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Everything posted by xft116

  1. ya figured that it would be we have got alot of rain lately and currently are i think we are gonna go to bull shoels now cause i kinda know where to go there we used to stay a wimpys resort and fish there a couple of times a year when we lived in michigan but thanks for the imputt
  2. i have a 2006 skeeter 20i w/300k coverage i pay $430 year
  3. was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on fishing this lake never been there before i just moved to springfield and have never fished there before i picked up my new skeeter20i this week and cant wait to hit the water any help would be appriciated.
  4. use one of those underwater cameras that they use for ice fishing lower it down over where you dropped it and you can watch as you try to snag it i retrieved a cell phone out of a hole in the ice a week after i dropped it in the hole and it still worked LOL
  5. springfield here just moved down here bought a new boat yesterday looking forward to this year
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