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Deputy Dave

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Everything posted by Deputy Dave

  1. Anybody have experience or opinions on this new line I happened upon somehow online? https://www.facebook.com/groups/ultimatebassgroup/permalink/10154355032468770/?sale_post_id=10154355032468770
  2. I have 11 Champion rods and like each of them a lot. Sorry, no fishing experience with the E6X. I've held several in tackle shops. A couple of times with reels mounted. IMHO the balance isn't even close to the Champion, or any Dobyns rod for that matter. Weight felt about the same. (7'MH E6X vs 703C Champ) I know I didn't answer your question but maybe something that you haven't thought of.....There are over 50 models in the Champion series to choose from and not half that with the Loomis series. I switched from much higher end, or the highest end in some cases, Loomis rods and went to Dobyns a couple of years ago. I'm not impressed with the E6X probably because of this. It is in fact their lowest end economy rod. As already stated, that's not the case with the Champion Series. My choice would be Dobyns.
  3. Thank you for your replies...
  4. Hey guys, do you think you can gain the same result by using brake cleaner instead of lighter fluid when soaking your bearings? I know that some different types of lighter fluid or acetone type alcohols are often recommended for this task. I'm not a smoker so don't have a need for lighter fluid sitting around the house. I do however use a ton of brake cleaner for cleaning weapons and lots of other use's that it's good for and have good supply of it all the time. Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences and opinions...
  5. Every year I swear that I'm going to write these down but never seen to remember until its to late. Doesn anyone remember when the store wide sales start in the spring for: Tackle Warehouse Bass Pro Shoes The Hook Up Hi's Tackle Shop And are most 20% off all merchandise that participates. Seems like I always renenber seeing a 25% off on one on them. Thanks!!
  6. At what water temp do you guys put your Frogs and hard topwater baits away in the fall? I realize there are more factors to consider in this decision than just water temperature. Its just been a really strange fall season in my area. Typically the bass are stacked in the backs of the creeks chasing bait like crazy. This season its been tough just to find the balls of bait fish, much less the bass. There is still areas of thick vegetation on the surface of some of the lakes I fish. In years past I've thrown frogs right up till the first of Nov and had the bass explode up through the thick stuff just like it was still July. Not this year!!! Other than the water temp cooling much earlier tbhan usual this year had anyone else run into problems with their typical fall patterns this year?
  7. I've heard several times over the years to remove the heavy salted plastic baits from your expensive worm hooks and the jig trailers off your jigs so the hooks don't rust. I've heard some recommend this as soon as you come off the water, even if your going to fish the same tournament the following day. I've heard others say they only remove them if the season is over and they are putting their equipment up for the year. I left all the plastics that were on their respective hooks at the end of last season and they are still there now. I got my equipment out the last few days and started putting new line on my reels and getting stuff organized for the upcoming season. Granted all of my fishing equipment is stored inside my house all winter but I have checked several, if not all, of the jigs and worm hooks that I left soft plastic baits on all winter and they look just like they did when I put them away last fall.... Has anyone here actually had a decent brand hook rust or even weaken due to leaving a salt impregnated bait on it for an extended period of time?
  8. You can pick up a BPS catalog at any time and find 3 or 4 different Quantum rods with KVD's name on them, as well as reels. I guess my point is, if I has to fish tournaments with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line every year I'm pretty sure that I try to work something out with my sponsors that allowed me to fish the best rod that they produce. I realize that Skeet and some of the other top pros stick to one or two lines of rods that they endorse. Like I said in my original post, I realize that the companies are marketing their products to sell to their largest consumer group. I'm sure that for alot of fisherman spending $85 for a Skeet Reese rod or dropping $150 on a KVD rod is alot of money. But I think BeaverIslander hit it right on the head when he said that these guys are " they are paying for the name at the expense of quality" I'm sure that someone with the power that a guy like KVD has in the sport he could fish the tournament trail with one type of rod that he endorses and then maybe fish with a rod like his current $150 rod on all the TV shows that he's on. To me this would be the best of both worlds but I've been a cop for the last 25yrs so that tells you alot about my level of intelligence! I obviously know absolutely nothing about the fishing business!!
  9. Let me start out by saying that if this rod or rods in this price range work for you than more power to you. Fish on! However, it just amazes me how some of the top names in fishing seem to always endorse or come out with lines of rods and other equipment that is on the low-end of quality and performance. I've never fished a Skeet Reese rod but I have handled them several times in stores and the first thing that comes to mind every time I pick one up is "Ugly Stick". Even the KVD line of rods feel super heavy and have about the same sensitivity as a low end BPS rod. Fishing for as much money as these guys do I can't believe that they even actually use the rods that they endorse! It just goes to show you that the money they make on the tournament trail is only a small portion of their income. The real money comes from what they put their name on. I guess if I ever had the opportunity to fish for a living I would want to use the equipment that most improved my chances to win every tournament that I fished. I'm sure that companies like Loomis, St. Crox, Kistler and Dobyns would love to have a line of rods with KVD or Skeet Reese's name on them! Quantum I guess is just a much bigger company and can afford to pay KVD alot more cash to use his name. Like I said, if they know they are going to fish with the line of rods that they put their name on why not endorse a great rod in the $250-$350 range. Wouldn't that rod be much better to fish for $100K with? It's not like Quantum doesn't already sell rods that are more expensive than this newest rod that KVD endorses. Why not just put your name on the very best rod that Quantum can make? I realize that they are trying to sell rods at a price point that "most" people will spend but I still can't get past the fact that I have to fish with the rods that I put my name on.
