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About minn4342

  • Birthday 12/28/1987

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  • Location
    Minnesota(twin cities)

minn4342's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. Thats a very nice rig , very professional looking work. Im doing a similiar mod this spring on a 16 foot lund with benches. I was just wondering where you purchased all your electrical supplies?
  2. mostly bass but also crappies, and maybe northern. I have a map but on such a large busy lake i cant decide where would be a good place to go. I live within 15 minutes of the lake but have never ventured out on it.
  3. I dont live very far away from the lake and i just got a boat but its such a big lake i wouldnt know where to even start fishing. i was wondering if anyone regularly fishes lake minnetonka and could give some insight into what bay or area of the lake would be a good place to start.
  4. Heres a picture that i drew up while i was brainstorming ideas .Maybe it will help someone else if they need some insperation. its only a priliminary plan, but one thing i tried to keep in mind was minimizing wieght. So to preserve the performance of the 35hp johnson on the boat. I drew in as little bracing as possible which means it may change when i build it i didnt take out the 3rd bench im just going to remove the plywood and use the original structure to brasce the front casting deck on and then fit it for a hatch to hopefully store the 2 batterys i have.
  5. Im currently at college so i wont be able to post any pictures. Ive been looking around the site and have found tons of good advice and hope i can return the favor eventually. My mod will be a 16ft lund ssv from the early 90's with a single console. I think my biggest problem will be the wiring since i have no expereince in that work. Heres my question, is it really worth it to use aluminum to brace the decking or can i get away with just using something like 2x2 wood? and what is the best type of plywood to use factoring in wieght and cost on a build? One more is there any difference in durability between brands of carpet that i should be concerned with?
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