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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. Flint Pond is a lot of fun this time of year, the bass are plentiful and the Crappie are huge, if the waterskiers don't get you. If you fish around the shoreline from about 50' out, you could have a real good time. Singletary and Manchaug will both be interesting with low water, due to the plentiful rock outcroppings. Flint is also low and may be tricky to get out on with a deep v hull, so bring your smaller boats.
  2. You are suffering from Newboatitis...this occurs when the new boater has more to think about than which worm to throw...now it is boat position in the wind and which structure or cover to throw to and just in general where to go to find the fish. Relax and think about what you already know and it will all fall into place. Best of luck with the new rig...spend as much time on the water as possible and remember that this is supposed to be relaxing, fun. Grampa
  3. This is a man who will be missed, I, for one am saddened....respectful condolences to family and friends... Grampa 1114
  4. As a general rule of thumb, at least in Mass., the stocked fish are trout and occasionally salmon but not bass. If you follow 395 north...a possibility for you is Hopeville, Ct. St. Park. They say the bass and pike are good there. Another 20 miles gets you to Webster Ma. and that lake is excellent. Another 15 miles after that, brings you to Quinsigamond in Worcester, Ma....also very good. There are also some ramps to get into the Thames River in the area of the casinos.They might be worth looking up under Ct.DNR.com Good luck and good fishing Grampa
  5. Wow...I guess you put us in our place..............not comin' back huh........what a shame.......................moron.....
  6. You know, the people in my inner circle are there because I want them there. Family is family and you can't do much about that, but if you choose your friends wisely, and I think I have, then no suspensions are necessary, ever. Grampa
  7. That stuff is all really scary but the Bozo on the cellphone, having a heated conversation, in traffic, coming right at me and my family......that's technology running wildly amock. JMHO Grampa
  8. There will be Tournaments on every lake and river in Mass from now until late fall.....it just can't be avoided....friends can fish together on any lake they want...any time they want....there is generally plenty of water and plenty of fish for all. JMO Grampa
  9. Think small aluminum.
  10. I fished it once but it was a long time ago....there are weedbeds which produce fish at the south side of the west leg of the 290 bridge, there is a big weed bed south after the rte 9 bridge, in front of the apt house, also there is a good shallow north of the twin islands after you go through the narrows, bounce small plastics through the weeds or run spinnerbaits through the weeds or twitch through the tops of the weeds, If those things don't work then go to the southeast side of the rte 9 bridge and fish the south side hole,sorry but that's all that I can remember. Good luck!
  11. It looks like I might just be able to make it but not definite yet,,,,,don't much care where....
  12. Ahem....didn't you catch a 2+ smallie with me there last year? I recall it was on a TR Senko between ponds.
  13. I tend to agree with you...Bwell...Having towed for 35 years with enough truck to do the job but liveable when not towing. I tow 2500lb of Triton Bass Boat to Champlain probably two or three times a year. Otherwise just local towing...I manage this with a "Toy" Jeep Liberty, capable of towing 5000lb, getting 14-17 mpg. Perhaps Mr. Francho could take off his blinders and see that we have to commute with these vehicles the rest of the time and enjoy the benefits of smaller engines and their better everyday fuel consumption. Grampa
  14. , No problem getting gloves for my big mitts...2XL..I've had one pair for 2 years, tried to rotate them out last year, but couldn't kill 'em....and the sensitivity seems to be just fine...haven't needed fighting gloves yet but I'm not catching much over 7lb except an occasional pike or carp. Grampa
  15. Yup...that's right...by the way I caught a couple of fish...
  16. I still play Scrabble with my wife on a Playstation (no number).
  17. Now that's the Idea.....Buff has some very nice and wearable stuff....and if Columbia is too pricey, then BPS has some very useable alternatives. I'm into 90-100 SPF and every couple of hours, take a break and freshen it up. You'll need a drink anyway.Good conversation.
  18. Yeah.....that's great.....I'm goin' fishin' now.......thanks....
  19. Spring is coming early and we're back out there chasing the little green fish again. Protect yourself from the sun. I know, I know... sunshine is wonderful and keeps you warm and browns your skin and you look good because of it....nice....but the reality is that the stuff can give you a really ugly form of cancer that will scar you badly and maybe even kill you....so smarten up,,,, cover up and save your own skin....literally. Wear a hat, sunscreen(fresh every year), and if you can, protective clothing. I know that some of you have heard me on my soap box before, well I'm there again. Please listen to an old man who didn't do these things. Grampa
  20. Finally got my first from shore today, Box Pond, Bellingham. 14" 1.5lb LMB.................well it's a start...
  21. Sounds like pre spawn...have you tried bouncing big plastic..(space monkey..10" worm etc} on 1/2oz weights down the creek dropoffs?
  22. Thanks guys, it's part time so I'll still have plenty of fishin' time. Jonesie , glad I could help, it'll be good to see you all...how about you Freebie. does sunday help? are you a boater yet? Deaknho3, Tugsandpulls,Hoistnhawgs, and Sleeplessweekends did I forget anybody new? It will be good to meet new folks. Jiggie, Grundle(new boat person),been a long winter...let's get ready to go fishin'. All Tate, Rhino and I ask is that you show up as promised.
  23. Congrats on the job Jonesie, I even got one myself......but ....4/15 is a Sunday.....does that help?
  24. 4/15 seems ok for now.....Where are we going? Mashpee?
  25. Ummm.....no one is in charge here.....SW if you have a date in mind then spit it out.....no dates work for everyone but any date is worth a try. The bigger boats are still put away but I like to fish from shore and cook hot dogs too. C'mon guys lets have some ideas...please.
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