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About GSU_Fishing

  • Birthday 12/10/1986

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  1. Im going to Lake Seminole next weekend to play around and get ready for a tournament at the end of the month. Ive been there a few times and I know what the lake has to offer but Ive never done any good there. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hey guys, I will be headed down to Lake Monroe to practice for an upcoming tourney. Im just looking for basics on water clarity, temp and things to look for. Thanks Kyle
  3. I was there in June for the FLW college series and ended up placing 2nd. We fished the main river ledges with crankbaits and carolina rigs. I was using the carolina rig to locate the shell bars and the crankbait was catching a majority of the fish. We were throwing deep crankbaits and brining them off the ledge and the fish were absolutely crushing them. I have fished Wheeler several times now and a crankbait is always what I catch a majority of my fish on. I know our other team hung some huge smallies around the rip rap around the train trussel bridge. Just make sure youre bringing the bait down with the current...its more natural that way. Also flipping some of the main lake docks near deeper water produces some good fish this time of year as well. Good Luck
  4. Yall probably need to learn eachothers styles to be successful together especially if its a team tourney. If its not and youre in your boat then tell him too bad youre in your boat...also if your pattern is not working out then you can give his a try..its the only way to learn and get better and make more money
  5. Mase...seriously be careful up there at the Hill...Ive lived on the lake for awhile and use to know some cuts through un marked territory but now the water is so low its just to much of a gamble to run them. Stay near the center channel markers(Past the bridge up the little river and aboove the 378 bridge near Elija Clark park) and youll be fine. The weather should be awesome for this weekend and we are hoping to see some great sacks weighed in!!
  6. Hey fellas, Kyle here for Ga Southern. We will def be showing up at Clarks Hill this weekend. Just look out for those trees and dont miss those center channel markers by more than two boat widths or you will either be swimming or without a lower unit. Good luck to everyone out there and drive safely. Justin, Its about time yall get to experierence some blue back herring!! Its frustrating...
  7. like mase said, collegebass.com has a pretty good list of teams that are up and running.
  8. I checked out the units at B Pro and to be honest I wasnt that impressed with them. The sonar is extremely highly detailed and really neat. The 3d mapping is pretty sweet but you can only zoom in so far with it and then it changed back to the old maps. I dont really think its worth that much more money but it does have some advatages.
  9. The new HDS systems are internal antenna units so you dont have to run to an external antenna as you did with your 520
  10. The Spinnerbait Kid is a really cool guy who knows what he is talking about. He will def put you on some awesome fish. Ive met him a few times last year on the water. Really nice guy. Also Reed Montgomery of Reeds Guide Service (205) 787-5133. He has helped me out a few times getting ready for tourneys. Also very knowledgable. You cant really go wrong with either. They will both put you on good fish!! Good luck and have fun!!
  11. Thad yall didnt miss anything. 39 teams fished the first day and there were 31 0s. out of our three boats we weighed in one fish for all of us...Beyond sad for our performance to be honest...Guntersville will be a completely different story!!! Pack you rat-l-traps and nothing else!!
  12. Hey man what school will you be fishing for. Im with Georgia Southern Univ. All I can tell you is to get a map and start breaking it down and finding these places on the map. Some of these guys will help but some dont want to give up their good spots either. Suggestion, go to myoutdoortv.com and look for the fishing videos where they fish Okeechobee and watch several times and try and pick up something different everytime you watch them. I suggest watching the Scott Martin Challenge cause its Roland's kid who grew up on the lake. Lake conditions will be amazing for bedding fish but we will be fishing behind three days of stren competition. So look for something away from the ramp where most people havent fished yet...it is 100,000 acres so you should be able to find plenty of unmolested fish just about anywhere. I heard a prediction it could take a lil over 30 lbs a day to win for the stren guys. Looking at 18 lbs a person for us college guys. Thats nuts and Im excited to say the least.
  13. The classic was in Pitt in 2005... Van Dam won with Ike close behind. I think it was one of the best Classics ever...It was tough fishing and really challenged the anglers!! Ike as many of the Elites fish both sides...Its smart business...They have to pay bills and feed the family too!!
  14. To go along with what bowtech said.... If youre getting hung alot, when you feel the bait hit the cover pause a second and continue the retrieve. If yoiu you are in fact hung...the worst thing to do is really pull on the plug. Spool out some line and grab it in your pointer finger and kind of pluck it or snap it like a guitar string. Alot of times that will snap slack into the line and free the lure. Give it a try next time your on the water. Its always wise to invest in a plug knocker or lure retriever...It is def worth the invesment!!
  15. Its either gonna be won on a jig or a crank bait. Its river fishing which means reaction baits even in Feb!! 1. Im liking the Hack Attack. 2. You can never count out KVD. 3. Kim Bain...It would absolutely put female fishing on the map because they deserve to be there with the big boys!!
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