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    Northern Ky-South Cincinnati

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  1. Fishing deep water with a depth finder,[move] s-l-o-w... 8)[/move]
  2. Look for a pond that has been there for a while. Look for one that hasn't been fished, secluded and has a dam with deep water adjacent to shallow water with trees and overhangs. Look for ponds off of the beaten path. Ask, and ask again. You may ask ten times but once someone says yes, you are in... 8)
  3. In 1987 I was fishing a two acre pound with two boys, Tony Mulvaney and Jimmy Short. I was fishing a Carolina-rigged Augertail and wasn't getting any hits. I walked further in the direction of the two boys who were not having much luck either. I picked up a baitcaster with an all black spinnerbait tied off. "All right boys, this cast to that stick-up is going to break the ice." Wham! A four and a half pounder bit... Got him in and Jimmy says,"Bet you can't do that again." Tossed right back at the stick-up, wham. It looked like the first bass' twin. Tony now says, "bet you can't do it again." I looked at Tony and told him I knew my limit and told him to cast at the same spot. As destiny would have it, another fish, I say fish because we never really saw it, takes his Mepps #3 squirrel tail to deep water right now. He was hooked for five minutes, seemed like twenty when he broke off. The boys spent the rest of the day trying to catch Mr.Big. 8) It would do my soul well to know that Jimmys' in heaven... :'(
  4. The Bait Monkey has at his disposal baits, that all anglers desire and most can only dream of... Don't believe? Check out Rauls Avatar... The BM lives.
  5. Wings Jesus or Satan?
  6. I give em what they want and always mix it up...
  7. [move] 8) Come 2 Poppa 8) [/move]
  8. One of my biggest deer to date came when a 140 class buck came sneaking through the woods almost on his knees avoiding my buddys deer stand who seen the deer while he was smoking... Another time I witnessed what I thought was a doe walk up to my buddy sitting on the ground, rifle in hand smoking, walked all the way within spitting distance sniffing the air, and began to rub her head on the scope of his gun. Turns out it was a button buck rubbing his nubs on his scope. He only left after a couple of whiskers got singed. Why? The young buck still had his curiosity in tact... The big buck had encounterd smokers before and associated it with danger and was fleeing... Fish do not associate smoking with danger. 8) Neither do humans... :
  9. Hey Skeeter2221, when I'm fishing at night I use dark or black colors... I'm looking forward to fishing the new and full moon in July. I usually fish the largest black worm I can find... I normally won't catch a lot of small fish. The bite is usually big, hold on. The jitterbug in black works well also. For the moon phases go to: http://stardate.org/nightsky/moon/ Where are you from in Eastern Kentucky? I live in Northern Kentucky, 12 miles south of Cincinnati, Ohio...
  10. Skeeter35, tell us a little about yourself... 8)
  11. I have a friend who has almost the same boat. He used marine wood to make a deck and cut out the middle bench seat. It has a rod storage locker on the left side and storage underneath both decks, front and back. He used to have a 9.9 Mariner on it until someone stold it off the back at Dale Hollow Lake, Kentucky. He has a 7.5 Evinrude now. His is either a 15 or 16 foot long and runs like a scalded dog on the lake, especially with the 9.9 Mariner. He runs it mostly on smaller lakes, 10 H.P. or less, even though he has taken it to Dale Hollow, he hugged the shore-line for obvious reasons. I noticed you didn't have a gasoline engine on the back. If there is one in your future I wanted it to be known that my buddy's boat with marine wood, accessories, two 220 pound plus guys and motor handles great on small H.P. lakes. The boat and seats look deluxe... 8)
  12. I like the color, what do you call it? Did you find out the name of the boat?
  13. Two of my largest fish from buzz baits have come from a backlash. While reeling it back in I realized I had wound line over a backlash I hadn't noticed. You know the usual... stop the lure, strip the line, untangle the mess... by this time the buzz bait has sunk to the bottom of the lake, as I began to "reel" and "feel" the buzz bait something had picked it up off of the bottom... I set the hook on a 5.2 pounder. I repeated the above process without an actual backlash, just let it fall to the bottom in the same place, let it sit for thirty seconds and twitched it like a jig. Bam! A 4.5 pounder. If I'm not working it on top I let it swim to the bottom of the lake like a frog. Also when your hit came at the end of your retrieve the fish probably realized on your previous cast that his lunch jumped out of the water at the same location and he wasn't losing lunch again...
  14. What did it weigh? Details please... ;D
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