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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. SC DDChaser, I'm literally in the same boat, TR175 Triton and live about a half hour from the bottom of Moultrie and also new to the area and looking for help. Went out last spring from Santee St. Park and had some luck in the trees. Gotta be really careful of the stumps everywhere though so take it slow and watch your electronics. Had a little luck a couple weeks ago around the Hatchery on Moultrie and looking to search a little more soon.
  2. Since moving to South Carolina, it has become apparent that I had relied too heavily in the past on knowledge retained from fishing New England lakes and ponds for so many years. It is time to rehone my fish finding skills. So as not to be thought of as one who looks for the easy way out, I'll be starting with Lake Moultrie. Oh, and any help will be appreciated.
  3. This is the year I might just make it...Gonna hook up with Fishing Rhino and DinKy. Seems Charleston's closer than I thought.
  4. You might want to look at 3" sluggos on a 1/16oz leadhead...been my go to for years. 6lb Yo-Zuri hybrid will give a good fall rate and pull'em out of most anywhere.
  5. White Triton....Silverado Pick Up....say Hi anytime, seems once a week is going to be the norm if I'm lucky.
  6. Putting in out behind Trident School, haven't been to Bushy park to fish yet.
  7. New to the area, from New England. Looking for just such a club, somewhere near Summerville. Been there, done that and got over it. Just looking for some company to fish with. Details like meeting frequency, locations, and costs would be nice. Let me know. Grampa1114
  8. Ok so I know nothing about this area, being from Mass. but I'm here now and fishing Goose Creek. Water temp before Matthew was 80.5 at 10 am and 82 at 2 pm. When is there a fall bite? How cold does the water get down here and do the fish really turn off? I've fished Pickwick in April and the water was 65 and the Pros do pretty well in February with mid 50s temps. I've also caught a few through the ice so I guess my question is, what differences should I be looking for with how much temp drop? Bosn I believe we've spoken in the past and if I can pry the wife off the back seat, you'll be welcome in my little Triton. Grampa1114
  9. Wife and I caught 2 Lmb, 1 Keeper, 1 not. Also caught a 2 ft long Bowfin. We fish 10am to 2pm a couple days a week when there's no Hurricane. Monday we saw 5 gators. Starting to like this place.
  10. Ok, I'm a relocated New Englander...used to fishing clear water, deep lakes but here I am and after three trips to Goose Creek, finally started to figure them out. 82 deg water in September doesn't help but that should start to cool down soon. Caught my first big old nice one at the 4-6 ft drop in front of a point off the main creek channel. It's a place to begin.
  11. And....Detroithiker.....you were smart enough to ask the question so I'm hoping that you are smart enough to pay attention....These guys have been at it for years and can give some pretty sound advice.
  12. Mmmmm....I'm thinkin' Hazmat.....
  13. If you want new targets with your kayak then try the Sudbury River at Rt 20 bridge...little access ramp right there...might just catch something you've never caught before...horned pout, northerns and maybe things that you never knew existed. Good luck and don't fall in that water.
  14. I hope so...this warm is sure nice on the old bones...Next step is to figure out how to fish in mud. Have a great summer. Grampa
  15. Oh and by the way...Welcome home...Welcome to the forum and Thank You for your Service
  16. Jiggy..don't overlook Lake Chauncey off Lyman St. at RT 9 just past the Burger King. I know...I'm not there but I'm watching.
  17. You might try going "Old School" with a black 3/4 oz broken back Jitterbug trolled 60' to 80' behind the Kayak or canoe... boated some real giants that way.....back in the day.
  18. Hey Jiggy I'm moving to within striking distance of Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie on the Santee Cooper chain so life is about to improve exponentially. When I get this flowing mud that passes for water figured out pictures will follow. The experiment with Redfish and Speckled Trout was at best...mediocre. The old Triton's just not a flats boat. Like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Your bait choice for summer doldrums is spot on. Just remember to throw those baits in 6-10 ft weeds and you'll do just fine. Tell MassYak85 not to give up on Quinsig. As long as he stays away from the Waterskiers and fishes weeds in more than 6 ft of water.....he'll do just fine. Tell him not to forget the Apartment house SW of the new Rt 9 bridge. Y'all have a great summer heah.......Grampa
  19. Good job DG....sounds like a sweet Smallie.....just bring the big tackle box and rummage around until you find stuff that works. I just moved from Ma to SC and have the same situation....I'll figure it out too....Keep Chuckin' and Keep Learnin'..Grampa
  20. Hmm....I know this isn't your first Rodeo and it looks like a fun challenge to attempt. Just rocks means lots of shadow areas to hide. Probably some Algae on the rocks as well. Could lead to a decent Crayfish population and a good opportunity to bounce jigs. I find the Spanky with a weighted wacky hook also does a nice job in watermelon red flake and bluegill colors. With your experience, it won't take long to figure them out. Best of luck ...Grampa1114
  21. Silly me........I thought you were paying attention........The sun isn't what it used to be.......Skin Cancer Can and Will..... Kill You.....Smarten up.....Cover up.....Stay alive.....fish for a long,long time....Please.....
  22. Look at you....with a new hobby. Wire rusts away....plastic is Forever
  23. The reason that I've not been pounding the idea of covering up in the sun this year is because I'm back in a fist fight with the problem. Listen to me...if you don't want cream lathered all over you and sit under a lamp for 20 minutes while it bakes in and then go home and hide for a couple of days so you don't get 3rd degree sunburns.....couple of cuts and stitches again.....Smart people will not let this happen to them.....Please.....Cover Up.....
  24. Well...not being familiar with the lake, I can only say that we concentrated on what was in front of us. Three days, two old timers, new lake, 9 Bass and 1 nice Crappie.......Big Bass 4+....Crappie 2+..... Grampa
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