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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. je1946...are the ramps open for the Merrimack in Lawrence, yet? They like to lock us out.....
  2. From what I saw yesterday on a scouting trip for open water, most of the ponds are still iced over...but many haven't started to refill after drawdown...this is a great time to learn about the areas you like to fish. Go and take a walk around the edges and find out what you've been fishing. You might find that bit of open water you are looking for. Singletary, Manchaug, Maspenock, Nipmuck and Slatersville all come to mind.....good luck.... Grampa
  3. So now I'll ask one more time...Has anyone ever been checked for lead?
  4. Bring big spinnerbaits and plenty of 1/8 and 1/4 oz ball jigs with 3",4",5" grubs and gitzits. If you are a boater then don't forget that you will probably be passing thru Canada on your way out of the Missisquoi. This requires a boating certificate and maybe a check point. The fishing is great that time of year on the northern section of Champlain and if you fish the river, there is a chance of a Musky or a Sturgeon. I'll be there the first week of August, myself. Have been for 20 years. Good luck.
  5. Went by the Blackstone River the other day and didn't see much ice along the edges. How about the Charles and the Merrimack? Anyone...Anyone...
  6. Nice job John. Are you tying your own skirts or buying store boughts? As always, any reports on open water are surely welcome.
  7. Well if you're gonna go to Mallett's then you might try the right side of the opening to the big bay...there is a rocky point with some weeds that has held a lot of fish for me in the past. If you go in the spring then you might find a few spawners in the shallow back section. I only fished it once and it was a long time ago. Grampa
  8. Jellyman you better be in a sheltered area....Shelburne Bay, Otter Creek, The Slang at little Otter Creek, or maybe inside the Gut. By all means, be careful and pick your weather wisely.
  9. Just signed on myself.....I don't think 'stupid' is political but I could be wrong.
  10. Check out Float-it worms 7" worm video at...www.floatworm.weebly.com.....awesome....
  11. I have been thinking about some gloves does anyone recommend a nice glove that isnt to hot or bulky.
  12. Finally..............I love it when people start paying attention..........but cover those arms and lather up those legs because there is a lot more skin on you than your face and hands. Very light and vented shirts may be the answer. Grampa
  13. It seems to me that every time I hear a Pro trying to explain what works for him...To a Man they all say the same thing..."Do what you have faith in" "Fish in your Comfort Zone" If you believe in what you're doing then you will be successful. That's what I hear when somebody shows me how to skip a whacky worm under a dock or hum a squarebill over a weed bed or fish a spinnerbait in the wind or whatever. It's always "Do what feels right to You"......That's what makes them "Credible" to me....JMHO Grampa
  14. I just don't know what to say about that video...the sincerity was heartwrenching........
  15. You can't knock the sincerity and knowledge learned on Major League Fishing episode 6. Now if I can find some of those "rubber nails" at my BPS.
  16. I knew it...I knew that old man had them covered.
  17. Don't need anybody to tell me what works for my style. I do, however, enjoy listening to their technique explanations, especially when they do 'show and tell'.
  18. Hackney must've been stepping on that smallmouth's tail....looked more like 3-14 than 6-14. C'mon Denny...Old men rule. Grampa
  19. I tend to agree...some of those 'eyeball' keepers that weighed in at 11-12 oz were suspect...I thought that the refs might have asked for a remeasure on some of them. JMHO
  20. I met Jimmy Houston at a local Tracker dealer some years back....Said hello and shook my hand...Thing I remember is that he's about 5' tall.
  21. And for 63 years old, he's still doing pretty well.....Go old man.
  22. Go to www.floatworm.weebly.com and tell Jim that Grampa sent you.
  23. x2 And don't forget to check the production date...this stuff has a 2 year shelf life.
  24. Yeah....I'm with Tugsandpulls...1"squares and I'll fish for the olive....
  25. My guess is that the Outdoor Channel won't let them run the show without some delay period. But I don't know about that stuff. Perhaps someone involved with contractual television could answer better. Oh...and the Outdoor Channel is part of an extra charge package...so it's not 'free'.
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