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Everything posted by grampa1114

  1. So...how do you wear a mask at a track meet??? If it's gonna get ya ... it's gonna get ya... just lay back and enjoy the time off to tie some more jigs. Make some lemonade out of these lemons. P.S. Yes I'm still watching.
  2. I mistakenly referred to the wrong body of water as I should have said the Caloosahatchie. Does it make more sense now? d**n old Yankees don't even know where they are... Sorry
  3. So lets talk about the Caloosahatchee for a minute. I moved here in January and the only bass I've seen were in holding ponds. There is little discernable vegatation on the flats and few , if any, bass out on the drop off. Must I go past the locks to catch decent Bass? Can I get an honest opinion from a Bass fisherman, please.
  4. Jiggy... I swear by Leadfreejigheads.com and have used them for years. Great folks and super service. Wife's picture is still on the site. Be well my friend.
  5. Used to be that you could catch a passel of bass under the old route 9 bridge by fishing a black Texas rigged worm into the shopping carts thrown into Lake Quinsigamond. It was a long time ago and I only tried it once, but it worked.
  6. So I guess that horse is gonna take a couple more licks... because....Spring is actually coming to most of the country. Everybody sounds like they're starting to catch on...just one more tip...The cancer doesn't always pop up where the sunburn was. So cover it all up. Lightweight long sleeves, wide brim hats, fishing gloves and neck scarves along with lightweight long britches and full foot covering. Oh yeah don't forget sunglasses. My head looks like it was hit by a meteor shower. But I'm 70 and still alive and fishing because I started to COVER UP. Just my humble opinion.
  7. How bad am I dating myself if I say The Flying Fisherman Gadabout Gaddis.
  8. And much less crap at the ramp. All seriousness aside....Justbass11 the more "stuff" you put into your gas tank, the better your chances of developing clogs of materials that just don't mix together. So fish a lot and burn a lot of fresh gas and you'll be just fine.
  9. And just where, exactly, is this boat ramp you go to?
  10. Local host...looks like your first fish is gonna cost about 500 bucks...calm down and just throw something that sinks to the bottom and is relatively weedless (sounds like you probably have something) to the outside edge of the weeds that you can reach. Count to 10 and if you haven't had a hit then move your cast 3' and do it again.
  11. Tell me about it Stinger...I'm from Mass and was pleasantly surprised until I got my yearly County tax bill...Oh well... Thanks Fishinkamp sounds good to me.
  12. My South Carolina boat trailer doesn't require a license plate. Can I take it to a Georgia boat ramp?
  13. Transplanted to Summerville 2 years ago, Lucky Cricket.....Still learning how to fish brackish mud with gators in it. Any tips would help and Welcome Home.
  14. Nunz...Being from Central Mass is a Huge benefit for shore fishing...to the south you have Quinsigamond, Webster, Buffumville and Wallum. To the east there is Dark Brook, Chauncey, Whitehall, Cochituate and the Charles. North you have Wachussett and the Merrimack River. And Brimfield, Quaboag, Big Alum and Wickaboag to your west. All have plenty of space for fishing. You are in for a real treat. The other good part is, when the ice is thick enough, you don't need a boat. Unfortunately they don't have ice here in Charleston, so I'm gonna have to keep using the boat.
  15. Hint...Read and follow "Eastern Mass Fishing Reports"....and pay attention!!
  16. I'm thinkin' Lake Murray where the FLW just held their big Shindig. Just west of Columbia.
  17. Calm down Yak...I had the same problems when I got to SC. Go to 10' off the steepest banks and bounce 4"-6" Watermelon Shaky heads down the banks. If you see rising baitfish, throw a shad crankbait under them. Works here in 87deg regular coffee colored water. JMHO Good luck.
  18. Dogbone you aren't the first member to be outfished by the Fishing Rhino. It is sort of a right of passage. Do yourself a favor and use the time you fish with him as Schooling. You will profit from it and become better for it. Then take him to Wallum. He's been my favorite fishing partner for a long time.
  19. George...Plastic swim bait choices were Zoom Swimmin Super Fluke Jr. in Arkansas Shiner, Bluegill Flash, Watermelon Red and Disco Violet. All dragged off the bottom with my rod tip. Using a 1/8 ballhead with a 1/0 hook is the best combo I found. Hope this helps. As far as S.Carolina is concerned...once you get used to fishing in mud, next to a 10 ft Gator...it's still fishin'. Grampa
  20. Gave up on the Hatchery and getting run over in the canal so we went back to Goose Creek and are having slow but steady luck out near the bridge at the road and if the water is deep enough near pads you might catch one. Shakyheads and crankbaits with an occasional swimbait doing the trick in the middle of the day. Averaging 2-3 keepers per trip and only going from 9-10am to 1-2pm. Brutally hot but I'll take what I can get at my age.
  21. George, I dealt with leadfreejigheads.com and got exactly what I needed(1/16oz Barb collar round head) jigs in the bulk section for 50 for $15. Excellent service. I then threaded 3" sluggos in alewife or rainbow trout flavor(available quickly from Lunker City.com). Medium light rods and Yo-Zuri 6# hybrid kept me very happy and very busy. I hope you have as much fun as I did. Grampa
  22. George...I'm not sure why you are in the Southeast section but it seems you've come to the right place. I moved to SC from that very area 18 months ago. Wallum is fishable during the week(not weekends) by fishing the mouth of the cove after the public beach with bouncing jigs. Also prime fishing at the opposite end where the hospital is. Fish all structure and rocks. Webster is also best fished during the week. From the State ramp at the south end, all shorelines and offshore stucture can be productive. It is best if you can find submerged weed beds near structure. IMHO finesse baits and swimbaits and Senkos with a little lead have always produced. Tight lines and stay safe. Grampa
  23. Remember that you can turn right off the ramp and follow that road all the way out...in case you can't get through the stacked up boat trailers. Manchaug, Singletary and Buffumville are handy when the big lakes are crazy. Perhaps the best kept secret of all is Dark Brook Reservoir.....or Brimfield Reservoir...or Quaboag...or.....You are very lucky Fishermen.
  24. Nice job with your priorities, Buddy. Once I learned to fish in a lake full of regular coffee and alligators, things got pretty sweet. Especially when that all happened in Dec, Jan, and Feb. Still fishing Tues. Wed. and Thurs 9am to 1pm when everybody is taking lunch and a snooze in the heat. Plenty of water and plenty of fish. Recommend it highly. Tight lines my friend.
  25. My pleasure Jiggy....Hope all is well. Go catch some fish. Grampa
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