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Everything posted by outdoorsman

  1. I know of the pond your talking about . I live in Leesburg right down the road from there . Might have to give it a shot.
  2. Get the repair/service book for that make and model outboard. You might be able to go on Mercury.com and get it. Mine was a little pricy.
  3. Get away from using that mono on your senko rig.I like using 12 # flourocarbon (it has less stress ) and a 4/0 hook. Nothing against mono , it has it's place for me like for topwater. Hope this helps and good luck.
  4. Simple concept : It's a Bird's eye view of everything on the bottom and in between. It also helps to look at the land or shoreline, that also helps interpret you depth finder.
  5. How many bunks do you have , 2 or 4 ? Don't take this the wrong way I'm just trying to help , but it sounds like you might not have enough trailer in the water. You said 1/3 of your bunks are in the water , I would try 2/3 then, as the other guys stated, drive that beast on there with the motor. Good Luck
  6. I was just curious about this lake. The family and I are heading there at the end of July. Is the fishing good this time of year? I will be bringing the toon and really just plan on bass fishing the whole time. I'm not looking for specific spots but if you guys could answer a few ?'s I would be most grateful. 1. What is best , upper end , middle , or down by the dam? 2. What would be a good assortment of lures and baits to have? again not looking for specific baits just general knowledge. Thanks guys! Maybe I'll see ya out there.
  7. I'm not sure what your set up is but my old Hydra-Sports , the way that the batteries were set up, if your charging one then your charging the other one as well. That is if your batteries are tied in series.
  8. Does he live on the public side or private side? Reason I ask , the fishing is so much better on the private side as one would imagine. This is just my experience on the lake. Deep water docks either close to or on the points. If you can find grass in about 10-15 of water and easy access to a flat . If all else fells hit every point that looks good to you. This time of year they should be feeding like crazy. I got access to the private side this weekend and could do no wrong in catching fish. I found two good spots where they busting groups of shad at cetain times of the day. I'd say between all of us we caught 40 fish. We just couldn't seem to get any size , they were all 1#-2# and one fish that was pushing 3.8 # Hope this helps and good luck.
  9. I think the water temp should be 140-150 degrees.Remember, when your engine is idling the block is a lot hotter than at higher RPM'S. Mine is hot as hell to when idling. Couple ?'s I would ask myself: What's my water pressure? Idle 2-4 psi wot 10-12 psi Is my thermostat good? NO, the water should not be coming out of the hose at all.
  10. I know it's easier to skip with a spin outfit and I still do some , but I prefer to fish some baits with a baitcaster , It's just more comfortable for me. The practice is paying off. I noticed if I turn the spool tension up a little and with a firm cast , aim at the base of my intended target I usually fine. I found it goes a lot smoother if you don't hit the dock. Thanks for the input guys.
  11. How many of you guys skip jigs/plastics under cover like docks and overhanging tree branches with baitcasters? Reason I ask , 'til this year I used a spinning reel for skipping senkos and shaky heads. I prefer to fish senkos with a baitcaster and too worried about backlashes to even try to skip docks with a jig. Well this year I told myself I was going to learn to do it with a baitcaster, needless to sayI have struggled but I have also had what I consider great success. 3 or 4 times this year when I skipped the lure under and got back-lashed and took the time to pick it out , when I reeled up I felt pressure and knew immediately what it was " a big 'ol' pig" as Shaw would say. Just wondering how many other guys did this and if you don't maybe think about it.
  12. I think valetine cove is in the southern part of the lake down by the dam . I would try going in these simalar type coves and sight fishing. I know the fish are on beds down south right now , not sure about the rest of the lake. Get as far away from them and try to cast w/o spooking them. Remember to try and concentrate on shade during sunny days.The shaky, senkos , etc.. that were suggested before will work just fine. Anna is a highly pressured lake, but they don't catch them all.
  13. Hey Trev , how the hell do you ride four waverunners at a time? Just kidding man, that was a joke. All I was trying to say in my origanal post is that there are idiots out there. I was more or less directing that at the people not the watercraft. I would be a hypocrite if I said I have never been on any of those types of watercraft waverunners ,ski boats, ect.... I was even on a huck fin raft The point I was making were the people. Now, ya'll go fish!
  14. I was out at Anna this past weekend , I noticed the traffic picking up out there. I'm new to the area , but there are some idiots out there driving ski boats and waverunners. I'm not saying those watercrafts should not be allowed on the water just the people who drive them. Oh , bass boats do it as well. Example: Going underneath the 208 bridge no big deal stay to the right side, wrong.........here comes this a--hole in a cabin cruiser on my side. I see him aways off and it's like playing chicken on which hole to use. Another one while I'm on a roll......fishing a creek arm, this SOB in a wake board boat comes by throwing a 5 foot wake, soaks the front deck. Not once but twice. ( words were exchanged ) Like I said those boats including people who drive bass boats have just as much right on the water as we do but for god sake be courteous. I do feel better...thanks for reading. Oh, that may be why Va is making it mandatory for a certification class to operate watercraft.
  15. Just so happens I did have a camera on board if someone would brief me on how to post. I would appreciate it.
  16. Well........that was scary being out on the river Sat. , first time ever. Talk about shallow , man I'm not used to that....pucker factor in full effect! Launched at Leesylvania, i'm not sure but I would say two to three footers out in the middle made for a fun ride. I don't no where I was but went sraight across, found some aquatic vegitation and started fishing. All I can say is what a day it turned out to be. Think about it ,fishing right before that nasty front came thru and a full moon. There were three people in the boat , I caught five , brother two , girlfriend three , all keepers the biggest 3.10 oz ( crankbait ) I went to Anna Friday, wasted time mid-lake 'cause they are on the beds or just starting to move shallow down south ,caught four there. Overall it was a great weekend and learned alot about the Potomac.I learned I need a d**n map!
  17. I'm new to the area myself. I have fished Anna already this year and plan on fishing the Potomac also. I fish every weekend Saturday and Sunday. I too have my own boat , so we could alternate boats if you would like. That goes for the non-boaters to if I have the room. (sometimes the girlfreind likes to go : )
  18. Thanks for the replies. To answer some ? ' s. Yes I have caught some fish on Lake Anna in some of the nastiest conditions one being last Sunday. I've been out there three times with two bites and two fish. So whoever said " one fish anna " you were pretty close. They were quality fish though. One 4#8oz the other 5# even. I'm looking forward to fishing the Potomac here the next couple of weeks. Idon't mean to intrude on anybody's plans , but would it be possible to meet one of you guys out there to kinda of show me around? I'm not looking for fishing spots but showing and explaing the river and tidal systems. I have never fished a tidal river system yet. We could take my boat , use my gas , hell I might even buy you a beer. Or if that is to weird , I'll meet you out on the water in seperate boats and we could chat it up for a minute or two and that would be fine too. Got to get back to work ......see ya!
  19. Hey guys or gals , new to the area and to BASS RESORCE. Have been fishing Lake Anna so far looking forward to trying out the Potomac. I did have a ? I live near Ashburn. I have a 04' Triton tr-186. Now before I go out and tear the lower unit off , do guy's launch bass boats out of Algonkian boat ramp or is it to shallow? Thanks :-?
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm new to the northern ,VA area so if anybody would like to tell me all the secrets to catching 'em on Lake Anna and the Potomac , please feel free to drop me a line.
  21. Hello all , as I said I'm new to the whole forum thing but not to fishing. I look forward to talking to ya'll in the near future.
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