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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. I'm thinking that you might want to try something along the Tennessee river chain.....Pickwick...Wilson...Guntersville...Wheeler....etc....The road trip has been in that vicinity for years now so you should get some good advice on accommodations and guide services.
  2. Jiggy Jiggy Jiggy Fishing season is upon us....perhaps a small shift in priorities is in order....at least for the sake of your sanity.
  3. Been very successful in that situation this year with 1/8oz ballhead jigs slid into Zoom's new Swimmin Super Fluke Jr. Here they seem to like Smokin Shad and Bluegill Flash the best. Cast it as far as you can. Let it sink to the bottom and bring it back by picking up your rod tip and taking up the slack. This's been very effective here in New England and worked well on Pickwick in the spring.
  4. Ok...the spawn's over and we can get down to the business of catching bass. I know it's easier in a boat but the principle's the same. Lower light conditions seem to make the fish more comfortable in shallower water so they tend to come up the dropoffs to put on the feedbag. They will also eat in the middle of the day but they're in a different place. Usually shady or enclosed areas like under docks or weed beds in 8-12ft of water are where they can be found. From shore, if you fish a known steep drop off area with weeds, using something that will pass readily through the weeds or grass or whatever, then you'll have a good shot at some fish. Early and late, topwaters and jerkbaits should do the trick. Using this method, the last two weeks, has produced 30-50 fish per outing. Couldn't hurt to give it a try. Grampa
  5. And how about a hint about where you live, fish and how you fish. We can help if you let us.
  6. Wow.....that's an interesting attitude....seems to me that the water's a little hard in Canada between November and May anyway. How do you keep from catching Bass through the ice. I, personally prefer not to fish for bedding bass but that stems from not liking to be disturbed when it was my turn to mate. After the advent of Catch and Release, most fish remain in their environment anyway so adding one more predator, during the spawn, hasn't seemed to hurt the population. On a personal note, when I fish with my family and friends, we often catch mixed bags(figuratively) of fish from 5" to 5lb. Just like when we go to Memphremagog or northern Champlain. Perhaps you should stick around on our board for a while and get a feel for what we really catch in the Northeast. Welcome aboard lmbfisherman Grampa
  7. Went out yesterday myself...air in the 60's and water in the 50's. Wife and I caught maybe a dozen Pickerel, a couple of Bluegills and one decent Bass around 3lb. Fished slow, at about 8' with plastic swim baits. 9:30 to 2pm.
  8. But...........If you had a pond with a fish feeder in it....................might be hard to stay away from............maybe just one cast........
  9. Been a long time but I think I'd fish around the island with the bridge going to it for signs of bedding Smallies. It's about halfway down the lake on the left. The pool at the top of the pond and the pool way at the bottom to the right, warm up first though.
  10. Well...fished the place once...a long time ago and had some luck around the ridge that runs off the right side of the big island. This time of year might just produce at the outflow to the left of the ramp. Kind of extensive but there are pockets.... Up to the right before the pass through there's a spawning flat....probably won't be there yet but they might be snoopin' around. Good luck and have fun. Oh and a friend of mine pulled an 8.2 out of there a few years ago. Grampa
  11. I think you're looking for a little warmer water. Couple weeks and they'll be in the bays on the Cape. You might want to use 8'-10' rods and 3000 to 5000 spinning reels. #65 braid with #20 flouro tied to a 1oz white maribu jig with a 6" white grub bounced on the bottom, might work. Live bait is sand worms and clams. That should get you started. Then talk to the guy standing next to you for more info.
  12. First fish was yesterday on a Blue Fox spinner...18" Salmon at Memorial Beach in Webster....Packing for Pickwick but when we get back it's "game on".
  13. Hmmm...sounds fishy to me.....
  14. So I weighed my tackle today and it came in at a chubby 32.5lb...How about you?
  15. Navionics does a pretty good job with the Quabbin.....Check the WebApp....
  16. With a 40lb stringer to it's credit, I'd have to give Mashpee Wakeby the nod.
  17. Mike's the best and real fishing people like Fisher Mom and Cletus make bass fishing "real" again. That's boats without more add ons than my boat cost, parents passing on the love of fishing to kids and real, everyday situations. I'm sick of watching Pros who don't seem to fish any better than my friends, telling me that I'm throwing the wrong stuff the wrong way. Ok I'm biased. JMHO
  18. If you think Buffs are retarded then you should see what you look like right after MOHS on your forehead.
  19. Ah yes...just by clicking the box in front....done...thanks....
  20. Good idea Glenn...but is individual purchase an option?
  21. If you have a BPS handy, they have it in the Flyfishing section or Orvis, LL Bean, or other such catalogs, or look up Buffs on line. Some previously posted, great ideas as well.....
  22. Yeah....I know it's cold out but we will eventually be fishing again.....It's not too soon to start having the conversation with yourself about how you're gonna protect yourself from Skin Cancer. I know you don't think it'll happen to you....neither did I but it did. Using protection has kept cancer away for the last couple of years so I'm getting fresh Buffs and new Sunscreen. It's pointless over SPF50 I'm told, it's got a 2 year shelf life and you need to use it 2-3 times a trip but hey, it's working so I'm gonna keep doing it. Think about it. Grampa1114
  23. I know...I know...It's still freezing and we're still getting snow and many places won't see open water for weeks but......stock up now and get your mind set to using this stuff. I managed to sneak by one more year without Skin Cancer.....the stuff works.....use it please..... Grampa1114
  24. Well...that 50cc outboard ought to make that 18" boat fly.....with that much brain power in one place....you can tell that he is confident that the "Price is Right"
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