  10. I too have used the fish stringer with the safety pin type clips. Open them up a little and tie a rope to the end and start throwing....
  11. WOW!!! In my original post I just mentioned how much that I liked my new Z-Bone rod now that I had had the opportunity to get out on the water and use it. Now there's 4 pages of flame throwing at Kistler Rods because they don't have the same "warranty" policies as some of the other rod companies. I'm not going to even comment on all the post bad mouthing Kistler because they don't offer the same warranty as brand "X". It's real simple, if it doesn't agree with you then just buy brand "X" I on the other hand am just a guy that doesn't get all hung up or stressed out (or very obviously MAD about it while typing rants on this forum) and really enjoy fishing with Kistler rods. Their rods are the most sensitive rods that I've fished thus far in my life. I'm not going to stop buying/using them because I might slam one in the door of my truck and break it 91 days after I buy it just because Kistler won't send me a new rod after I send them the broken rod with a note that says "this rod broke on a hook-set" like everybody does. This has already been stated here but when I'm not paying attention and stick my rod in a ceiling fan and break it getting that rod replaced by the manufacture has nothing to do with a "manufactures warranty" gentlemen. The manufacture may call it a "life time/over the counter warranty" but it's actually "insurance policy" that the cost of is figured into the price when we buy the rod new. When your not paying attention and rear end somebody that's sitting at a stop light in your brand new Ford F150 pick-up truck exactly who do you call? Have any of you called the dealership that just sold you your new truck a few days ago and tell them that you need a new front end. Go ahead and ask if that covered under the "manufacturers warranty". It sounds like several here expect Kistler, and any other rod company that doesn't offer a no questions asked, over the counter warranty(insurance policy) to be the Ford dealership that I listed in my example. We all know that in the example that I used we would all call our insurance company when we crash our vehicles, not the vehicle manufacture in an attempt to have it fixed as a warranty issue. Are tackle companies any different? I'm not saying that some companies don't offer this type of warranty (Shimano) Again, if you just can't bring yourself to spend your money on a rod that doesn't offer a replacement insurance policy regardless of how great the rod is then just buy one that does, but don't get "obviously" mad at the companies that don't. Needless to say they don't want/need your business. In the mean time.....I fished another local bass tournament tonight and caught 6 bass on my new Z-Bone rod. I don't remember the thought of there only being around 40 days left on my 90 day "limited warranty" ever crossing my mind while I was fighting any of these 6 fish. I'm just really enjoying my new rod! I still think that it's awesome and is the most sensitive rod that I've ever owned. I guess I should be concentrating more on how bad Kistler screwed me when they sold me this rod that I can't even get a new one for when I slam it in my rod locker door and break it a couple years from now. I have just under 20 Kistler rods. With all the stress that I should probably be under with the crappy warranty I should probably not even leave the house with any of them. Come on guys!!!! Do you really get this stressed out and angry about the Kistler Rod Company not offering you a better warranty? If so, while your busy with that I'm gonna be on the lake fishing my Kistler rods and have a great time fishing tournaments this season!!!
  12. okiefisher8 , Trying to make the decision of which rod to put a new Core 50mg on is a really good problem to have. Of the 2 rods you mention in your original post I too will highly recommend the Cumara. I purchased my first Core 50 earlier this year and bought a Cumara 7'2" MHXF to put it on. I started the season using this set-up to throw light T-Rig plastics and plastic swimbaits. As already mentioned a few times they make an awesome pair! However, a few short weeks later I received my first new Kistler Z-Bone in 7'6" HF and put my Core on it just to play around in the back yard with my new rod. (first rod with the micro guides) It didn't take long to notice that the paint on my Z-Bone and the Core match perfectly (if I didn't know better you would swear they were painted together, its that close) I left the Core on the Z-Bone for a couple trips to the lake and well, that's where it's going to stay. For the time being a new Curado E7 resides on my Cumara. Enjoy your decision. To me problems like yours are a fun part of fishing. If you don't get into your equipment your missing out!
  13. It wasn't really wasn't a problem with the drags. The drags just weren't comparable to the other Revos which were at about 24 lbs. The older Premiers were at about 9 lbs or equal to what most other manufacturer drags were normally. Really??? Well, I'm not sure how many that you own but 3 out of the 5 that I have are bad. The first year or year and a half the drag worked fine on all of my Premiers but then 3 of them just continued to become more and more weak. I can tighten the drag all the way down and pull line off by hand like its set to about one quarter of it's max drag when new. If your interested you can do a Google search and find all kinds if info. about Abu using only 2 drag washers on the 2 previous mentioned reels and what needs to be done to correct the problem. They used a cheap washer in these reels and they wear very quickly. So, yes there WAS a problem with the drag washers. Like I said earlier, I've read that Abu has corrected the problem in reels that now leave the factory.
