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Everything posted by BrnzeBckStalker

  1. Hey congrats man, that is a start. I went creek fishing the other day and had one in similar dimensions, and it went just a hair under 1.5lbs. Pretty colored fish I might add.
  2. I did not see where it said "Top 5 Sandler films as the main character". When I read it I took it as "Top 5", so I look at it as the first five movies I enjoy the most out of a character Adam does, main character or not. Steve Buscemi, Chris Farley, Judd Nelson, and I even think David Arquette was in it. Everyone has alot of stage time in that movie to where it is not just Brendan Fraiser as the star. Also Adam Sandler is on the cover
  3. 1. Billy Madison 2. Airheads 3. Wedding Singer 4. Happy Gilmore 5. Bulletproof
  4. Welcome! Sounds like you have a very nice setup
  5. http://forums.iboats.com/showthread.php?t=58624 not sure if this is what you are looking into, but maybe another idea. Just read the thread.
  6. remember the incident with the 14 ft flatbottom I had? It ended up with a 4cyl ford ranger 25ft away from the ramp and about 18ft down on the bottom of the lake. As for how big you can go, check your towing capacities first. Do you have a hitch or are you pulling off of a bumper? how did this happen? to make a long story short, the truck did not have a problem pulling the boat. We had just got done fishing and put the boat on the trailer. And in the process of pulling it up the ramp the truck got stuck on a lip. Keep in mind that it is a concrete ramp until the water break, then it goes to gravel at the lip. Well my friends ranger did not have the best of tires so it kept spinning trying to make it up. WE tried many different things including taking the trailer off and pushing it to the side. We could not get it to budge, so we put the parking break on and left it in gear. Walked up the road about 1 1/2 miles to get someone to pull us out, and when we got back, all that we saw was a cooler and a tennis shoe. (these were in the bed of the truck). And then some bubbles followed by a mcdonalds hasbrown wrapper from that morning. Then we knew we were screwed! So when the wrecker came he swam out and couldn't find it so we swam down and hooked a chain to it and pulled it out....It was funny to laugh at now....Now I make note to make sure I have good tires..lol
  7. remember the incident with the 14 ft flatbottom I had? It ended up with a 4cyl ford ranger 25ft away from the ramp and about 18ft down on the bottom of the lake. As for how big you can go, check your towing capacities first. Do you have a hitch or are you pulling off of a bumper?
  8. My favorite! I could do without the contest they have for the official new Yuengling jingle.
  9. On a regular outing, WWII documentary dvds till I fall asleep. On a tournament outing, I usually never sleep as I keep doing a checklist on tackle and prerigging as well as constant boat prep and the fact that when I am done it is worth about 3 hours of sleep with the fear of not waking up in time.
  10. I just recently fell into this situation myself. I just got my boat up and running and I have yet to bring beer on my boat nor do I want to. When i fish on my friends boat we bring a few tall boys, maybe a six pack. I will drink then as I am not the operator. And usually I will drink the beer in the process of running the motor to a location and then finish the remaining while I fish. If we are out for awhile at night we drink a bit more while bait fishing. The last maybe 5 out of 8 times we have been out we have been stopped by TWRA officer and did not get in trouble because we were within our legal limit. We do not drink to get drunk, we just drink and fish. But still if it is on my boat, I am not drinking at all. Like it has already been said, i do not want to be responsible for someone elses safety if i was drinking and got in an accident and it wasnt even my fault. that little bit of alcohol in your system could still get you in trouble.
  11. Welcome! Checkout the fishing locations part of the site, I am sure you will be able to find someone in or around your location.
  12. A pflueger President is a nice reel for $50-60, I have two, never fished daiwa or shimano spinning reels but I have never been disappointed with the president X2 I have used some older shimanos and daiwas, but as soon as I picked up pflueger I have not used anything else. I have the president and a micro that i use for crappie. They were on sale pretty cheap recently, but not sure if they still are. I prefer them over abu, but abu has some good ones as well for about the same price. If you need to get technical pay attention to the ratios as well and bearing system.
  13. X2 or a 3" tube t-rigged or jig head set inside the tube
  14. Always stand except to run the boat to a new location.
  15. Welcome!
  16. welcome!
  17. My motor symptoms have been very similar to yours. I've always used Sta-Bil marine in my gas mix. I've seen many posts on here about Sea-Foam, is it that much better? Is it an ethanol treatment like Sta-Bil or Star-Tron? My motor is a 1967 Evinrude 80hp. What's yours? I have a 1971 johnson 50 hp electric shift. I was just planning on using one treatment (16oz) and then be done with it until i noticed a problem come back. I am not one to say it is better or worse or the same. I have only used seafoam thus far and i dont mix anything now but my johnson/evinrude brand oil to gas. Check these sites out. http://www.mastercraft.com/teamtalk/showthread.php?t=4681 http://www.seafoamsales.com/motor-treatment/index.html
  18. X2 The wind plays a big role in being able to fish open water as well as your trolling motor to try and stay on those m. beds or drop offs. Bowfish12's boat 17ft alum, and my fiberglass bass boat 14.5ft with 36lbs thrust and 43lb thrust is hard enough at times. Bigger boats and more powerful trolling motors do not seem to have as hard of a time as we do.
  19. i looked up a "pond prowler" and found this. it is "similar" http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_30336_225003000_225000000_225003000_225-3-0
  20. i just used bilge pump hoses as long as they match in diameter and you get a good tight seal with the clamp on them. like said any hose should work though
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