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Everything posted by JerryC

  1. Im not sure i do.. i have a NJ fishing permit and a boating license if that helps lol
  2. Ray, i bought my fireblood from Tackleshop.co.uk It came to almost $600 in US$... yikes, i know!!!! The rod is about $500, but its pretty lenghty for me, and i hate really long rods, im still deciding on what rod i should use for this.. tough decision!!! i have yet to recieve it but once i do i will let you know! thanks!
  3. FYI i bought the Fireblood.. when it comes in i will test and give my review.. for the price, it better catch fish for me!!!! lol ;D
  4. I bought thsi reel about a month ago.. works great for me.. except the fact that im still tryin gto get used to the whole baitcasting part of it.. lol.. so needless to say, i still get alot of burdsnests.. but for the price its well worth it!
  5. I'm kinda of local to you.. we should get up one day..
  6. I keep reading that it can only be shipped to Australia.. Anyone know why?
  7. Ray, thats the one.. thanks for the help!!! Any reviews on this?
  8. About a month ago or so i found on the web a really nice Spinning reel and rod. It wasnt a combo but it was the same name & brand. The color of the reel was red and black and so was the rod.. They both were pretty pricey.. Anyone know the name is this? Thanks!
  9. i find fresh water fishing more interesting then salt water fishing.. i enjoy the catch in salt water but fresh water us just much more relaxing to me..
  10. whats up joe? got a boat? lol ;D
  11. jersey needs to represent a little more on this board
  12. Greenball, its considered passais county. From where you are from it is a little hike unless you take 17 to rt 4 to rt 208 .. atleats i think thats how you would get there? But i believe there are some bigger reserviours near you no?
  14. Im trying to find some rentals on a lake for June.. me and a few friends want to take a little fishing vaca someplace. 3 years ago we went to Keuka Lake, part of the finger lakes.. It was a hell of a drive but well worth it. This year we are looking into going someplace a bit more local.. anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. I believe Seneca lake is near lake Kuika (sp?). Me and my friends 2 years ago went on a fishing trip out there. Rented a house right on the lake, it was unreal..!! Fishing is great @ seneca i heard! As with Kuika, Seneca has alot of small mouth bass.. water is crystal clear, any bright lures work well. I was using a white spinner with one spoon. Landed tons of SMB and a monster Pike on it.. only lure i used all week!!! lol
  16. Yes.. we frequent the upper resi the most. The lower resi was great for SMB & LMB and also pikerel believe it or not.. I havent had the best of luck at the upper resi yet this season, but my boy caught 3 nice LMB there last weekend.. They are spawning now.
  17. Occationally me and my friends get board of going out on a friday/sat night, so we decided to grab our rods/tackle & some brews of course, and we go to this local reseviour between North Haledon & Franklin Lakes in NJ. When we were younger, we used to always go night fishing at this place, and usually we would get a few bass or perch. So we have decided that since the weather is pretty crappy, we would spend our night fishing (if that makes sense), for a little bit atleast. Not sure what we will get (its been about 10 years since ive night fished). I will keep u guys updated incase i get any monsters lol.. ;D
  18. Oh yeah!!! The pictures of some of the trout peopel caught there that ive seen have been monsters lol
  19. Hey Zel! Thanks for the info for Round Valley. The place is beautiful! Great place to fish for anyone in the area!!!! But, unfortunatly i didnt have much luck at all. I was with my GF and we road our bikes along the path around teh reserviour.. found a really great spot and fished it for aboyt an hour or so.. then she started to complaina bout being too cold and we left lol.. but im glad i experienced fishing there once, and i will most deffinatly be there again very soon! with my boat this time though lol
  20. thanks for the help..!!!! i will let u know how it goes.. lets pray for no rain now lol
  21. hey bipr8, if i lived more near you i would deff be down for some fishing.. i also have a boat, but unfortunatly my 1989 toyota carolla doesnt have the power to tow it anymore lol.. question for everyone, has anyone fishing round valley reseviour this season? my gf lives 20 misn from there so we are going to hit that up on sunday, weather permitted.. thanks!
  22. Nice BK! I will be hitting up Waywayonda State Park this Sunday with a few friends.. planning an all day trip there.. i will let you guys know how it turns out!
  23. nice monster!
  24. My guide told me yesterday that when we go (sat may 16th) thats prime time for Shad fishing & Small mouth.. We will now be going for mainly them 2.. I cant wait!
  25. FGB, Where is Darlington Co. Park?
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