Draw tournaments are such a downer for me because it literally is luck of the draw as to how considerate your boater is. This is a major reason why I don't tournament fish more than I do. My thoughts are these:
If you are fishing a tournament that is co-angler against co-angler, then you should take 4-6 rods max and try to limit your tackle as much as possible. One bag to leave on deck and food, rain gear, etc... should stow in one compartment. It is rude for the boater not to leave you at least one compartment to store your gear. I have fished with many many rude boaters who have way too much crap in their boat--and yes, this includes friends of mine.
If you are fishing in draw tournaments where you are fishing against the guy in the front of the boat--as the Alabama Federation Nation tournaments are--then it is rude for the boater to have 18 rods and 300 lbs of tackle and then expect you to not be prepared. In this case the boater should allow you to stow some rods in a front rod box too. Which, I have had guys leave me more storage than they take themselves, which is extremely cool. But in some cases when the boater is being an inconsiderate ., you just have to take the usual 4-6 rods and that is the way it is.