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Everything posted by Back2fishing

  1. I was able to find some here (Manitoba ca) And it works very well for me.I use it on everything I throw don't leave home with out it
  2. Sorry RW I just got a St. Croix and put a Pflueger Asaro on it
  3. I just found some megastrike at my local wallmart ,I have heard lots of good things about this stuff .On my days off next week it will be the first thing I put on my tube jigs,can't wait .The Smallies are going to be sorry I found some ;D Let you know how it goes Kevin
  4. I love your Z-7 ,very nice Bro. I have a 16 foot alum boat now but I will be looking at either a Z-7 or Z8 next year
  5. I'm In
  6. Here in Manitoba , the season closes March 31st and reopens May 15th .After March 31st all you can fish for is trout all other fish are off limits .
  7. What articles / shows have contributed to the change in your opinion? Here's my take: Not unlike alot of other boat anglers, my boat aquisitions went through an evolution. From 8' aluminum canoe, to 16' aluminum bass, to 17' glass bass, and lastly 20' glass bass. I primarily fish small to moderate size inland lakes for bass, with the occasional "Great" lake foray thrown in. This set-up works very well for me. I'm not a tourney fisherman, so there's no incentive for me to beat up myself or my equipment if the water gets unruly, but I'm certainly happy to have the larger rig when caught in adverse conditions. Your choice should be predicated on the type of water you'll most likely be fishing, the type of fishing you'll be doing, whether you'll be needing extra space for family / friends, and if you'll be using the boat for 'other' water related sports activities. If I was primarily fishing rocky Northern US or Canadian waters, I'd probably opt for aluminum for durability sake. If I were fishing large inland lakes prone to larger waves or weather influences, or where trolling may be involved, I'd go for a larger glass or aluminum V-hull. Ditto if I planned on entertaining more than one or two other anglers in my boat. Bass boats generally have shallower drafts (allowing you access to some spots V-hulls may not accommodate), definitely have an edge in the speed department, and more effectively allow techniques like flipping and pitching where a raised deck is almost paramount. Today's glass bass boat designs are far safer and more efficient, and glass multi-species rigs such as the Ranger "Fisherman" series offer excellent compromise in both layout and capabilities. That said, I don't think there has been any more innovation than what has gone into today's aluminum boat offerings. They still have the lion's share of the fishing boat market, and offer up some great values, and top of the line fishing amenities Shopping is half the fun. You just need to decide what type of rig will best serve your purpose before you pull the trigger. I live in Canada and have a Crestliner Fish Hawk aluminum V-bottom boat ,because of the rocky lakes here we don't see many Bass boats .There are some but not many,I would love to have one but with the type of lakes it would get beet up in a hurry . Like has been said it all depends on what type of water you will be fishing
  8. Nice fish,but I really like the Osprey pics. You take beautiful pics Bro. Thanks fer posting
  9. My wife likes to pick her own bait,when I ask her why that one she says because it's cute :)so I say ok if you think it will work by all means use it, and most times she gets fish with what she has picked. Kevin
  10. Good for you Bro enjoy your boat Kevin
  11. My best friend my (wife) and I go fishing as much as we can.Donna loves fishing as much as I do,I got her into fishing 3 or 4 years ago.We go for sm/bass ,walleye,pike or what ever is biting at the time.If the fishing is slow we will go for a ride around the lake and just look at things,birds any kind of wild life, look at the cabins what ever there is to look at.We love to be together so it don't matter if the fish are biting or not ,I guess I'm just lucky that my wife is my best friend .I do try to get her onto fish but some times the fish just don't cooperate . Kevin
  12. Congrats RW on the fish,man you guys are so lucky to fish all year round.It's going to be 4 month's yet >:(before I can go fishing for smallies and I cant wait. So for now all I can do is come here and see what y'all are catching ,and do some reading up on what to use when the time comes. Thanks for posting and keep up the good work and have fun guys Kevin
  13. I think my wife and I will be joining a bass club this year to.We love fishing for bass or any type of fish for that matter. It's just so nice to get out and wet a line and spend time together
  14. Man I wish I was a little closer I would love to go It would be cool to meet all of you Kevin
  15. One more http://www.racingjunk.com/category/149/Used_Boats/post/1674672/1989-skeeter-175.html
  16. Dont know if this will help anyone but I found this boat for sale Kevin http://www.racingjunk.com/category/149/Used_Boats/post/1679454/1987-17ft-Bass-Tracker-.html
  17. last year the first time ever trying a senko type bait. i set it up under a float, it does work . Tho not as well as weightless on a 4/0 hook. I was able to hook a nice walleye a pike and some sm/mouth bass fishing it under a float. Kevin
  18. If you get caught drunk driving your boat here , your boat is gone your driver license is gone as well. I have seen the aftermath of drunk boating 4 people killed not worth it to me .There is a time and a place for every thing IMO drinking and driving is not one . I drive truck for a living and have seen a lot of bad stuff on the roads much of it to do with drunk driving. Kevin
  19. Up here in the great white north , all i use is 5" or 6" worms for smallies works great here.
  20. I too have a bad back . Good shoes are a must , I have a brace but don't like to use it to much don't want to get to used to wearing it. If you have too sit , that's why there are seats in our boat's .I sit most of the time. Kevin
  21. well I didn't get out for largies but I did catch about 50 + smallies today . I went to a lake that I go to alot at my spot between two islands ,I was using a 5" senko first cast fish on ;D Had a blast will try and post some pics later. Kevin
  22. Well I didn't make it out today , the wind here was like 40 mph. :(So it will have to be another day. That means that I can read up some more I love reading all the stories . But one day I will make out for larges , some of the fish I see you guys getting down south are awesome .Maybe one day I will get down there to do some fishing with one of you here . That would be cool Kevin
  23. Thanks guys , it's going to be a blast. Kevin
  24. I"m going for large mouth for the first time ever tomorrow I have fished for small mouth Lot's of times but this will be the first for the big girls. I'm going to a reservoir here in Manitoba Canada ( I feel like a kid at Christmas ) I have been on this forum every day for bout a year now so I think (THINK )I have an idea of how to fish for them . I never been there before so I don't know what it has for structure or weed line and what not . There have been two 18 plus inch pulled out of there this year so far. Man I cant wait ;D ;D Will let you all know how I make out there when I get home . Kevin
  25. AWESOME and I love the fact she has a life jacket on 8-)
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