  14. I absolutely love mine!!! I have two and don't have anything negative to say about them. Revo has had some drag issues with their Premiers and Skeet Reese models. They use only two drag washers on these models instead of the 4+ used on all the rest of the Revo line-up. This makes no sense to me since these are the two most expensive models available but they never called and asked my opinion when they were designing them either. I need to order drag washer upgrade kits for 3 of my 5 Premiers. From what I understand the issue has been resolved in the 2010 models. The Winch is super smooth, cast a mile and the long handle make them a pleasure to throw deep diving cranks with! Trust me, you won't be disappointed!!!
  15. retiredbosn , I've got a couple of each. I haven't ever tried to throw super light cranks with my Winch's so can't comment on your problem with that. I use the two Winch reels I have on my 7.3ft and 7.6ft crankbaits rods that I use for deep divers. My two E5's are used on 6.6ft and 7.0ft rods used for small/med cranks, lipless and jerkbaits. This system has worked out great for me. You'll love your new E5! Great reel!!!
  16. Kistler Z-Bone 7.6ft HF/Core 50mg - 14lb. XPS Fluoro Kistler Helium LTA 7.0ft MF/Stradic 2500 CI4 - 30lb. Power Pro W/8lb. XPS Fluoro leader
  17. Rooster If you haven't already you might take a look at the thread I started "Powell vs. Kistler Magnesium" that's currently on page 2 in this section. There might be some useful information in there about the Powell rods.
  18. I'm exactly the same way!!! It's like buying a GL3 Loomis when you always know in the back of your mind that they make the IMX AND GLX. Or buying a Kistler Magnesium knowing there are Hellium LTA AND LTX'S out there and always wondering how much better you could fish if you had just waited a while longer and saved a few more dollars and just bought the best to begin with. I'm sure we're not all wired this way but that's just been my experience. By the way, I have two E5's and two E'7's and a Core50....Buy the Core!!!
  19. David P Thanks for your input. I've read some articles about Dobyns new series of rods. Sounds like they did in fact come out with another winner. Unfortunately, I run into the same problem there that I have with Powell. I can't find a place to put my hands on one. I really like to handle a rod before investing hard earned money. The only rod that I've ever purchased without fondling it first was actually just a few weeks ago when I ordered a Kistler Z-Bone. I've been fishing Kistler rods for a long time and already have close to two dozen so I felt pretty secure with that investment. I would love to be able to take a close look at the entire Dobyns line-up! By the way, did I see a couple Dobyns rods laying on Dave Wolaks deck on an episode of Classic Patterns this last week? Thanks again for your suggestions! Dave
  20. Thank you gentlemen! I will probably just continue to enjoy the Kistler rods that I already have. I too have had to deal with Kistlers customer service and was treated like a king. Like I said in my original post, I can't think of a negative thing to say about any of my Kistlers. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing out on another great rod. I don't really have the room or the need to just buy more rods (Powell) right now. (the rod locker is pretty full) I was going to sell a few Magnesium's if I added any of the Powell's to my arsenal. Of the 19 Kistlers I currently have the Mag's. are the one's I use the least. Thanks again for sharing your very valuable opinions! Dave
  21. five.bass.limit Your post are always very informative and I really enjoy reading them. If you have an extra minute could I get you to elaborate on this opinion? brushhoggin , feel free to jump in here as well... Thanks in advance! Dave
  22. I believe that it's "Powell" that makes a Square Bill Crankbait specific rod. I have to experience with this rod though.
  23. I used it for about a season and a half. I found it to be pretty stiff and unmanageable at times. (and yes I use KVD Line Conditioner religiously) I lost SEVERAL expensive lures due to the line snapping on hook sets. I gave it a fair chance and its just not the line for me. I don't have any of the same problem with BPS XPS Fluoro. Not to mention it's much cheaper!
  24. I held several at a show 2 or 3 years ago and I remember my 1st impression being "wow these things are heavy" I'm talking cheap BPS rods heavy! They all had really long handles as well. We all know alot can change in the rod business in 2 or 3 years. I hope it ends up being a great rod for you!!!
  25. I have tried really hard to do the same thing a few times in the 35+ years that I've been fishing. A few years ago I made up my mind that I wasn't going to have anything but Kistler rods from that point on. I did pretty well with that one and had it down to only 4 or 5 rods left from other manufactures and 15-20 Kistlers. But there's just way to much cool stuff that comes out every year in the fishing industry for me to stick to just one rod manufacture. Just over this winter I bought 2 Cumaras because I just couldn't go on any longer without one! I've tried the same thing a couple times over the years with reels too. Again, I got pretty close to all Revo's and then they came out with the Curado E5 and E7 and the Core 50.....That was the end of my Revo only arsenal. Hope that you have better luck than I have!
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