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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. So I just got back from Santee SP. Very nice facility and cabins are quite comfy. Interesting lake. Seems to be shallow..maybe 15 feet in the creek beds but 5 to 8 feet and fallen trees and stumps everywhere with minimal channel markings. There seem to be very few weed beds on the bottom, perhaps due to previous drought conditions. There is a sparse tree line in the middle of the lake which thickens to a flooded forest as you go toward the top of the lake. Fishing is best in the flooded timber. Drive carefully.
  2. It does my heart good to see the comments.....I go to the lake and see you all covering up and lathering down and hope you make it a standard practice. It doesn't hurt to get a little "Shaggy" in the summer either...Let that hair crawl over your ears and fill out that scruff on your chin...My Dermatologist said it might just help...Your skin and your family will thank you for it. Thanks for listening. Grampa
  3. Dan...last time I was there was this time of year and had some decent success by fishing the Leeward Creek Points with ballhead jigs tipped with everything from swim tails to senkos.....it all worked with a little patience...Hope this helps...
  4. New to the area but read up on last year.....water was a lot lower....What can we expect with the higher water? Fishin' outta Santee St. Park. Just lookin' for "clues" not "spots".
  5. So surprisingly enough...I'm moving to Ridgeland, SC......Looks like that's about 45 minutes from Shawnee, Ga. Might just have to start Redfishing if I can't find any fresh water around here.
  6. I'd fish with the best fishermen I know...Fishing Rhino, DinKy, and Tate....hands down..any day.
  7. So if you're reading this for the first time and you're 'that person'......pay attention to the man who started this thread. Actually...if you are reading this thread then you're already head of the game. These guys know what they're talking about. It might not seem like it right now, but Bassfishing just ain't that hard. Pick a couple of different baits, not a lot...take them out and use them....and...If you ever get a chance to fish with someone like Rhino...from the forum....TAKE IT.
  8. So I have a question.....as it turns out.....I'll probably settle just south of Ridgeland and am wondering if there are any Bass in the West branch of Harbor River?
  9. Go to the NY Bass website and ask about the "Fish For The Cure" tournament held on Candlewood Lake annually...Tell them I sent you.
  10. It seems this year.....some are too warm and some are too cold...It is our hope that All are Safe and Happy this Holiday Season.... Grampa
  11. I like it....Nicely done guys!!!
  12. Probably a Salmon...they slide them in a lot lately...caught one last year and a big one about 15 years ago. Check Atlantic Salmon. Grampa
  13. About half of my rods are light or ultralight and my 7.2 PB was caught on one of them...My tournament days are over so I'm personally in it for the fight. JMHO Grampa
  14. Does that mean that you won't be playing sunday? Just fix it and get back in the game...But ice fishing may be out for a few years. After the hips were done they told me to sell all my ice fishing stuff and don't look back. Pay attention to your Doc and you'll be fine. Good Luck Grampa
  15. Not sure how bad the gators are but they say "Don't bring your dog with you, if you're fishing from shore"...Hmm. Good luck and welcome aboard.
  16. I heard about a big stringer caught last Febuary at Bushy Park. Don't know anything yet but...gonna find out soon enough. Just got here but I learn Quick.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving y'all from SC 70's and sunny. Grampa
  18. Back in Ot 3 I felt it was time to part company with my 8 year old Ranger R70 which owed me nothin'. Great boat but was gettin' a little long in the tooth....Decided....like outdoorsmaninky....to go the Bay Boat route. Picked up a Fishhawk 170.....nice little boat....handled rough water on Champlain very well....high sides were a little tough in the wind and it was harder for the little woman to drive onto the trailer from blowin' around....Even took it into the ocean a couple o' times. Unfortunately...not the easiest boat to fish out of...long story short....2 years later....foot control trolling motor and Gel battery(because an acid battery wouldn't fit)....and a front pedestal seat....all were traded back for a Triton Bass Boat....much better for my kind of fishin'....still got it....you asked....that's what I've got for ya... Grampa
  19. Thanks for the help...those rivers are mighty confusing but if I get both licenses it won't matter. Goose Creek seems inviting but for the gators.....and Moultrie and Marion look very appealing. See you out there. Grampa
  20. Just got here and looking for a starting point. Right now I'm on IoP and don't see any fresh water..... Grampa
  21. If you are ever in Charleston SC come and buy me a drink. Enjoy winter. Grampa
  22. Just a guess but if you can catch'em through the ice....a little cold snap won't end the season. Down size and slow down. Don't be afraid to throw those moving baits....just a little slower. JMHO
  23. Probably into fish and forgot to come in...
  24. Nice job Dogbone...we like those Scale Numbers...Congrats on your new and "real" PB.
  25. Blue Bird High Pressure after two days of stormy weather.....tough day to battle through but a couple keepers and a couple nice pics and maybe a perch....a lot of patience made for a nice day with a new friend.
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