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Everything posted by bullrun

  1. Why yes, yes I will take you up on that offer to fish from your boat while mine is torn up.
  2. Anyone notice the hen sitting on the eggs?
  3. Already started on the rig to pop the top off. I'll build it sort of permanent with a tin roof so I'll have something to do on rainy days this summer. I fully expect that I won't be fishing in this boat this spring. Back in the day I molded some ground effects on a 240Z so at least I know how sticky this will be. My next door neighbor works over at Triton on Ashland City highway, I can go over to scope out how they do it too. When done I'll have a better boat than I can buy and I will have customizations made to fit me. Dad always loved the recessed bow lights on my Uncles boat. d**n thing might sink first trip too.
  4. I give up trying to resize these, I make them 200x200 and they still show up full size.
  5. Working on resizing pics
  6. Tip: You can pump a blob (official NASA term) of silicone into your crimp connectors before inserting the wire and crimping and accomplish the same thing as the expensive one with the sealant already in them. You can also put a blob on the whole connection before sliding the heat shrink over. Shrink it with heat, not flame if you do.
  7. Man, I really didn't want things to go this way, sorry you are upset. Who am I to argue with 40 years of experience? I can only use my professional experience of 20 years, and I guess you can say that it was all book knowledge. But then, we were writing the books so I reckon my cockiness is unavoidable. Your way works for you and that is all that matters. Perhaps I am assuming too much. When I make a connection, I crimp it properly with connectors that have sealant in them and then use the good heat shrink with sealant that also seals the connection. I would think this would forestall corrosion for a lifetime. Mechanical support is also very important, try to support everything high and dry. If you choose soldering, make sure to support the connection on both sides in some mechanical way.
  8. Way2Slow is spot on about batteries.
  9. Wow, So many popular misconceptions I don't know where to start. Before I jumped off the rat race boat and joined the Sheriff's Dept, I was an EE in real life. I inspected wire and cables at NASA, thus the link to our wiring guide. You can do no harm by going to larger wire, it can not create a voltage drop, ever. Bad connections can, but not larger wire. That leads to this, NEVER EVER solder a crimped connection, the wire will break at the solder to wire joint due to vibration. The 8 ga is 8 ga statement is correct. The finer the strands, the more flexible the wire is which is fine for exposed wire that may be subject to movement and such. THHN Stranded electrical wire you get from Home Depot is stiffer and perfect for snaking from front to back of our boats. We used it in all areas that were not exposed to the temperature extremes of the orbital environment, namely in interior flight crew space. STS-37 to STS-105 Radio waves travel on the skin of a conductor, raw current uses the whole wire. Sorry if I stepped on toes, but after a career of wire safety, I am sort of a fanatic. There is another whole subject about amp-hours and the way batteries work, but what the hell, if you can't troll all day, you need bigger batteries.
  10. This 10 post thing is really hampering any ability to post something useful. http:slash slash workmanship.nasa.gov/lib/insp/2%20books/frameset.html
  11. Under no circumstances use wire smaller than the wire already there.
  12. Well, I can't post pictures yet it seems. I'm a network admin for the Sheriff's Office and have a desktop repair shop. Got any questions to help me get this post count up?
  13. Thanks for the replies guys, and the Welcomes too. There are soft spots all over the deck and floor. It all pretty much needs replacing. I have to keep it, and really want to. It was my Dads and I learned how to fish in it. It sat outside, uncovered, under trees for 6 years. Let me get some pictures real quick.
  14. Hello, I have read many articles here about making deck mods on metal boats, is there anything like this for glass boats? Namely a 70 titan trihull bass rig with child sized foredeck.
  15. Be sure to use smooth tubing instead of corrugated. If corrugations flowed well out boat bottoms would be corrugated.
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