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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. This year will be my first year on Candlewood but I've been at it for a while and I'm guessing that it's not much different than most N.E. Lakes so south facing bays with access to deep water will still be the first places to try. Maybe I'll see you out there.
  2. Personal experiences and prejudices aside.....are we still talking about fish here?
  3. Last time I went ice fishing there were 4 of us......a quart of bloody mary's, a quart of blackberry brandy and a case of beer. Booze was gone, we went home, good day ice fishing.
  4. Not my favorite topic but it did catch my eye and I read through the comments....some fish, mostly trout, when caught and handled, can more readily, loose the protective slime that keeps them alive. Those I tend to keep, although rarely caught. When asked to help produce a fish fry(generally annually) I tend to aim for Largemouth bass within the 12.5" to 15" range. These are keepers but not breeders who will not be missed in the reproductive cycle. Fileted and egged and breaded before frying makes them well worth the effort. Keep in mind that if you don't harvest an occasional fish then PITA may be right when they say we are just harrassing the fish.
  5. Geez....isn't this a topic for waaay in the middle of the winter.....people are still tryin' ta' fish here.....
  6. Had a pretty good fall but after Tuesday's Pickerelfest.....the boat went to the marina for winterizing this morning. Now I'm shorebound and waiting for spring. Rods need cleaning and fresh line anyway.
  7. That's what we're lookin' for.....Thanks J Francho.....
  8. Good info....Thanks Guys...
  9. Thanks guys....running out of time this year but.......is that a public ramp after Candlewood Lake Marina or does it belong to Echo Bay Marine? Are there any Public Marinas or are they all 'pay to play'?
  10. One suggestion might be below the Vergennes dam on Otter Creek and then out to the little ramp at the mouth. Use something that won't get hung up in rocks like floating square bills and wiggle warts.
  11. I noticed that Squantz Park is on the New York side of the lake and am hoping for something on the East side as I'm coming from Mass.
  12. Thanks ...I'll give it a try....heard only good things about the lake....should be on my Navionics chip so that may help.
  13. Ok...if Candlewood is one of the best bass lakes in the country then where is the best boating access and how do you get there from Mass?
  14. After 20 years of club and local open tourneys, I opted for the "easy way". "Just going fishing", meant bringing the little woman along. I showed her what a light line and small bait were capable of and then I had to learn how to locate fish enough for two, every time out. Fifteen years later, it's made me a better fisherman and a much more patient husband.
  15. A pressure change or weather change can start a feeding frenzy.......sometimes you are lucky enough to be there when it happens...I think that's what you're talking about......don't forget your meds.....
  16. Umm living in Webster there was an overwhelming temptation to fish Little Pond... so I did and caught maybe 20 fish in 3 hours but they were possibly the same 12" fish....Hmmm
  17. BR1AN don't forget a drop of superglue on the frog's nose to keep the rubber from bunching up.....
  18. Squirmmy...are you off your meds again?
  19. Well...lets see...MA CT RI NH VT ME NY AL TN MS and Canada so far...
  20. Now...I fish daytimes 2-3 times a week, weekdays and mostly on Webster Lake but I try to vary my terrain and baits...Ok,and I'm in a boat. Been catching fish...regularly on stuff that you drag through the deep weeds, with a start and drop retrieve. Should have a swimming tail and look somehow like a shad. 20+ bass every outing...pickerel, perch, sunfish aplenty as well. Hope it helps. Grampa
  21. Jiggy that is the same technique that you need to use for your plastics. It's been working all season. Zoom swimmin' super fluke jr. in a shad color....mmm..mm.
  22. Good to hear that you're out there Jiggy...Keep sneakin' casts and hang in there.....
  23. Jiggy...Jiggy...Jiggy...Shut Off your cell phone when the bite is on.....Bite stops...cell phone on....get it?
  24. The hot set-up this year has been a Swimmin Superfluke Jr. in smokin shad on a ballhead jig.
  25. Check the forage base in the pond and try matching the hatch...if it's shad or similar fish then maybe a twitch bait or fluke will work. If it's crayfish then maybe checking the color by finding a couple under shoreline rocks and matching size and color with rage tails or similar baits. Keep at it, and you'll figure it out. Good luck.
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