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Late Night Bass

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About Late Night Bass

  • Birthday 02/21/1980

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    <p>Laurens, SC</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. i have discovered that jigs do not work period!!! lol. in all seriousness though i have a ton more success with mag 2's and other plastics. sorry this does not add alot to the conversation, i guess i just wanted to express my frustration with jigs!!!
  2. you may have needed to be present for this one to be funny, but... i was fishing a tourny in jan. and it about 33 at blast off. the fishing was slow and it was about to rain. not to mention the 20-25 mph winds. i came up to a no wake zone under a bridge and there is a man sitting in pontoon by himself with his head buried in his jacket trying to stay warm. he looks as we come through so i give him the, " ya havin any luck". he gives me a look that i will never forget and says "BAD"!!! and buries his head back in his jacket. i think most of know all too well where that man was comming from, lol.
  3. my partner (did not know him) in a tourny one time made a good cast. he looked dead at me and said, " O yeah, that's in his house". i also saw someone on here earlier refer to sneaking a fish in the back of your boat and suprising you partner, "ninja fishing". i though both of those were pretty funny. what are some good ones you have heard or say?
  4. that is a great name for it. i do that somethimes unless we are fishing in a tourny.
  5. fluke, i had no idea that a screen name would offend someone. i appoligize. just trying to have a little fun. have a great day!
  6. sam, thanks for the help. i agree that my grammer is terrible. associate, bachelor of science, and masters and still can not get it together. thank god for spell check, or i would not have made it through college.
  7. thanks guys. it was a no brainer for me. two favorite things with a little play on words spin. lol.
  8. I recently moved back home (greenville, sc) from the coast (charlseton, sc). for the past 8-9 years i have been mostly fishing for red fish or going off shore. now that i am back home i am ready to "get back to my roots" and start whackin some large mouths. i fish in a few tournys and have had some sucess, however i am extremly competitive and want to be the best at everything i do. that is what brings me here. i have been reading up on different things trying to take my game to the next level. i was wondering if any of you had any tips for catching fish with jigs or crank baits. i catch a few on them, but i would sat that those are my two weakest areas right now. thanks in advance, and i look foward to reading your information!!! awesome forum btw.
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