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Everything posted by bknj

  1. to ranger dad---if you have a car top you can try lenape pond---i have put a canoe and an inflatable in there with no problems--is a bit of a haul from the car to the water but there are some very nice bass in that pond ---my friend and i have been transplanting fish in there for many years--they are very healthy and verrrry hungry right now--also--if you like to fish for carp it is amazing in there--average size is 8-10 lbs with a few up to 20---on light tackle they are a ball bob k
  2. hi all!! with the great weather past 2 days have been giving some local ponds a bit of a workout.tried black brook pond on saturday and did well with a buddy--6 nice bass between 1 and 2 1/2 lbs on razor worms and this afternoon hit lenape pond--wow!!!!! 19 bass up to 3 lbs on spinnerbaits and baby bass color rattletraps---saw lots of bass cruising in and out of shallows--possible they are starting to warm up to spawning as this lake is very shallow tight lines to all bob
  3. just a big thank you to all the wonderful folks welcoming me to the board!!! bob k
  4. hi to all!!! am a new member to the forum--live in union county nj--i have fished new york and new jersey waters for 50 years..i am looking forward to meeting all the nice folks here and sharing info as well as learning new methods--hope to make some new friends here and if anybody is looking for a new fishing partner i am open to all--again--nice to meet all you nice people bob k
  5. hi!! am a new member here--located in union county nj--new to the forum but am an old time angler--have fished nj and ny waters for last 50 yrs.am looking forward to sharing info and learning also bob
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