had a guy ( can't remember who : ) ask me if i could do a copperhead pattern. didn't know there were so many shades. picked this color because it was the best up close picture i could find.
15 1/2" with the removable plastic tail.
2.9 oz.
had a guy ask me if i could make a topwater snake bait.
this is 14" long + another 3" with the plastic tail attached. 2.3 oz.
sorry for the noise on the video, wind was blowing and i forgot to turn off the sound mode.
found this gift bag at the dollar store and thought it would look good on a lure.
i cut it up and soaked it in hot water to soften the paper backing and then rubbed the backing off leaving the thin mylar film.
used spray adhesive to apply it and then topcoated it with d2t. looks great in the water with a lot of movement and flash.
i assume you mean like eye hooks, etc.
i use 5min epoxy and have had no problems.
all my baits are made with a through wire harness/hinge system between the two halves and i epoxy the two halves together to sandwich everything inside the bait.
nice pic of the bluegill. haven't seen that coloration before. should be no problem with the distinctive coloring that has. already have a blank cut, think i'll try that. thanks for thr inspiration
here's some recent baits. finally got a chance to do some videos of them.
brown rat
gray rat
made this over the weekend ( and yes, i've too much time on my hands : ).
6" wake bait not including the tail. double jointed.
stole my grandsons old teddy bear for the fur ( got him a new one ) and glued the skin on with epoxy. made the ears from a scrap of the bottom of my recliner. didn't put fur on the inside of the joints so it still makes a clicking sound when retrieved and leaves a nice wake. really does look like a 'drowned rat' when you pull it out of the water ;D
all hand carved.
i tried molding but the resin baits didn't have the same action as the pvc material. going to order some Featherlite resin ( it floats, but not sure how hard it is.) from Smoothon and give that a try.
got bored and tried making some fins from silicone. i made a mold and sandwiched the silicone between the 2 halves. came out pretty good. real flexible and the tail is removable. the others are anchored into the bait.will have to see how durable they are.
slow sinking, 9", 5.1 oz.
finally got some videos of some lure made.
you can browse all the videos on the photobucket site so will just post the one link.
for some reason Photobucket shortened some of the clips but enough there to get the idea.
made these for a guy in Ca. who wanted some baits that swam on their sides as if injured.
all are 7", slow sinking
the hooks are held in position with super magnets embedded in the bait.
he plans on bottom fishing them so i made them so they sank and swam with the hooks up
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