Not as old as you Tom but been at it around 40 years. I don't think worms are a problem with either style hook but pretty sure with a straight shank they will act as a cam as described also. I think the straight shank hooks shine with thicker body baits like Beavers etc. The only baits I use straight shank hooks on are the baits I use for flipping and I snell them on. Everything else gets an EWG. Rigs easier, keeps bait from sliding down shank, and as I've said, I have no problems at all with hooksets. Shakey Heads are a good example of straight shank hooks. A bit harder to rig worm straight and after several casts, the point will not stay skin hooked and pokes through the worm making it pick up more debris. But as always, everyone will have their own preference so by all means use what you feel works best for you. Maybe a study will be done on % strike to hook set, which might shed some light on this. Right now just opinion, but a valued one. Tough to argue with that monster in Toms picture. Must be doing something right.