In 1987 I was fishing a two acre pound with two boys, Tony Mulvaney and Jimmy Short. I was fishing a Carolina-rigged Augertail and wasn't getting any hits. I walked further in the direction of the two boys who were not having much luck either.
I picked up a baitcaster with an all black spinnerbait tied off. "All right boys, this cast to that stick-up is going to break the ice." Wham! A four and a half pounder bit... Got him in and Jimmy says,"Bet you can't do that again." Tossed right back at the stick-up, wham. It looked like the first bass' twin.
Tony now says, "bet you can't do it again." I looked at Tony and told him I knew my limit and told him to cast at the same spot. As destiny would have it, another fish, I say fish because we never really saw it, takes his Mepps #3 squirrel tail to deep water right now. He was hooked for five minutes, seemed like twenty when he broke off.
The boys spent the rest of the day trying to catch Mr.Big. 8)
It would do my soul well to know that Jimmys' in heaven... :'(