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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. So can you tell me why, when you do decide to keep a few of these tasty morsels......as soon as you put one in your livewell.....they stop hitting?
  2. That's a nice list and fine if you're an accomplished fisherman in the first place. Do you know what types of equipment you will be using...or...are you just beginning? Let's just say for the sake of a place to start, that you are just beginning and are on a budget. Perhaps a 6' medium action spinning rod with a fast tip and a quality spinning reel...$100.-$125. for the set, loaded with quality 8# monofilament. Then you will want to reach 3 areas of the water column. Surface to 2' can be covered nicely with floating, original, 3"-4" silver w/black back Rapalas. Mid-range is handled nicely by 1/4oz white w/willow leaf blade spinnerbait. The bottom can be dealt with by using 4" black,curly tail worms on 1/0 offset worm hooks and leadfree 1/8oz bullet weights. Remember to read and watch any and all information about bass behavior. More important than what you throw is where and why.
  3. Let me see if I can get this right....5 Guys.....3 Boats.....8 Bass.....11 Perch.....1Crappie,,,,,! Pickerel.....41 deg air.....53 deg water......Uncounted Rowing Crews.....4 hours.....Nice finish.....Good year.....Thanks Guys..... Grampa
  4. Golf gloves are sold as singles.
  5. Hmmmmm.....I bet you're as cute as a bunny too.......... By the way...Forecast is getting better and better.
  6. Nobasspro...I still say that you should be commended for attempting to help someone in need...By staying and lending a hand instead of calling for a tow you aided the "peace of mind" and probably showed the other guy how to help someone in need of help, later. The best advice when you are helping someone is to make sure that you are "helping" and not "hindering"...Your instincts and common sense are normally your best tools...again thanks for lending a hand... Grampa
  7. Nice to have you aboard...This is a great place to learn and teach...Fresh ideas are what we survive on so feel free to jump in. Grampa
  8. Grundle.....Buddy....I'm saddened to hear that your busy schedule can't include us. But....I promise to fish some Grundlized worms just so the fish won't know that you couldn't make it. Grampa
  9. The Woerd Ave boat ramp accesses that stretch of water. We can fish that with canoes, rowboats, kayaks, bassboats, did I leave anybody out? We can also fish it any time somebody says Hey...Let's fish there. This is an "Open Forum" and we love fresh ideas. Got it? Grampa Freebie...you're welcome back anytime.
  10. Let's just see if we can pull Saturday off first...The list is rapidly changing...We've got 3 boats and 2 non-boaters...here's your chance guys...next candidate wins......Jones508...Jigfishin10...and....................
  11. Ok let's get a head count for next Saturday...Who is definite and who's not... Grampa1114..........................................one that got away tate.........................................................Jones 508 Fishing Rhino..........................................Jigfishing10 ................................................................Grundlelove? Is this correct? By the way Freebie...I love fishing on Mondays... Grampa1114
  12. Hello Freebie...Everybody that can make Sunday Oct 30 7:00am at Home Depot in Bellingham, please signify by saying Aye... Aye
  13. Easy ramp...nice parking lot...and the fish can really be on in the fall...Just a thought.
  14. How about...and this is just a thought...Quinsigamond...Halloween weekend?
  15. Who's interested in sneaking in one more?
  16. Well...first, you have to understand that as soon as you take control of the other boat, you are responsible for it...so think it out before you hook up. Make sure that you know where you are going and what you will do when you get there...make sure that the other guy knows as well. Ensure that you are pulling the center of the other boat and use both(if possible) of your ski tow loops on your stern. It helps to have 2 boat lengths of rope between the boats for a maneuvering buffer. This is not a race so take your time. Ensure that the other operator keeps his outboard in the water and straight, to ensure a straight tow. Don't expect a lot of gratitude as he will be agravated in the first place. Take comfort in the fact that someone may help you some day. Thanks for helping a fellow boater in need. Grampa
  17. So let me get this straight...a body of running water which feeds into a body of standing water is considered a "feeder"...and the created channel would then be considered a "feeder channel"...Correct?
  18. The old railroad bed that you were fishing is between No. Hero and the Adirondacks...You experienced the influx of water off the mountains into the lake and then the bounce off the island. Interesting stuff.....
  19. Well...with us...8 bass and many very large pickerel...oh yeah....perch,bluegill,red eared sunfish, green sunfish along with large and smallmouth bass...and the big bass was 4.2...more important than what were throwing, was where we threw stuff.....we were aiming at the windy side of barren dropoffs from 3-4' into 6-8' of weeds...that was our key. We were also throwing 4-5" center weighted dark Sinkos, alewife colored Sluggos and Finess Fish were also producing. Grampa
  20. This is the best gettogether to date. Excellent company. Well performed guiding by the boaters. A great showing by the non-boaters(good job Jonesie). Another great nosh. All around fine performance by all.....If you missed this event and you really wanted to be there...Chime in anytime...Everyone is welcome..... Grampa
  21. Always a pleasure to meet someone local...new talent and fresh ideas are always welcome...come to a get-together sometime...you will be welcome. Grampa
  22. Is that the "Gorton's Fisherman" advertising their new "Pickerel Sticks"? And yes I have 2 sets of raingear.
  23. Everybody ready?.....Any questions?
  24. Oh...and Slatersville isn't bad either.
  25. Watchaug in Charlestown....Burlingame SP.
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