already received quite a bit of info & advice. I think it's hard to know where to begin. You mentioned that locating bass has been tough. I hear that loud and clear. Also, it's pretty tricky to catch bass if we don't find them first. I wish I had 'the answer', but I don't. Instead, I have a thought about locating the food that bass often eat. This is usually quite a bit easier in the beginning than finding the bass themselves. It's pretty common knowledge that bass are usually around what they eat. That said, consider getting a can of worms or some other panfish bait, and go pan fishing. Bluegill, sunfish, whatever is in the waters you fish. Finding a few places where the basses food is located or hangs out, can often be expanded on a bit, which can lead us to some bass. Then we can often duplicate success by fishing similar types of cover, depths and conditions. This sounds super basic, I know, but your first post here indicates that you have some skills, you just need a little bump in the right direction. IMO, this might be it. Good Luck A-Jay
  5. Liking the good news !!!! A-Jay
  6. And the bass still looks giant. Btw, Shouldn't you be playing middle linebacker for the Panthers ? Just sayin' A-Jay
  7. LOL ~ I'm actually just a huge midget ~ A-Jay
  8. @Pat Brown Way to set the bar Nicely Done A-Jay
  9. The distant call of a lonely loon in the fog. The caw-caw cry of a bald eagle. The initial cold start of the ProXS. The swishy sound of the Pro-V Bass coming off plane. And finally, the sound of drag on my wife's reel slipping just a little bit on the hookset. A-Jay
  10. Just from reading your posts on this forum Katy I totally understand where you're coming from. But I would not be as generous. History has shown that people given an inch take a mile. I hope for your sake this doesn't turn into the cluster so many before you have endured. Seems it always starts out like this and NOTHING good ever comes from it. You've worked hard and earned your little piece of heaven. Sharing it is admirable but may not end up being what you thought it was going to be. Not everyone is like you - I agree with @WRB and @Jar11591 I'd tell everyone that your land is closed to the public, like all private property. Isn't that why you bought it ? btw- game cameras are your friend and you'll need signs. Good Luck. A-Jay
  11. A pair of pileated woodpeckers doing their thing in the side yard. These guys are one of the few year round residents up here. Pretty hearty birds. A-Jay
  12. You're welcome and that's great to hear so thanks for that. It's working out pretty good for me too. Keep it going . . . A-Jay
  13. What a difference a few days can make ~ With a recent lack of snowfall and stupid warm/mild temperatures, we have seen quite a bit of snow disappear. We are (roughly) down to maybe 12 inches. Snow is deeper in some parts and lower/gone in other parts of the property. But after this weekend, forecasted to be even warmer with Big Fat Rain, most if not all snow could be, dare I say it - gone. Of course we'll be dealing with a rather robust Mud Season, but we gotta take the good with the bad I suppose. btw - my poor truck is a total disaster of salt & road groad. 30 Days and a wake up - could it be ? A-Jay
  14. That's a great Bass ~ Congrats Now Enter that beast in the 2025 State vs State deal . . . A-Jay
  15. It's all good. Confusion is my middle name. Good Luck with the new baits. btw the stock hardware on them seems mostly lethal. A-Jay
  16. Sage Advice my friend. Thank You. Sharing is caring. Sounds sappy but it's true. A-Jay
  17. 14 lb Tatsu ? Are you braiding the 12 lb together with the 2 lb or somehow stripping 1 lb off the 15 lb test ? Not sure Tatsu is offered in 14 lb. Seaguar JDM R18 Fluorocarbon Ltd. does though. btw - I have and fish that 110 SR and the few I have run super shallow. Like just under a topwater level. 2 ft down max. A-Jay
  18. Thank you ~ Life's the ultimate challenge and I can only imagine what that's like for you both. So glad to hear you're getting what sounds like effective & most welcome support. This is how we both role my friend. Remember when we took a day on the water for granted ? Not any more. Be well Sir. A-Jay
  19. No Sir, not that. This is a program that helps me support her. As an eligible primary caregiver, I may receive: Access to health care insurance through Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Mental health counseling. (and we all know I need all of this I can get) Certain beneficiary travel benefits when traveling with the Veteran to appointments. At least 30 days of respite care per year, for the Veteran. Respite is short term relief for someone else to care for the Veteran while I take a break. A monthly stipend (paid directly to the caregiver.) A-Jay
  20. Not sure. This is where I started at. https://www.caregiver.va.gov/support/support_benefits.asp A-Jay
  21. This unit is less than that in length & weight. While I am looking forward to throwing this one around. It will be more of a 'let's see what happens' deal than anything else. Who knows, I might get surprised. A-Jay
  22. Given the current state of affairs regarding Lynn's decline in health and the outlook that accompanies that, last week I applied for the Veteran Administrations Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC). It was a tough decision for me. Admittedly the reality of it is hard to put into words. Very thankful that the VA does recognize the important role of family caregivers in supporting the health and wellness of Veterans. So far the folks we've been in contact with have made the process fairly painless, and that is most definitely a relative term. There are several steps along the way to where 'eligibility' is determined. So far we are about half way through. I am looking forward to the support and the training they offer as well as knowing that I can be the best version of me for Lynn in these trying times. Stay Healthy & Safe. A-Jay
  23. Giant Set Workout Day 2 ~ Felt pretty good during this one. Not always the case but when it is, I'm already looking forward to preparing for and hammering out the next one. #borninfiftynine A-Jay
  24. Good Luck. Not Tigers, but there's a few musky lurking around the same areas of Lake Menderchuck as well. A-Jay
  25. The only time I'm really able to effectively target the bigger pike is when them come shallow(er) early & late season. Seems they follow the food (carp in this case) into the same water's I'm fishing for brown bass. So 10-12 ft less with surface water temps @65-ish. Fishing over submerged weeds and especially in & around the bare spots (sand) on a large weed flat is almost always part of the deal. Be real interesting if a big brown bass takes a poke at this thing. A-Jay
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