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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. I have to agree with Flippin and Pitchin...Major League Fishing put a little realism back into the tournament scene. Everybody was running an affordable boat, like us, and the deal was "no practice", just like the guys who don't have time to practice for the monthly club tourney.....and....they were all of approximately the same skill level, again much like an average local club.... x10...This was also the beginning of a very interesting scoring format. Fun to watch and some good tips were there if you paid attention. JMHO Grampa
  2. People can get addicted to all kinds of things......like tanning....... or fishing........don't judge....just be careful..... Grampa
  3. WTG Jellyman keep it up.
  4. I showed up at 7am as promised...nobody was there to ask for a ride so I went out alone, met up with Grundle and his sweet new tracker....caught 2 LMB and a bunch of pickerel.....got back to the ramp about noon, we need to do better than this next time. Grampa
  5. I personally am aiming for 7am sunday...Say hi if you see me. If you're sitting at the ramp waiting for a ride...you're welcome. Grampa
  6. Don't bother using the old stuff that you have, dig down into those pockets and spend $10 to 'save your own skin' literally. Grampa
  7. I'm gonna try to make it on Sunday, can't promise when or how long but I'll be glad to see you all again. Grampa
  8. Always appreciate a good tip Eric, thanks for the heads up. Grampa
  9. This woman is a very special kind of moron. Just remember, if you want to kill someone else and then yourself......always start with yourself.
  10. Perhaps you would be interested in a future outing with the folks from Eastern Mass. Keep tuned to this channel for updates.
  11. If you do anything different, it might be to downsize one notch. Smallmouth tend to hit a slightly smaller sillouette but even that isn't always true. If you know how to fish in Florida, then you probably know how to fish in Vermont. Just remember, if you hook a big Smallmouth, hold on tight.
  12. Flint is a very shallow and limited area but with enough water, it is possible to access Quinsigamond. This will be the recommended approach for the next 2-3 weeks due to rowing meets on the north end of the lake. This is also the time to fish for trophy sized Crappie in Flint pond and arround the bridges in the big lake. 2 lbers are not unheard of during the spring spawning cycle.
  13. Yes, but there is the Merrimack with three different sections to fish, and closer to town there is always the Mystic and it's ponds.
  14. Nope but you can't go over 40 mph.
  15. Guys stop worrying about the buckets and start fishing...I got 50 fish on Quinsigamond today. There is about 2 weeks until a smallmouth spawn. Go get'em.
  16. I found the fishing better when warming up fast in March than cooling off and very windy with bright skies in April. Finessing soft plastics(what a surprise) has been working all along, even Thursday when I caught 2 nice Pickerel,one very nice Crappie and a 2lb LMB in 2 hours of very heavy wind at Whitehall.
  17. It's alright with me.....I fished it once but it was a long time ago......There's a MAFF tourney there the week after and I think I might be practicing for it.
  18. Seems to me that you are catching very nice fish in a comfortable environment with a high percentage rate....good for you...now if the question is "would you take a trophy?" then it falls to you whether you would personally put an asterisk beside it. JMHO Grampa
  19. Persistance is a good trait....anybody else want to see Grundle get revenge on a Heron?
  20. That is a fine suggestion.....are there other suggestions... Manchaug, for instance.....speak up people.....
  21. Historically the first meet has been slim, but things pick up toward the second meet.....Tyfisher you are more than welcome to participate......Where are we going this time? and when are we going?
  22. See Clayton....it's all in who you ask. Ask Grundlelove or Tate. They're both better than most.
  23. Goat what????? Just what did you bring your car in for?
  24. By the way.....Whitehall won't take long to enjoy....but it's taken me 30 years to learn it and I'm still learning. Two weeks ago I ran into two stumps(water is low) that I never knew were there.
  25. Look up Great Herring Pond.....Billington Sea.....Long Pond..... all below Plymouth...enjoy.
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