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Everything posted by Chai

  1. Fishinfourfun and i just came back from potomac and it was biting on poppers, green senkos, and spinners. The bite were good in the morning but defiantly died down once it was getting close to noon. not sure if we're doing something wrong..but congrats on your smallies!
  2. What type of bait were you guys using and where did you guys use it?
  3. i'm in fairfax and i'm anywhere there is water and grass.
  4. good to see everyone is still here! i'm up for anytime!
  5. The weather should be warming up, the birds should be singing, the flowers should be blooming, the fish should be spawning and the hooks must be set. We should get NOVA Get together soon for the Opening of Spawn. --chai
  6. i can't catch a fish with a tube if my life depended on it. i just don't get them :-/
  7. i have a buddy that lives there and he says they're eatting the worm with the crazy tail 10" red/black at evening and morning, and also try the watermelon senkos weightless and fish it slow on the right side of the launch. He says he got a few 7lbers there from the cove at the tunnle on the opposite side of the lake cause of the drop off there and to hit the shaded part. Good luck buddy, i've only caught a few 1-2lbers there haven't had a hawg hog one up yet.
  8. haha, well it just took a little time after we hooked a fish to catch another one, but there were times where we caught one right after another! yeah man, thanks for having me out on your boat today, totally appreciate it. whenever you're available we need to put our skills to the test at burke and see if we can even pull keepers out of there
  9. oo thanks!
  10. :(no lunkers. Nitro and i were at it all day trying to get one. Yeah, there are some hawgs in there but nitro has told me that once those hawgs are caught they're not placed back in the lake - which really gets me mad > CATCH AND RELEASE PEOPLE!!
  11. hey, i was wondering where i can get the bullet weights that you can screw onto your hook. Thanks ahead of time!
  12. and the funny thing is after we weighed them and threw them back in the water - we realized that we forgot to take pictures.. :-/
  13. well, it wasn't really a tourney it was just to make things fun! well lets see...in the morning we were running buzz baits for about an hour and hit the first cove, nitro hooked one butttttt didn't meet minimum standards (12") so we kept working the left side and of course i gave up on the buzz bait and threw a popper - that didn't work and i didn't have much confidence in it to begin with and then i tied on my Rapala X-Rap 8 - after the 3rd or 4th cast caught me self a keeper! so we worked the rocks for a while since traffic was holding us up (people in canoe) and then Nitro tied on a spook and worked it in the next cove and got himself a keeper, from there we pretty much snagged because of careless casts so we kept working and working and working the left side and so we trollied backwards towards the launch again and went into the cove where the stream would come in and got some bites there with a watermelon/charteous senko. So we kept working the right side for majority of the day. So overall together we had 8 keepers but 1 didn't make it to the weigh in so nitro had 4 keepers and weighed in at 3lb 12oz? and i weighed in at 2lb 13 ounces with 3 keepers. and we also caught too many dinks. Other than that, it was a verry good day and nitro is a very cool guy to fish with, if you get a chance to fish with him, take it! haha. I'm shocked at how many fish i caught at a lake that i've only been to once but then again, i was with someone who knew the lake thanks nitro for the funness
  14. I think i saw dodgeguy on WFN and Lunkerville did a show on you right?
  15. wow, sounds like i need to hit this pond up! and when cops come just say " what signs?" :-?
  16. Sounds awesome! so..anyone with a boat wanna do this? i don't own a boat. I'll go half on everything! pm Me!
  17. Went out on burke lake today. It was showering so i stuck it out for about a few hours until it got harder so anyways i only had 1 hit with the Mr. worm two toned purple with red tail and thats about it for 4 hours. Wind was amazingly strong from here to there. So can anyone explain to me why Burke lake is sucking right now? haven't caught anything out of this lake since spring started. oh and one more thing to ask, can someone make like a "when to use the lure" list for me! i'd highly appreciate it. I don't know when to use what lure for different occasions. thanks! -chai
  18. sounds good! i'll be able to fish tuesday all day and after 4 for the rest of the week until the weekend. i'll pm you with my number and "rip some lips" -chai
  19. west virginia is going to get TORE up with cicadas.
  20. nice catch, which lake?
  21. Lets get together and fish! just list when you're available in the next two weeks. i'm free all weekend and every tuesday. and...lets pick a lake!
  22. just got done fishing Lake Braddock from noon till now with a few buddies of mine. Caught a lot of blue gills it was fun, and caught a few 1lbers here and there. Spinner bait with yellow skirt/head/spinners and Realistic colored worms seems to be doing the trick right now. But they're defiantly not where they're at right now Trev. I walked the entire lake and couldn't find a single bass. Kinda had to cast into the cove to the right of the pier, thats where they're hitting for us. These next couple of days should do the trick, no rain just shine
  23. It was nice meeting you Trev! i saw Trev land a real nice one before i hopped onto his boat. Yeah, we all should meet up soon and have a cook out or something and fish!
  24. im actually heading out now and gonna try to catch okrod, i kinda slept in for a little. but yeah trev, i got your number and you got mine, so hit me up once you're available. Hope to see you guys there
  25. I'm going fishing at Lake Braddock tomorrow morning and probably going to hit it up with Trev in the evening, if anyone would like to join us feel free too! the fishing there off the shore is just as good as fishing on a boat i say. Hope Ya'll can make it!
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