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Everything posted by JerryC

  1. Nice fish Matt.. I've been out 3 time so far this season, got 3 decent size Pikerel & 2 small bass.. Going out again this sunday with some friends.. Hoping to hot the same motherload Matt did lol
  2. I'm going with a few friends in May on a charter boat on the Delaware River. The captain said we will be going for Shad, Small Mouth & Muskie.. Cant wait! Anyone have any suggestions for me? I havent fished there yet. Thanks!
  3. Happy you mentioned the Ramapo Lake. I went there for my first time ever this past saturday with 3 buddies of mine. The lake is crystal clear, you can see atleast 10 feet right to the bottom. Caught 3 pickerel & a friend caught a small bass. The place is great for day fishing. Just remember to bring pleanty of water and food, the walk back to the car was horrific.. You need to walk about a mile in to the trails to get to the lake.. Overall, i will definatly be back very soon!!!
  4. I was at the Upper Reserviour which is between North Haledon & Franklin Lakes.. Im thinking it was either a Channel Cat or a Monster Carp thats in there..
  5. I live in the Wayne area. I mainly go to the smaller lakes and ponds not known to many, but occationally i will go to some of these lakes.. excuse my spellings on some. Wawayonda State Park (great pickerel fishing) Sheapard Lake Split Rock Pompton River Passaic River (some areas) Greenwood lake Pointview Reseriour Split rock is one of my favs because not many people know of its location and rarely do you see someone else out there on a boat (no dock, only carry in boats only).
  6. Went fishing with 2 buddies Saturday Morning at a nearby resevrour in Northern NJ. Going for bass or pretty much anything that bites.. My friends had supposed "bites".. i has 2 legit ones. One totally broke my line, another took my drag all the way oput to what i felt was the middle of the lake and once i notice i was running out of line (i think it was a monster channel cat).. i jerked my rod and from that motion it must of ripped the lure right out of the fishs mouth. Very disapointing considering the fight (which lasted about a minute and as half). All in all it was a cruddy first day, i plan on going out today (monday) for a few casts. 8-)
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