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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. With all the high pressure around lately,the fish that I've caught, a limit and dozens of pickerel every time.....have all been buried in the weeds as soon as the sun comes up. That's 4 times in the last week and unless you're fishing really early....plan on bottom bouncing. Grampa
  2. Don't think that you are always shorebound. Some State parks have boat rentals through Columbus Day.....Cochituate for instance and Hopkinton.
  3. TOTGA......the pickerel are in full bloom at Webster Lake and if you are lucky there might be a Bass or two in the mix. Thursday and today were the same results. They were hitting spinnerbaits, crankbaits and Swimmin' Ribsters....oh yeah they were hitting little Sluggos too.
  4. You might want to watch last year's Major League Fishing....Chautauqua in September.
  5. Nothing beats getting on a body of water and learning it...just don't forget what you learned today. This is a big lake and it might take a while to learn in a canoe.......good luck..... Grampa
  6. Four hours on Webster with the wife this morning got these and a dozen more just like 'em and lots of Pickerel.. KVD Squarebill 1.5 got the big ones and Sluggos and Ribsters got the rest. http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y401/grampa1114/9-11-134hours001_zps071a8cb4.jpg http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y401/grampa1114/9-11-134hours003_zpsfc021334.jpg http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y401/grampa1114/9-11-134hours002_zpsb612262a.jpg
  7. Well...I was a boating partner for a Paralyzed Veterans of America Tournament on Cochituate Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I know what was working there. Most fish were caught on 3-4 ft weedy flats with spinnerbaits. Great practices and Singles winner and team winners used that pattern. The secondary bite was parallel to the first drop off into 5-8 ft of water using a chrome and black medium diving crankbait or a 4 inch rubber swimbait. Both of these produced consistent limits although not quite the size. By the way...these men may be paralyzed but they sure can fish. I recommend helping at this tournament to everyone.
  8. Well maybe I'm the only one to fish in August but if that's the case then a lot of folks missed out on some great fishing. The fish seem to like the new swim baits that merely attach to a ball head jig. I've been throwing a 4" Swimming Ribster (Lunker City) over weeds and grass to catch some serious numbers of 2.5 to 4.0 lb bass all month. They seem to like 6-10 ft depth. Long casts and slow, darting retrieves seem to be the answer...for me anyway.
  9. Jeff the fishing is pretty good on Quinsigamond, and Manchaug, and Singletary, and Buffumville and Webster and Dark Brook and Quaboag and Indian Lake and oh yeah there's Wachusett.......C'mon Jeff......
  10. Nice bunch of fish TC.....looks like NEBassmaster should be fishing with you. Kinda like the day Rhino and I had Thursday on Webster. NE there are plenty of nice fish out there, get a good mind set and go get'em. Grampa
  11. My opinion...for what it's worth...for fishing from shore is find an area with rapid access to deep water and weeds or some other cover. That way you'll be able to start shallow and work your way to deeper water and if you are early enough or late enough in the day, you might even get some transitioning. The fish are metabolizing very fast in this warm water so if you find them, you can have some great action in a hurry. Just because it's hot, don't stay home.
  12. Nice try John but I don't think he gets it......
  13. Fish are cold blooded and when the water gets to 80 or 90 degrees their metabolisms are running at full speed so if you can find them.....you can catch them...Try fishing in spots that you would never think of fishing before....maybe too deep or no cover or just too much trouble because of the vegetation or the current might be too fast...the areas that bring you out of your comfort zone may be the bass's Shangri La.....whadda ya' got ta loose?
  14. Jonesie...Jonesie...Jonesie...where've you been buddy...new job and you disappear...hope all is well...pm me if you get any free time during the week.
  15. I think that it's fair to assume that everybody is busy fishing. The weather has been fairly stable for a couple of days now and the fish seem to have settled into their summer patterns...what ever that might be for your lake. Most of my fish have been caught during morning...not early morning...just morning...and with the weed cover that most of the lakes are witnessing this year..I've caught most fish out in the weedy flat areas but there are still plenty to be had on the first drop off. They don't seem too picky about what they'll hit either. They seem to be willing to hit something run across the top of the water as well as across the tops of the weeds and just as likely...deep in the weeds or along the edges. Rivers will be calming down in a week or so and with a bit of caution should be ready to produce big time. I must say that the fish that my friends and I have been catching are above normal size. Ok that's my fishing report...What's yours?
  16. You might want to see who wants to hunt worms and go to the side of the pond. Just a thought.
  17. From past experience...make sure there are two of you with them even if they can swim...and be prepared for a short day.
  18. First of all...let me say that having this discussion is making many of us more aware of the dangers involved with "Sunshine" and that is more important now than ever before. That said...the information I've been given, leads me to believe that UVB rays are the cancer causing rays and UVA rays cause aging and wrinkles which can multiply the effects of UVB rays. So, make sure that the sunscreen that you get has ample protection from both. It just seems like more protection is better than less. Again, thank you for listening. Grampa
  19. That's how to get the season rolling...good job
  20. Talking about it is fine but now's the time to get some sunscreen protect yourself...doesn't matter what you use...as it turns out...the cheap stuff may be the best... spf 50 and lots of UVB protection gets it done...every hour and a half or so will keep you away from Dr. Whittles...Please... Grampa
  21. So then we're all still in agreement....If you don't wear this stuff then you can get skin cancer like me...and have big hunks of skin chopped off of your face and body to keep you from dying.....right!!! Wearing huge bandages on your face is not macho....Plus you'll look wicked cool...like a guide....wearing the stuff....Ok I'm done...
  22. Seein' that she was there anyway, I got the wife interested by settin' a hook and then "accidentally" handing her the rod. Eventually she started holdin' her own rod.
  23. There's a ramp, just south of the Missisquoi at the rte 78 bridge that just might work for you
  24. Google Chauncey Lake, Marlborough Ma. Might be fun. Good luck. Grampa
  25. Water is 68 deg and beds are starting to get old with a few fish still active. Jigs tight to shore and resting, seemed to be the ticket yesterday on Cochituate. Don't forget to release fish immediately for spawn.
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