In my original post I just mentioned how much that I liked my new Z-Bone rod now that I had had the opportunity to get out on the water and use it. Now there's 4 pages of flame throwing at Kistler Rods because they don't have the same "warranty" policies as some of the other rod companies.
I'm not going to even comment on all the post bad mouthing Kistler because they don't offer the same warranty as brand "X". It's real simple, if it doesn't agree with you then just buy brand "X" I on the other hand am just a guy that doesn't get all hung up or stressed out (or very obviously MAD about it while typing rants on this forum) and really enjoy fishing with Kistler rods. Their rods are the most sensitive rods that I've fished thus far in my life. I'm not going to stop buying/using them because I might slam one in the door of my truck and break it 91 days after I buy it just because Kistler won't send me a new rod after I send them the broken rod with a note that says "this rod broke on a hook-set" like everybody does.
This has already been stated here but when I'm not paying attention and stick my rod in a ceiling fan and break it getting that rod replaced by the manufacture has nothing to do with a "manufactures warranty" gentlemen. The manufacture may call it a "life time/over the counter warranty" but it's actually "insurance policy" that the cost of is figured into the price when we buy the rod new. When your not paying attention and rear end somebody that's sitting at a stop light in your brand new Ford F150 pick-up truck exactly who do you call? Have any of you called the dealership that just sold you your new truck a few days ago and tell them that you need a new front end. Go ahead and ask if that covered under the "manufacturers warranty". It sounds like several here expect Kistler, and any other rod company that doesn't offer a no questions asked, over the counter warranty(insurance policy) to be the Ford dealership that I listed in my example. We all know that in the example that I used we would all call our insurance company when we crash our vehicles, not the vehicle manufacture in an attempt to have it fixed as a warranty issue. Are tackle companies any different? I'm not saying that some companies don't offer this type of warranty (Shimano) Again, if you just can't bring yourself to spend your money on a rod that doesn't offer a replacement insurance policy regardless of how great the rod is then just buy one that does, but don't get "obviously" mad at the companies that don't. Needless to say they don't want/need your business.
In the mean time.....I fished another local bass tournament tonight and caught 6 bass on my new Z-Bone rod. I don't remember the thought of there only being around 40 days left on my 90 day "limited warranty" ever crossing my mind while I was fighting any of these 6 fish. I'm just really enjoying my new rod! I still think that it's awesome and is the most sensitive rod that I've ever owned. I guess I should be concentrating more on how bad Kistler screwed me when they sold me this rod that I can't even get a new one for when I slam it in my rod locker door and break it a couple years from now. I have just under 20 Kistler rods. With all the stress that I should probably be under with the crappy warranty I should probably not even leave the house with any of them.
Come on guys!!!! Do you really get this stressed out and angry about the Kistler Rod Company not offering you a better warranty? If so, while your busy with that I'm gonna be on the lake fishing my Kistler rods and have a great time fishing tournaments this season!!!