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Everything posted by kybass10

  1. Reelmech, I wasn't trying to say that the manual is right and your wrong. Being new to cleaning my reel I was just doing exactly as it said. Although, so you know your bet would have been wrong as nowhere in the maintenance section does it say that rinsing your reel is only for saltwater. I took care of the problem and now it works fine thanks to helpful advice.
  2. On the maintenance page of the manual it says "To keep your reel working at peak efficiency, it should be cleaned and lubricatd after each use. Gently rinse the reel in fresh water, wipe it dry and lubricate according to the accompanying chart." Then on the side their is an illistration of the real that is being run underneath a faucet.
  3. Last night I cleaned my Revo S for the first time, it was working perfectly but after a hard day of fishing i wanted to wash it off and put grease on it. I ran it under water like the manual said and then I applied abu garcia lube all over the moving parts and such. When I woke up this morning the spool would barely turn at all, even when the spool tenison knob was completely off. I tried running it under water again today and took it out and it cast perfectly again, but i just checked it about an hour later and noticed that the spool wasnt turning again. Any advice on what cause this and what to do. Thanks
  4. What reel would be best for these types of rods
  5. When throwing a lure such as a # 5 shad rap what would be considered a good distance. Also every time I throw overhead it always backlashes with a light lure, but when i throw sidearm it never backlashes. When I was practicing today it was pretty windy so that might have been the reason but with little heavier lures i had no problem, it just seems that i dont get that snap from the rod tip to fling it out there.
  6. I have a shimano crucial 6'6 medium power extra fast action and the recomended lure weight is 1/4 to 1/2 oz. For some reason i just cant cast lures effectively and i have to compensate a lot just to make an average cast. Is that rod alright for casting 1/8 oz rapalas and such or is it just me.
  7. I was wanting to get a baitcasting rod which would allow me to fish smaller sized crankbaits, topwater lures and such(around 1/4 oz). It seems that all my other rods are just too stiff and don't get that snap you need to cast the lure further than 15 yards. Any specific rods would help or if you could just give me some general information on what to look for in these types of rods. Thanks.
  8. I was thinking about going and fishing a creek near my house that holds both largemouth and smallmouth. The water temperature is still cold but by the end of the week the temperatures will rise into the upper 60s and low 70s. The water level is still a little high, but after a lot of rain a couple of weeks ago, it is finally getting back to normal. The creek has deeper areas but also has some spots that are 2 to three feet deep. I was wondering where i should look to target my fishing in the creek and what to use. I usually dont fish it until late spring, early summer and i have always had luck finding the smallmouths in the shallows and the largemouth in the deeper areas.
  9. Nevermind i just figured it out. It turned out that the brakes were infact turned on. I thought that they had to be extended all the way up until it clicked which made them on, but I just realized that the brakes werent clicked down so they were sliding up and causing the spool to slow down. Thanks for the help.
  10. None of the brakes are on, but yet I still dont get the casting distance that others say the experience with the revo s. The reason may be that the reel is not spinning fast enough but since I dont have any brakes on, and the spool tension is loose i dont see how it could spin any faster. I know it doesnt spin fast because I never get a backlash.
  11. I was just a little surprised after casting it because even with the spool tension loosened a lot, no matter what I did I couldnt get a backlash. It just seems weird because I never have to put my thumb on the reel until the lure hits the water, no matter what the settings are. I know that is a good thing, but I feel like I am not learning how to baitcast and if ever use any other reel that I wouldnt be able to properly use it.
  12. Yesterday I went to Sportsman Warehouse and purchased a Revo S with a 7'0 medium fast action shimano crucial rod. I practiced with it for a couple of hours today, and didnt have one backlash. I am new to baitcasting, and I was previoulsy using a couple of older reels on 5'6 rods, and got a backlashes much more often. On the Revo S I didnt have any brakes set on and the spool tension rod was loosened so that if the lure falls to the ground their would be a big birdsnest. I have heard that the revo s has caused backlash problems for some users and i am wondering why it is not happening to me, because it probaly should be based on my little experience with baitcasters. With a 2/8 oz bait i get about 25 yards of distance. I am wondering if their is another way to better setup up my rod and reel so that I can get more distance? I would even be fine with having a few backlashes because i want to be able to improve my thumbing technique so that on a properly setup reel i could cast with maximum distance. Sorry for the long explanation, but any advice would help. Thanks.
  13. Im new to using a baitcasting setup, and im wondering what is considered a long cast for a baitcaster. I use a revo s with a 7 foot medium rod with an extra fast tip and even with the spool tension loosened about as light as it will go, i dont seem to get too much distance.
  14. Alright thanks for all the information, you guys were a lot of help.
  15. ok thanks for all the advice. Also when adjusting the reel for the lure you are using do you just set it so that the lure barely falls to the ground and when it lands the reel doesnt spin any extra.
  16. Hello, I have a quesion about my baitcasting reel. Whenever I try to cast lures that are light, my cast always seems to go left. When I cast a 3/8 spinnerbait everything is fine and it goes right where i want it, but it seems that anything less than that and it just goes left. I have heard that it might be because of the gear ratio on my reel but I'm not sure. Im new to using a baitcasting reel so any advice would help, thanks.
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