Palmer Lake in Colon MI. This is how it all unfolded.......
Well we stayed dry all night which was a suprise. Not a bad night over all except we got taken to school hard. I thought we were doing good with 5 fish weighing over 9 pounds and a big bass of 4.23.... I was wrong. When we came in at 7 am that next morning I was amazed to find that someone had a 20 lb bag and obviously a 5 plus big bass. Thats just not usual on that lake. There is some big ones in there but Who'da thunk it???? The weigh in went from 20.84 for 1 st then 12.81 for second and down from there. Just not my year I guess. Oh well, life is a garden, you gotta dig it. Off to St Clair in 2 weeks, hope we can make a come back... Hope you all did well and stayed safe.
Later, Snag