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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. The summer and all the ramp fees are coming to an end. Everyone has had time to hone their skill sets to show off to the group. Who wants a Gettogether in September.....maybe at Cochituate....maybe sunday September 16. Anyone.....Anyone?
  2. I haven't been there since last year when Rhino and I managed to rip the skeg off my outboard....use a navionics map or a DFW map but get a map. By the way...before that, I'd fished the place many, many times.....be careful. Southwest corner inlet mouth has a ridge and dropoff to the right. The northern most big Island fishes well on the west end and along the ridge above it. The other Islands generally fish well on the deeper side but stay out in front or be careful of very shallow shoals on the east sides. Don't forget to have fun. Grampa
  3. Sooo.............now what?
  4. Well I've caught both in the Merrimack out of the Lawrence Ramp...about a half mile past the sailboats is a lily pad cove that has northerns and I've caught walleye under the 93 bridge. I think that you'll need a Mass license and leave the lead at home. Grampa
  5. I think that you need to put me on speed dial...fished Cochituate some also.....Suggest that you concentrate on North lake and fish like normal....you'll be fine.
  6. Ok. Fish prefer to ambush prey from shady areas and the sun is out in the daytime...so instead of fishing mostly frogs and topwater baits as you might do in the evening.....try fishing shady areas like fallen trees and boat docks and under pads and deep in weed beds and around rocky outcroppings...start throwing deeper running baits and bouncing stuff off the bottom. As far as where is concerned...you might try a few of the more well known Cape ponds, Johns Pond, Peter's Pond, Great Herring Pond, Wequaquet, Long Pond in Harwich.............does that help?
  7. Nope...in Mass you can sell it but you can't use it here......
  8. It seems that most of us did the same thing but nobody in authority seems to care. Perhaps they didn't agree with the rules change either. Hmmm...... Grampa
  9. Ummm....I'm only suggesting here....other suggestions are welcome....c'mon fellas.........
  10. Sunday August 26 works for me....
  11. I always have a seat and am interested in the middle of August 3-4 weekend, I fished the Merrimack in Lawrence once, but it was a long time ago. Does this mean that we have interest? Grampa
  12. I was approached, the other day at a boat ramp by a Fish & Game Warden and he was more interested in the trailer registration than anything else, he casually asked if I had a license and life jackets but never once asked about lead. Are they giving us a year to comply or was he just remiss in his questioning? Did I spend all that money for nothing? Anyone with different experience?
  13. Went to Whitehall today and it's still alive and well and the fish are still in the weeds and on the pads in areas with uneven bottoms.......good luck....Grampa
  14. And a good thought it is.....where would you like to go?
  15. Jiggy, it seems that the consensus that I come up with, both personal experience and careful lisrtening, is that the better fish have gone deep. I'm finding them from 8-12 ft but others are going even deeper and doing very well. Now that is daytime and I've heard that the frog bite is on at dusk, but that's only hearsay. Grampa
  16. There is going to be a rather large hole left where this man stood.....R.I.P. Sincere condolences to the family. Grampa 1114
  17. Merrimack River, Lawrence boat ramp, turn left at DD off Rte 28 from 495N. Big ramp and nice size parking lot. Got there at 7am on Thursday and there wasn't another boat trailer in the parking lot. River was barely moving and there was a nice sandy beaching spot next to the ramp. My friend and I fished all 8 or so miles of beautiful river with good structure and cover along both sides. We caught many Large and Smallmouth Bass, although mostly Smallmouth. The largest Smallmouth ran well over 3lb. We discovered the presence of Northerrn Pike as well. In earlier posts, I mentioned catching Walleye here also. The boats that we saw on the river for the day were 1 scull, 3 crews, a small excursion boat, and 3-4 kayaks, not bad for 6 hours. This river is a "Must" for any avid Smallmouth angler or for that matter, anyone who wants to take a truly enjoyable boat ride. My only cautions are, don't drive the boat too close to shore and when the water becomes 6' deep or less(way up at the other end) it could get rocky on the bottom. Don't miss this great fishery. Grampa
  18. Always liked Storm Wiggle Warts...Chrome w/Black Back....most any size seems to work and keeps it simple.
  19. Find the spot you want to fish and drop a bouy at the start and finish of the structure as reference and maybe a side bouy if you must......keep in mind if it's tournament day, that it takes time to pick them up.
  20. You need to build a data base in your head or in a notebook or on your iphone.....something for your instincts to use as intel...then after you've fished for 30-40 years.....you can rely on instinct. And tell me again why you'd leave tackle that you worried all winter to buy.....home. Grampa
  21. That is the best part of fishing...period... Great Job. Grampa
  22. So after spending 8 hours, making 1200 casts on Champlain, in 20 mile an hour wind, to catch enough fish to compete on day 2, I think it takes an athlete to get up the next day and do it all again, and be competitive. If you've done it or something like it...you understand.
  23. Geez.......Hey Basslover12345.....it's not the last time you're gonna get skunked.....get over it.....when you do fish, fish as smart as you can and if you want to..... you can be an athlete at the same time. Grampa
  24. By bending the eye of a crankbait, you can get it to run to the right or left to go under the dock.
  25. Was that a Jones sighting? Hey Jones what have you been up to?
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